
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                              003:056


اِذۡ قَالَ اللّٰهُ يٰعِيۡسٰۤى اِنِّىۡ مُتَوَفِّيۡكَ وَرَافِعُكَ اِلَىَّ وَمُطَهِّرُكَ مِنَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَفَرُوۡا وَجَاعِلُ الَّذِيۡنَ اتَّبَعُوۡكَ فَوۡقَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَفَرُوۡۤا اِلٰى يَوۡمِ الۡقِيٰمَةِ ‌‌ۚ ثُمَّ اِلَىَّ مَرۡجِعُكُمۡ فَاَحۡكُمُ بَيۡنَكُمۡ فِيۡمَا كُنۡتُمۡ فِيۡهِ تَخۡتَلِفُوۡنَ


Iz-qaa-lul-laa-ho-ya-ee-sa-in-ne-mo-ta-wauf-fee-ka                                                               Wa-raa-fay-o-ka-aiy-luy-ya                                                                                                                 Wa-mo-tauh-ha-ro-ka-may-nul-la-ze-na-ka-fa-roo                                                                     Wa-jaa-aiy-lool-la-ze-nut-ta-ba-oo-ka                                                                                             Fao-qul-la-ze-na-ka-fa-roo-elaa-yao-mul-qay-yaa-ma-tay                                                    Thoom-ma-aiy-luy-ya-maur-jay-o-koom                                                                                   Fauh-ko-mo-bai-na-koom                                                                                                                  Fee-maa-koon-toom-fee-hay-tukh-ta-lay-foo-n


When Allah said, “Listen Jesus, Certainly I will bring you death                              And elevate you to My high standards                                                                                And cleanse you from those who disbelieved                                                              And make those who followed you                                                                                    Above those who disbelieved till the Day of Judgment.                                                 Then to Me is you return.                                                                                                     Then I will decide among you                                                                                         Concerning all that wherein you have been differing. 


  • اِذۡ — Iz — When (= At the time or event; behold; call to mind; consider; now that; ponder over; recall; reflect, remember; think of the event, occasion, opportunity or time; whenever
  • قَالَ — Qaa-la…(ul) — Said (= v., past, s., m., 3rd per., Announced; called; conveyed; commanded; declared; directed; informed; mandated; ordered; reassured; specified; told)
  • اللّٰهُ —  Laa-ho — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • يٰۤ — Yaa — Listen (= Be attentive; Lo!, O!, pay attention)
  • عِيۡسٰى — Ee-saa — Jesus (= The name of a Messenger / Prophet of Allah)
  • إِنِّى — In-nee — Certainly I (= Combination of two words. The 1st word  اِنۡ  (in) means  absolutely, clearly, decidedly, doubtlessly, positively, indeed, really, surely, truly or verily. The 2nd word  ىۡ  is the pronoun for one in 1st person)
  •  مُتَوَفِّيۡ — Mo-ta-wuf-fee — Bring death  *  (= Cause you to die; make dead; will take you. See our Commentary titled as Death And Adoration Of Jesus)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. Also, Your or Yours)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • رَافِعُ — Raa-fay-o — Elevate  *   (= Elevate status; exalt; improve position; raise ranks. See our Commentary titled as Death And Adoration Of Jesus)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., f., 2nd person. Also, Your or Yours)
  • اِلٰٓى —  Aiy-l…(uy) — To (= 1. In the direction of; towards. 2. For; until; till)
  • ىَّ — Ya — Me (= s., m & f., in lst person)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See  وَ   above)
  • مُطَهِّر — Mo-tah-hay-ro — Cleanse (= Absolve you from false charges. Anoint. Clear you of  the ‘calumnies’, ‘falsehoods, and ‘unchaste accusation.’ Make you holy and pious. ‘Purify you.’ ‘Take you away from the unbelievers’. Translation by Dr Al-Hilali and Dr Khan is “And clear you [of ‘forged statement that Isa (Jesus) is Allah’s son] of those who disbelieve’)
  • كَ — Ka — You  (= pro., s., f., 2nd person. You. Your. Yours)
  • مِنَ — May-na…(ul) — From (= Among, from or out of the class, category, count, kind or several articles, things, persons or phenomenon)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — La-zee-na — Those who (= pl., male, 3rd person articles, thing or persons)
  • كَفَرُوۡا — Ka-fa-roo — Disbelieved (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Became heretics, infidels,   unbelievers or ungrateful. Committed blaspheme. Denied, refused or rejected the Faith and belif in Allah, the Holy Qor-aan and Iss-laam and become Moslems.  See the Note 002:007 for more meanings)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • جَاعِلُ — Jaa-aiy-lo — Maker  ** (= n., s., Creator; doer; maker; originator; producer. One making things happen. One causing a result, or about to appoint, bring into being, change, convert, design, improve, modify, produce, set up or turn someone into a different person or something into a different thing.  See Note 002:031)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — La-zee-na..(ut) — Those who (= pl., male, 3rd person articles, thing or persons)
  • اتَّبَعُو — Ta-ba-oo — Followed (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Obeyed. Acted or carried out  given direction or instruction. Stood behind supporting a Commandment, Prohibition, order or mandate laid down)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., f., 2nd person. You. Your. Yours)
  • فَوۡقَ — Fao-qa…(ul) — Above (= Of superior rank. Overhead. Put or set beyond or higher than the next degree that is above, over, greater, higher or larger than the one already stated. Prevail or superior, over. Also a lesser, lower or smaller degree or value as used in 002:027)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — La-zee-na — Those who (= pl., male, 3rd person articles, thing or persons)
  • كَفَرُوۡا — Ka-fa-roo — Disbelieved (= v., past t., pl., 3rd person. Denied. See كَفَرُوۡا above)
  • اِلَى — Ela — Till (= In the direction of; towards; with)
  • يَوۡم — Yao-m…(il) — Day (= s., A period, term or time that ends; juncture)
  • الۡقِيٰمَةِ‌ — Qay-yaa-ma-tay — Judgment (= Reckoning; Resurrection; Ultimate settlement)
  • ثُمَّ — Thoom-ma — Then (= After that; further more; subsequently; thereafter.
  • اِلٰٓى — Aiy-l…(uy) — To / For(= 1. In the direction of; towards. 2. For; until; till)
  • ىَّ — Ya — Me (= s., m & f., in lst person)
  • مَرۡجِعُ — Maur-jay-o — Return (= n., Retracing; reversal)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You. The Holy Qor-aan states this way when addressing both men and women jointly
  • فَ — Fa — Therefore (= As a result; consequently; hence; so; then; thereafter)
  • اَحۡكُمُ — Ah-ko-mo — I will decide (= Adjudicate; judge; make judgment. Announce a verdict after determining facts and finalizing the conclusions)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead, facing or in front of; among; betwixt)
  • کُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You. The Holy Qor-aan states this way when addressing both men and women jointly
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= 1. Amidst, among, contained or inside a duration, event time, period, place, thing or situation.  2. Concerning; in reference; for the sake of; regarding; in the matter of; relative to)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — All that (= 1. What; whatever; whatsoever.  2. Any time; at such time; when; whenever)
  • كُنۡتُمۡ — Koon-toom — You have been (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You have been since the past; used to; were continuously)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= 1. Amidst, among, contained or inside a duration, event time, period, place, thing or situation.  2. Concerning;  in reference; for the sake of; regarding; in the matter of; relative to)
  • هِ — Hay — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid shown, specified or stated article, thing or person)
  • تَخۡتَلِفُوۡنَ — Tukh-ta-lay-foo-n — Differing (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Conflicting; disagreeing; disputing. Having conflicting opinions, contradictory stands and clashing views)


* Note 003;056. God’s action relative to man as stated in Note 003:056 and verses 004:159 and 006:084.

The verb ra-fa-aa ( رَفَعَ ) and other derivates of its root are used in the verses 002:254, 003:056, 004:155, 004:159, 055:008 and 079:029. It’s simple straightforward meanings are He elevated, exalted, lifted, placed or raised from a prior set, stage or status.

God’s action of ra-fa-aa relative to man meant that He gave better and higher legacy, or enlarged, expanded, extended, heightened, increased or multiplied his honor, prestige, ranks, respect or renown. A twist in these meanings created sects which now are pitted against others.     

Translations of two words  مُتَوَفِّيۡ  and  رَافِعُ  vary a great deal. The following tell-tale quotes highlight the differences in some English translations.

Following tell-tale excerpts highlight the huge differences in some English translations.

  • “I will take you and raise you to myself” – Al-Hilali and Dr Khan
  • “I am ending your term on earth and lifting you up to me” – Ahmad Zidan
  • “I will take thee and raise thee to Myself” – A Yusuf Ali
  • “Cause you to die a natural death and exalt you to Myself” – Amatul R Omar
  • “Cause you to die a natural death” – Malik Ghulam Farid.
  • “Cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence” – M Muhammad Ali.
  • Gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me“- M Pickthall.
  • “Cause thee to die a natural death and shall exalt thee to Myself” – M Zafrullah Khan.
  • “Cause you to die and lift you up to Me” N J Dawood

Other translations of the verse show more differences. Some may be inadvertent as many translating experts in European languages were foreigners to Arabic. But editing and duplicating earlier works shown by the dates of their first publication is apparent. Such translations created conflicting theories like Wa-faa-tay-Massih (Death of Jesus) and Ra-fa-aiy-Massih (Adoration or Exaltation of Jesus).

The discredit for massive confusion created by contradictory translation goes to Mullah. The issues funneled in such translations bred strong opinions. Those clinging to any one of them soon developed great rigidity in views and even militancy to crush all opposition. The difference in opinions soon tunneled in the formation of new sects which soon got recognized also.


** Note 003:056a. Over-simplification in translation also needs attention. An example is as Malik Ghulam Farid did in this verse. The word [جَاعِلُ  = Jaa-aiy-lo] and the following five words are translated with just one word “exalt.” Such an over-simplification runs counter to the Simple and Straightforward translation of the Holy Qor-aan which is our goal.




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