
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                 002:159


اِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالۡمَرۡوَةَ مِنۡ شَعَآٮِٕرِ اللّٰهِۚ فَمَنۡ حَجَّ الۡبَيۡتَ اَوِ اعۡتَمَرَ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيۡهِ اَنۡ يَّطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا ؕ وَمَنۡ تَطَوَّعَ خَيۡرًا ۙ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيۡمٌ‏


In-nus-sa-faa-wul-mur-wa-ta                                                                                                       Min-sha-aa-aiy-ril-laa-hay                                                                                                                   Fa-mun-huj-jul-bai-ta-aa-waye-ta-ma-ra                                                                                   Fa-laa-jo-naa-ha-alai-hay                                                                                                                    Un-yut-tuw-wa-fa-bay-hay-maa                                                                                                        Wa-mun-ta-tuw-wa-aa-khai-run                                                                                                       Fa-in-nul-laa-ha-shaa-kay-roon-alee-m.


Certainly Safaa and Murwata                                                                                                Are among the signs of Allah.                                                                                                  So anyone who did the Hujj or Oomrah                                                                              Shall have no sin on him                                                                                                         That he goes around those two.                                                                                          And any one who follows a good thing voluntarily                                                    Then will find Allah highly Appreciative and All-Knowing.


  • إِنَّ — In-na..(us) — Certainly  (= Absolutely; assuredly; categorically; clearly; definitely, doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; positively, really; verily; seriously; sincerely; specifically; surely; truly)
  • الصَّفَا — Sa-faa — The Safaa (= One of the two hilltops [the other being Murwa] where Prophet Abraham’s wife Hadzrut Hajra frantically ran up and down several times looking for water for her infant son Ishmael)
  • وَ — Wa…(ul) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • الۡمَرۡوَةَ — Mur-wa-ta — The Murwata (= One of the two hilltops, the other is Safaa لصَّفَا see above)
  • مِنۡ — Min — Among (= Among or from or out of a class, category, count, kind, lot or several persons or things)
  • شَعَآٮِٕرِ — Sha-aa-aiy-r..(il) — Signs (= n., pl., Beacons; ceremonies; eminences; indications; mile-stones; portents; proofs; signs; symbols; tokens. A/t/a, Religious ceremonies)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • فَ — Fa — So (= After all this; at the end; consequently; hence; in conclusion; then; thus; therefore)
  • مَنۡ — Mun — Whoever (= Anyone; whoever; whom; whomever; whoso)
  • حَجَّ — Huj-ja…(ul) — Did Hujj (= Pilgrimage.  See the Note below)
  • الۡبَيۡتَ — Ul-Bai-ta — The House (= Home. The addition of الۡ before بَيۡتِ particularize it to the Sacred House, referring to Kau-ba in Mecca in the present day Saudi Arabia)
  • اَوِ — Aa-way..(e) — Or (= Alternatively; in substitution)
  • اعۡتَمَرَ — Ae-ta-ma-ra — Did Oom-rah (= Visit; visitation; short temporary stopover. See the Note below)
  • فَ — Fa — Therefore (= After all this; at the end; hence; in conclusion)
  • لَا — Laa — No (= Absolute denial; never; no; none; not at all; total negation)
  • جُنَاحَ — Jo-naa-ha — Sin (= Blame; inappropriate conduct; crime; illegal; misdeed; offence; wrong; violation of a Prohibition)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; during; for; on top of; over; to; upon. Also, incurs, obligates, subjects himself to or takes on)
  • هِ — Hay — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid ‘pilgrim’)
  • اَنۡ — Un — That (= So that; that)
  • يَّطَّوَّفَ — Yut-tuw-wa-fa — Goes around (= Ambulates, compass, goes up and down, run, or walk around those two hills. Does Twaaf of aforesaid two hill is to commemorate Hudzrut Hajra’s frantic run up and down them several times looking for water for her infant son Ishmael)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= The Arabic word بِ literally means ‘with’)
  • هِمَا — Hay-maa — Those two (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to those two hills)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • مَنۡ — Mun — Anyone (= Who; whoever; whom; whomever; whoso)
  • تَطَوَّعَ — Ta-tuw-wa-aa — Follows (= Carries out instructions of his own accord; complies with directions on his own; follows voluntarily; goes beyond what is obligatory or prescribed)
  • خَيۡرًا — Khai-run — A good thing (= Appreciable, good, happy or pleasant occasion; do good deed spontaneously)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After all this; at the end; hence; in conclusion)
  • إِنَّ — In-na..(ul) — Certainly (= Absolutely; assuredly; categorically; clearly; definitely; doubtlessly; earnestly; indeed; positively, really; verily; seriously; sincerely; specifically; surely; truly)
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa— ha Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • شَاكِرٌ — Shaa-kay-roon — Appreciator (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most, and highlights that none more than Him likes and approves and appreciates those who are grateful to Him Appreciating; Most Appreciative; responsive; One Who rewards and is bountiful in rewarding)
  • عَلِيۡمٌ‏ — A-leem — All-Knowing (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most, and highlights that none more than Him knows, is knowing. Informed to the maximum. Has total and perfect knowledge. Has nothing out of sight. Knows all. Well-Acquainted. Well-Aware. Most Knowledgeable)


** Note 002:159.    The Hujj (الۡحَجَّ  = Ul-Hujja) is one of the 5 Acts of worships or pillars of Islam.    It consists of at least once in life visiting and praying in Kau-ba, the Sacred Mosque, in Muk-kah.    It is performed on the 10th of the month of Zool-Hujj, one of the 12 months in the Hijri calendar.    This calendar is counted from the date the Holy Prophet s.a.w left Mak-kah and went to Madina.    The Oomrah (الۡعُمۡرَةَ  = Ul-oom-rah) also spelled Umrah is performed that way at a different time.    The Hujj is also known as the ‘Greater Pilgrimage’ while the Oomrah is the ‘Minor Pilgrimage.’    The Oomrah can be performed at any time of the year and as many times as a person can manage.    Performing the worship of Hujj and Oomrah is controlled by Saudi Arab government Moullams.    They facilitate the performance of these worships for which extensive rules are being enforced.    Whoever plans these worships should contact the Saudi Embassy for the up-to-date information.    We experienced on two separate occasions to perform our Oomrah and Hujj that they truly help.


Reproduced … Note 003:098. The command to perform the Hujj merits to be studied in conjunction with several other verses including 002:159, 002:197 to 002:204, 003:098 and 022:026 to 030.

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