
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                   002:189


وَلَا تَاۡكُلُوۡٓا اَمۡوَالَـكُمۡ بَيۡنَكُمۡ بِالۡبَاطِلِ وَتُدۡلُوۡا بِهَآ اِلَى الۡحُـکَّامِ لِتَاۡکُلُوۡا فَرِيۡقًا مِّنۡ اَمۡوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالۡاِثۡمِ وَاَنۡـتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُوۡنَ


Wa-laa-tau-ko-loo-um-waa-la-koom-bai-na-koom-bil-baa-tay-lay                                    Wa-tood-loo-bay-haa-elul-hook-kaa-may-lay-tau-ko-loo-free-qun                                      Min-um-waa-lin-naa-say-bil-ith-may-wa-un-too-tau-la-moo-n.


And you do not eat up your assets among you with deception                                Or access the authorities with it for your eating up a part                                            From other peoples’ assets with sin and you know.


  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but;  also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)

 ** The next eight words are also in verse 004:030

  • لَا — Laa — Do not (= Absolute denial; never; not at all; total negation)
  • تَاۡكُلُوۡٓا — Tau-ko-loo — You eat up (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Consume; devour; partake; swallow; eat up voraciously; partake; swallow. Also, use the process to glutton up, live on, misappropriate. squander, usurp, take illegally take or usurp)
  • اَمۡوَالَ — Um-waa-la — Assets (= pl., Affluence, money; property; substance; wealth. Also, gains; goods; possessions; riches; resources; valuables. See more meanings in Note 002:262)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — Your (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You. The Holy Qor-aan states this way when addressing both men and women jointly)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Among (= Between; betwixt; each other; one another)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You. See کُم above)
  • بِ — B…(il) — With (= The Arabic word  بِ  literally means with. This word when before a noun can make them both mean like an English adverb; so in the instant case the meanings could be deceitfully, falsely, illegally or improperly)
  • الۡبَاطِلِ — Baa-tay-lay — Deception (= n., Crooked ways; deceit; falsehood; false means; false pretenses; illegalities; illusion; incorrect statements; lies; misrepresentations; untruths. A/t/a in ‘any illegal way’ like ‘deceiving, robbing or stealing’; in vanity)
  • وَ — Wa — Or (= Conj., And; also; but; moreover. See  وَ  above)
  • تُدۡ لُوۡا — Tood-loo — You access (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Contact; gain access; get; give;  reach. Also, bait; bribe; deliver; offer; return; revert. Use money as the leverage to corrupt those who have less money, more power or worldly authority and are prone to fall and succumb to greed)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= The Arabic word  بِ  literally means with)
  • هَا — Haa — That (= pro., s., f., 3rd person., Refers to aforesaid possessions)
  • اِلَى — El…(ul) — To (= In the direction of; towards; with)
  • الۡحُـکَّامِ — Hook-kaa-may — Authorities (= Administrators; decision makers; judges; managers; officers; office-bearers; office-holders; rulers)
  • لِ — Lay — For (= For the benefit or object or purpose of; so that)
  • تَاۡكُلُوۡٓا — Tau-ko-loo — Your eating up (= Consume; deliberately devour. See  تَاۡكُلُوۡٓا  above)
  • فَرِيۡقًا — Fa-ree-qun — Part (= A bit; division; little of; portion; section; selection; share; some only of a whole lot)
  • مِّنۡ — Min — From (= Among, from or out of the class, category, count, kind or several articles, things, persons or phenomenon)
  • الۡاَمۡوَالِ — Um-waa-lay — Assets (= pl., Money; property; wealth. See اَمۡوَالَ above
  • لنَّاسِ — Naa-say — The people (= Factions; folks, mankind; groups; men; nations; tribes)
  • بِ — B…(il) — With (= The Arabic word  بِ  literally means with. This word  when before a noun, can make them both mean like an English adverb; so in the instant case the meanings would be criminally, sinfully, unjustly or wrongly)
  • الۡاِثۡمِ — Ith-may —  Sin (= n., Blame; crime; guilt; infraction; illegality; wrong;  unjustifiable or unlawful conduct for which one is accountable; iniquity; injustice; transgression; unjust)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., Also; but; moreover; or. See  وَ  above)
  • اَنۡـتُمۡ — Un-toom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You all men)
  • تَعۡلَمُوۡنَ — Tau-la-moon — You know (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. You are in the know of it; become aware; come to know; get informed; turn into knowing. This word and the prior word have also been translated as consciously, intentionally or knowingly)


* Note 002:189.    Some translations [as by A Yusuf Ali] have stated this verse to address the fourth kind of greed.    The primal physical needs generate three kinds of greed: in opposite sex, eating and drinking.    The fourth kind of greed relates to the society where people greedily aspire for being winners.    Men seek power and property by corrupting others with their wealth or eyeing others’ moneys.    The prior verse covered the first three kinds and this verse came right after covering the fourth.    The moral is that Fasting increases self-restraint and self-control to subdue all types of greed.    Generally those in authority with lots of power are prone to greedily bite on all baits of bribery.    This verse has deprecated using wealth to corrupt those with lesser money but more authority.

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