The Holy Qor-aan 002:074
فَقُلۡنَا اضۡرِبُوۡهُ بِبَعۡضِهَا ؕ كَذٰلِكَ يُحۡىِ اللّٰهُ الۡمَوۡتٰى ۙ وَيُرِيۡکُمۡ اٰيٰتِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَعۡقِلُوۡنَ
Fa qool naa udz-ray-boo ho bay bau-dzay haa Ka-zaa-lay-ka yoh-yay il-laa-ho ol-mao-taa Wa yo-ree koom aa-yaa-tay he la-ul-la koom tau-qay-loo-n
Then We said, “Strike him with some of the same.” Like this Allah gives life to the dead And shows you His signs so that you may act wisely.
- فَ — Fa — Then (= Consequently; as a result; so; thereafter; therefore; yet)
- قُل — Qool — Said (= v., pres., s.,1st person. Announced; commanded; ordered directed; instructed; mandated; told)
- نَآ — Naa … (udz) — We (= When used with God’s name it reflects the authoritative way a higher-up talks to a subordinate as is in this case)
- اضۡرِبُوۡ — Audz-ray-boo — Strike (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Bang; hit; impose; inflict; smite. Also, march it; proceed with it ‘Judge it in the context of total circumstances’ including the previous verse)
- هٗ — Ho — Him / It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Ref is to the aforesaid person)
- بِ — Bay — With (= This word in Arabic literally means ‘with’)
- بَعۡضَ — Bau-dzay — Some (= A few; a part; piece; fraction; portion)
- هَا — Haa — The same (= pro, s., f., 3rd person. Ref is to the aforesaid thing)
- كَ — Ka — Like (= Example; identical; resembling; similar; similitude)
- ذٰلِكَ — Zaa-lay-ka — Like this (= Combines two words. كَ means example, like, identical resembling, similar. ذٰلِكَ means ‘this right in here’ and refers to an aforesaid event, fact, person or statement. The combination means ‘like this,’ ‘so it will be,’ ‘such is the way,’ ‘the same way,’ ‘that is how’ or ‘this way’)
- يُحۡيِي — Yoh-yay … (l) — Gives life (= v., pres., 3rd person. Brings to life; creates; enlivens; ordains or quickens to life; preserve alive; raises or restores to life to those considered dead; revives. Also , ‘Fertilizes the earth’ and ‘gave life to Jesus by saving him from death on cross by crucifixion’)
- اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho … (l) — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
- الۡمَوۡتٰى — Mao-taa — The dead (= n., Lifeless. Also in the state of being brain-dead, in coma, in vegetated state or stupor)
- وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., Connects words, phrases or clauses; also; but; additionally; more over; though; when; while)
- يُرِيۡ — Yo-ree — Shows (= v., pres., s., 3rd person., Manifests; reflects. Causes to be seen and watched)
- کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You men. Here the reference is to the Israelites بَنِىۡٓ اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ. Scriptures have addressed often this way both men and women jointly)
- اٰيٰتِ — Aa-yaa-tay — Signs ** (= n., pl of … An argument, corroboration, indication, insinuation, pointer, portent, sign, suggestion, symbol or token. See the Note below)
- هٖ — He — His (= pro., s.., m., in 3rd person. Refers to the Almighty God)
- لَعَلَّ — La-ul-la — So that (= Gave chance; haply; hopefully; perchance; possibly; hope and wish that it becomes; wishing a result to be)
- کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You men. Here the reference is to the Israelites بَنِىۡٓ اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ. The Holy Qor-aan and other scriptures state that way when both men and women are the addressees)
- تَعۡقِلُوۡنَ — Tau-qay-loon — You act wisely (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Act intelligently, sensibly and smartly; understand. See Note 002:171. A/t/a ‘Don’t be dumb’ and ‘Have you no sense’)
** Note:002:074: Following are the best translations of اٰيَة (singular) and اٰيٰتِ (plural).
- When coming after the word يَتۡلُوۡا which shows the reading, reciting or rehearsing of a verbalized message delivered earlier, the best translation is a command, code, direction, evidence, instruction, law, lesson, message, narrative, order, proof, verse or revelation.
- In situations of a continuing delivery of a non-verbalized message, the best translation is an argument, corroboration, indication, insinuation, pointer, portent, sign, suggestion, symbol or token.
The Holy Qor-aan 002:074
فَقُلۡنَا اضۡرِبُوۡهُ بِبَعۡضِهَا ؕ كَذٰلِكَ يُحۡىِ اللّٰهُ الۡمَوۡتٰى ۙ وَيُرِيۡکُمۡ اٰيٰتِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَعۡقِلُوۡنَ
Fa qool naa udz-ray-boo ho bay bau-dzay haa Ka-zaa-lay-ka yoh-yay il-laa-ho ol-mao-taa Wa yo-ree koom aa-yaa-tay he la-ul-la koom tau-qay-loo-n
Then We said, “Strike him with some of the same.” Like this Allah gives life to the dead And shows you His signs so that you may act wisely.
** Note:002:074: Following are the best translations of اٰيَة (singular) and اٰيٰتِ (plural).
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