
Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                    002:257


لَاۤ اِكۡرَاهَ فِى الدِّيۡنِ‌ۙ قَد تَّبَيَّنَ الرُّشۡدُ مِنَ الۡغَىِّ‌ۚ فَمَنۡ يَّكۡفُرۡ بِالطَّاغُوۡتِ وَيُؤۡمِنۡۢ بِاللّٰهِ فَقَدِ اسۡتَمۡسَكَ

○ وَاللّٰهُ سَمِيۡعٌ عَلِيۡمٌ   بِالۡعُرۡوَةِ الۡوُثۡقٰى لَا انْفِصَامَ لَهَا‌‌


Laa-ik-raa-ha-fid-dee-nay                                                                                                                 Qud-ta-buy-yun-nur-roosh-do-may-nul-ghuy-yay                                                                   Fa-mun-yuk-foor-bit-taa-ghoo-tay-wa-yoe-min-bil-laa-hay                                                      Fa-qa-dis-tum-sa-ka-bil-oor-wa-til-woos-qaa                                                                             Lun-fay-saa-ma-la-haa                                                                                                                       Wul-laa-ho-sa-mee-oon-aa-leem.


No compulsion in religion.                                                                                                  Surely the right road has become distinct from the wrong road.                              So whoever rejects the evil and believes in Allah                                                       Has certainly held on to a very strong holding-strip                                                  No breaking is destined for it.                                                                                            And by God Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.


  • لَاۤ — Laa — No (= Absolute denial; never; no; not at all; total negation. Most translations are ‘No compulsion is in religion’ but some have stated asNo compulsion will be in religion)
  • اِكۡرَاهَ — Ik-raa-ha — Compulsion (= n., 1. Dictation; obligation; pressure.  2. An enforced  command, decree; decision; direction; order; verdict. Note 002:218 highlights an important related issue. AR Omar put ‘of any sort’ in the translation although no corresponding word is in the original text)
  • فِى — Fi..(d) — In (= About; concerning; for the sake of; in reference, relative or pursuant to; regarding)
  • الدِّيۡنِ‌ — Id-de-nay — Religion (= n., Belief system. Divine Rules. Faith. See Commentary Islam – 106 – Religion Established Nation … )
  • قَدۡ  — Qud — Surely (= This word lays emphasis. Absolutely; categorically; assuredly; certainly; clearly; definitely; specially; doubtlessly; obviously; for sure; in spite of; positively; specifically; verily; with no doubt whatsoever)
  • تَّبَيَّنَ — Ta-buy-yun-na — Has become distinct (= v., pres., pass., s., f., 3rd person., Is or has become clarified, crystal clear, differentiated, distinguished, elaborated, explained, known, expounded or apparent, manifest, plain and obvious. Something that stands out like a sore thumb)
  • الرُّشۡدُ — Roosh-do — The right road (= Correct course; good and glorious guidance; proper path; true guidance; true trail; total truth; wise ways)
  • مِنَ — May…na…(ul) — From (= From the class, category, count, kind, person or out of)
  • الۡغَىّ — Ghuy-yay — The wrong road (= Crookedness; error.  Devious, false, misguided, improper, misleading, perversity and wrong direction, line, path, road, way or ways to live)
  • فَ — Fa — So (= After all this; in the end; in conclusion; in consequence; in the final analysis; then; thereafter; therefore; yet)
  • مَنۡ — Mun…(y) — Who (= Anyone, whatsoever, who, whoever, whosoever, whom, whomever or whoso)
  • يَّكۡفُرۡ — Yuk-foor — Rejects (= v., 1. Acts or behaves ungratefully or thanklessly.  2. Denies, refuses or rejects the truth or belief in Allah, the Holy Qor-aan and Islaam to become Moslem.  3. Denounces; disavows; disbelieves; discards; disowns; renounces. A/t/a refused to be led)
  • بِ — B…(it) — With (= This word in Arabic literally means with)
  • لطَّاغُوۡتِ –Taa-ghoo-tay — The Satan (= Bad or evil leaders or persons. Devils. Idols. idol-worshipers. A/t/a ‘Those who transgress’ , ‘False deities’ and ‘false leaders’ )
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • يُؤۡمِنۡ — Yoe-min — Believes (= v. Enters faith; follows the Holy Qor-aan, the Islaam and is a Moslem; takes side with Allah)
  • بِ — B…(il) — In (= This word in Arabic literally means ‘with’. The real sense in English if used with Allah is accurately conveyed with ‘in’)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= As a result; at the end; in conclusion.  See فَ  above)
  • قَدِ — Qa-d…(is) — Surely (= Absolutely; categorically; certainly. See  قَدۡ  above)
  • اسۡتَمۡسَكَ — Iss-tum-sa-ka — Held on to a (= v., Caught; got; gotten; grabbed; grasped; hanging on; laid hands on; seized; taken hold of; taken on)
  • بِ — B…(il) — With (= This word in Arabic literally means ‘with’)
  • الۡعُرۡوَةِ — Oor-wa-t…(il) — Holding-strip   (= Handle; handhold; something to hold on to; support)
  • الۡوُثۡقٰى — Woos-qaa — Very strong (= Firm; firmest possible; extremely reliable; strong;  solid; trustworthy; reliable and dependable.  The phrase فَقَدِ اسۡتَمۡسَكَ بِالۡعُرۡوَةِ الۡوُثۡقٰى  is also used in the verse 031:023)
  • لَا — L…(un) — No (= Absolute denial; never; no; not at all; total   negation)
  • انْفِصَامَ — Un-fay-saa-ma — Breaking (= n., Breakage; cracking; cutting; disconnecting; fissure; fracture; rupture; severance; shattering; snapping. The reference is to a thing that never breaks or gives way)
  • لَ — La — For (= Belonging to; in connection with; owned by; meant for; reserved for)
  • هَا — Haa — It (= pro., s., f., 3rd person., Refers to the earlier specified, shown or stated article, thing or person. In instant case the reference is to the ‘very strong holding-strip)
  • وَ — Wa…(ul) — And (= This vaao is tantamount to taking oath; solemn declaration)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • سَمِيۡعٌ — Sa-mee-oon — All-Hearing (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most and highlights that none more than Him hears the best. All-Hearing. Most Hearing. The Hearer. Hears to the ultimate maximum. Hears all wholly, entirely, truly surely, totally and surely. The One from whom nothing is beyond, missed or out of His hearing)
  • عَلِيۡمٌ‏ — A-leem  — All-Knowing (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most and highlights that none more than Him knows more and is knowledgeable. Informed to the maximum. Most Knowing. One with all, total, perfect and wholesome knowledge with nothing beyond or out of His sight. Well-Acquainted; Well-Aware)
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