
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                          002:098


قُلۡ مَنۡ كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِّجِبۡرِيۡلَ فَاِنَّهٗ نَزَّلَهٗ عَلٰى قَلۡبِكَ بِاِذۡنِ اللّٰهِ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡهِ وَهُدًى وَّبُشۡرٰى لِلۡمُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ‏




Say, “Who has been an enemy to Gabriel?
After all he surely had revealed it on your heart
With the leave of Allah, an attester for what was before it
And as a guidance and good news for the believers.”


  • قُلۡ — Qool — Say (= Announce, ask; assert, broadcast, call, convey, declare; elaborate, explain, expound, inform, instruct, maintain, preach, proclaim, profess, propagate; specify, state or tell 1) others, 2) yourself, 3) your receiving and 4) your resolve to obey the Commandment. See the Note under “112-All” and on this site the Essay “‘You say’ means“)
  • مَنۡ — Mun — Who (= Anyone; whoever; whatever; whom; whomever)
  • كَانَ — Kaa-na — Has been (= v., Conveys an act’s continuity from the past to present and going in future like continued or ‘went on doing’)
  • عَدُوًّا — Aa-doo-won — An enemy (= Foe who bears animosity, enmity, grudge or hostility)
  • لِّ — Lay — To (= Concerning. Regarding. Relative to. With regard to)
  • جِبۡرِيۡلَ — Jib-ree-la — Gabriel (= Archangel reportedly assigned to bring revelations and other good news to the prophets)
  • فَ — Fa — After all (= Consequently; as a result; so; thereafter; therefore; yet
    After all this; at the end of; in conclusion)
  • اِنَّ — In-na — Surely (= Certainly; definitely; doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; in all sincerity; positively; really; seriously; truly; verily)
  • هُ — Hoo — He (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the Archangel Gabriel)
  • نَزَّل — Nuz-za-la  — Revealed (= Brought it down in small portions from time to time; caused it to descend; dropped; inspired; sent down)
  • هُ — Hoo — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the Holy Qor-aan)
  • عَلٰى — Alaa — On (= Above; against; before; for; on top of; over; upon)
  • قَلۡب — Qul-bay — Heart (= s., Mind. Soul. Deep inside. The inner heart)
  • كَ — Ka — Your (= pro., s., m., 2nd person.  You.  The addressee of this divine message is initially the Holy Prophet s.a.w and secondarily every Moslem, in fact every human being.  See 002:005  and our Commentary The Holy Qor-qaan, The Most Read Book In The World)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= This word in Arabic literally means with)
  • اِذۡنِ — Iz-n…(il) — Leave (= Approval; command; decision; decree; dictate; order; direction; grace; plan; permission; scheme of things)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)

See Phrase Mo-sud-day-qun-lay-maa … for details of its meanings

  • مُصَدِّ قً۬ا — Mo-sud-day-qun — An attester (= n., A person or thing that approves, affirms, confirms or supports as an approver, back-bencher, bottle-holder, testator, verifier or witness)
  • لِّ — Lay — For (= For the benefit; with the purpose, reason or object of. Also, concerning, regarding or relative to)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever; which; whichever)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead of. Among. Between. In front of)
  • يَدَيۡ — Ya-dai — Both hands (= Literally … ‘between both your hands’. In Arabic the phrase means ahead of, before, preceding or prior to. The Holy Qor-aan often refers to earlier or preceding divine instructions, revelations and scriptures)
  • هِ — Hay — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid person, book or Scripture whether named or not. In instant case it is the Holy Qor-aan)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • هُدًى — Ho-dun..(wa) — A Guidance (= n., Knowledge about what is appropriate; direction towards the best way or lines; correct course; proper path; right road)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • بُشۡرٰى — Boosh-raa — Good news (= Glad tiding; happy. joyous or pleasant thing or person; joyful tiding)
  • لِلۡ — L…(il) — For (= Concerning. Regarding. Relative to. With regard to. For the attention, benefit, purpose or reason of. With intent to. With the object of)
  • مُّؤۡمِنِيۡنَ — Moe-may-nee-n — Believers (= n. Adherents; Faithful who believed in the Holy Qor-aan, The Islaam, and became Moslems; faithful)

* Note 002:098.  The four words in the phrase مَا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡهِ have been translated together generally as ‘what is present before it’, ‘what was preceding or prior to it’, or ‘its precedent and forerunner.’

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