
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                       002:093


وَلَقَدۡ جَآءَکُمۡ مُّوۡسٰى بِالۡبَيِّنٰتِ ثُمَّ اتَّخَذۡتُمُ الۡعِجۡلَ مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِهٖ وَاَنۡـتُمۡ ظٰلِمُوۡنَ‏


Wa-la-qud-jaa-aa-koom-moo-sa-bil-buy-yay-naa-tay                                                      Thoom-mut-ta-khuz-to-mool-ij-la-min-bau-day-he                                                                      Wa-un-toom-zaa-lay-moo-n


And most definitely Moses came to you with the clear signs.                                    Then you picked the calf to worship after him.                                                              And you were (or became) the wrongdoers.


  • وَ — Wa — And  (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; and; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • لَ — La — Definitely   *  (= Absolutely; certainly; positively; surely; truly; verily)
  • قَدۡ — Qud — Definitely  *  (= Absolutely; categorically; certainly; definitely, verily; doubtlessly; positively; specially; without a doubt.  See our Commentary titled “2 Words of Emphasis used together Multiply Effect”) *
  • جَآءَ — Jaa-a — Came (= v., past., Achieved; arrived; reached; become manifest in the fulfillment of the divine prophecies)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person.  You.  The Holy Qor-aan and other scriptures state that way when they address both men and women.  Ref is to the Israelites بَنِىۡٓ اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ)
  • مُوۡسٰى — Moo-sa — Moses (= The name of a Messenger / Prophet of Allah)
  • بِ — B…(il) — With (= This word in Arabic literally means ‘with’)
  • الۡبَيِّنٰتِ — Buy-yay-naa-tay — Clear Signs (= pl., Clear, manifest or veritable arguments, portents, proofs or signs of Truth and Allah’s sovereignty;
    Convincing, irrefutable, manifest and sure evidences, corroborations, proofs and testimonies)

{Last 11 words in this verses and in  002:052  are repeated}

  • ثُمَّ — Thoom-ma.(ut) — Then (= After that; subsequently; thereafter)
  • اتَّخَذۡ — Ut-khuz — Picked (= Caught, chose, grabbed, grasped, seized, or took as God to worship)
  • تُمۡ — To-m..(ool) — You (= pl., m., 2nd person.   Ref to the Israelites.   See کُمۡ above)
  • الۡعِجۡلَ — Ij-la — Calf (= Baby cow prior to growing into a heifer)
  • مِنۡ — Min — From (= From the class, category, count, kind, persons or out of)
  • بَعۡد — Bau-day — After (= After departure; behind; in absence; later; subsequently
  • هٖ — Hee — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Ref is to Moses)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., Connects words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above
  • اَنۡ — Un — Surely (= Absolutely; certainly; definitely; doubtlessly; in all seriousness indeed; positively; really; truly; verily)
  • تُمۡ — Toom — You all (= pl., m., 2nd person.   Ref to the Israelites.    See کُمۡ above)
  • ظٰلِمُوۡنَ — Zaa-lay-moo-n — Wrong-doers (= n., pl., Doers of spiritual harm, hurt an injury; culprits; criminals; evil-doers; polytheists; transgressors; unfair;
    unjust; violators; wicked; doers of grievous wrong)


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