
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                 002:251


وَلَمَّا بَرَزُوۡا لِجَـالُوۡتَ وَجُنُوۡدِهٖ قَالُوۡا رَبَّنَآ اَفۡرِغۡ عَلَيۡنَا صَبۡرًا وَّثَبِّتۡ اَقۡدَامَنَا وَانۡصُرۡنَا عَلَى الۡقَوۡمِ الۡکٰفِرِيۡنَؕ‏ 


Wa-lum-maa-ba-ra-zoo-lay-jaa-loo-ta-wa-jo-noo-day-he                                                    Qaa-loo-rub-ba-na-uf-righ-alai-naa-sub-run-wa                                                                      Thub-bit-uq-daa-ma-naa                                                                                                              Wun-soor-naa-alul-qao-mil-kaa-fay-ree-n.


And when they faced Jaloot and his forces,                                                                      They prayed, “God of us all!  Pour plenteous perseverance over us                         And strengthen our steps                                                                                                    And help us against all ungrateful people.”


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • لَمَّا — Lum-ma — When (= At a time; under a given situation)
  • بَرَزُوۡا — Ba-ra-zoo — They faced (= Advanced; appeared; came face to face; came out; confronted; fought; encountered; exited forth; issued forth; proceeded; went out. A/t/a ‘went into the field against Goliath’ – M Pickthall)
  • لِ — Lay — Against (= Before; counter; for; to. In battlefield to battle or)
  • جَـالُوۡتَ — Jaa-loo-ta — Ja-loot (= Proper name. A/t/a Goliath)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses.  See وَ above)
  • جُنُوۡد — Jo-noo-day — Soldiers (= pl., 1. Armies; assailants; forces; garrison; hosts;  warriors.  2. Companions; supporters)
  • هٖ — He — His (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid Jaloot)
  • قَالُوۡا — Qaa-loo — They prayed (= v., m., pl., Announced; conveyed; declared; informed; invoked; prayed; professed; specified; said; told)
  • رَبّ — Rub-ba — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures; Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident.  The Only One Who provides all that sustains life.  The Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • نَآ — Naa — Our (= pro., pl., 1st person. We / Our / Us)
  • اَفۡرِغۡ — Uf-righ — Pour (= Assign, bestow, give, grant, provide or shower a lot, in abundance and in plenty. Also, fill our hearts with)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai —  Over (= From the above; upon)
  • نَآ — Naa — Us (= pro., pl., 1st person. We / Our / Us)
  • صَبۡرًا — Sub-run — Perseverance (= n., Ability to put up with and withstand the pressure.  Steadfastness. Consistency; constancy; endurance; patience; persistence; pursuance; purposeful pursuits)

{The powerful prayer in next ten words is repeated in verse 003:148}

  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses.  See وَ above)
  •  ثَبِّتۡ — Thub-bit — Strengthen (= v., pres., s., 2nd person., Establish. Firm up. Make fast, strong, steady, sturdy, sure and secure. Solidify. The prayer beseeches God Almighty for real patience, perseverance, persistence and steadfastness)
  • اَقۡدَامَ — Uq-daa-ma — Steps (= Feet; footholds; positions; stands; strongholds)
  • نَآ — Naa — Our (= pro., pl., 1st person. We / Our / Us)
  • وَ — Wa .. (un) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses.  See وَ above)
  • انۡصُرۡ — Un.soor — Help (= v., Empower; guide; support; strengthen. Also, bring, give, grant us the succor, triumph or victory)
  • نَآ — Naa — Us (= pro., pl., 1st person. We / Our / Us)
  • عَلَى — Aa-la..(ul) — Against (= Above; for; on; over; upon)
  • الۡقَوۡمِ — Qao-may…(il) — All people (= Folks; group; nation; party; people; tribe)
  • الۡکٰفِرِيۡنَ — Kaa-fay-ree-n — Ungrateful (= n., pl., 1. Non-appreciating; thankless; unappreciative; who abuse, misuse, refuse, fail to use, or gratefully acknowledge and utilize any of the many God-given blessings, gifts, opportunities or talents provided to them. 2. Deniers; disbelievers; faithless; heretics, infidels; non-believers; rejecters of the Faith; resistors to God; unbelievers. Also, those who stand against the Faith of Islam. Some translators have limited this word to mean only those who deny, disbelieve, refuse or reject the Faith of Islam, belief in Allah and the Holy Qor-aan, and become Moslems. See other meanings in the Note to the verse 002:007)
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