
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                  002:164


وَاِلٰهُكُمۡ اِلٰهٌ وَّاحِدٌ  ۚ لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحۡمٰنُ الرَّحِيۡمُ‏


Wa-elaa-ho-koom-elaa-hoon-waa-hid                                                                                          Laa-elaa-ha-il-laa-ho-wur-rah-maa-noor-ra-hee-m.


And your God is the One God.                                                                                               There is no God except Him, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • اِلٰهٌ — Elaa-ho — God (= Worthy of worship)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You men. Generally this way the Holy Qor-aan addresses both men and women)
  • اِلٰهٌ — Elaa-hoon — God (= One and the Only One besides who there is no other, cannot be and will never be anyone Worthy of worship)
  • وَّاحِدٌ — Waa-hid — One (= Individual; single; unique)
  • لَا — Laa — No (= Absolute denial; never; not at all; total negation)
  • اِلٰهَ — Elaa-ha — God (= Worthy of worship)
  • اِلَّا — Il-laa — Except (= Apart from; excluding; save)
  • هُوَ — Ho-w…(ur) — Him (= Pronoun for single third person in male gender)
  • الرَّحۡمٰنُ — Rah-maa-no.(or) — The Most Beneficent (= The One who fully, totally and wholly benefits all, to the maximum, with no condition, limitation or restriction.   Compassionate.   Gracious)
  • الرَّحِيۡمُ — Ra-hee-m — The Most Merciful (= The One who fully, totally and wholly showers mercy, to the maximum, again and again, continually, indefinitely and perpetually like the incoming waves from the oceans)

Note 002:164. This verse includes the following phrases.   Each phrase is repeated elsewhere in the Holy Qor-aan.  See our Commentary for how Repetitions in the Holy Qor-aan have benefits.

  • The first اِلٰهٌ وَّاحِدٌ means One and Only One God.
  • The second لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ means No God Except Him. These words are part of the phrase commonly known as the Kalimah. This phrase is the first basic belief which must be believed, uttered, practiced and professed by a person who enters Islaam to become a Moslem. The Holy Qor-aan has repeated them frequently such as among others the verses 002:256. 003:003, 003:019 (twice), 004:087, 027:027, 059:023, 059:024, etc.
  • The third الرَّحۡمٰنُ الرَّحِيۡمُ‏    means The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful.
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