
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                           004:096


لَا يَسۡتَوِى الۡقَاعِدُوۡنَ مِنَ الۡمُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ غَيۡرُ اُولِى الضَّرَرِ وَالۡمُجَاهِدُوۡنَ فِىۡ سَبِيۡلِ اللّٰهِ بِاَمۡوَالِهِمۡ وَاَنۡفُسِهِمۡ‌ ؕ فَضَّلَ اللّٰهُ الۡمُجٰهِدِيۡنَ بِاَمۡوَالِهِمۡ وَاَنۡفُسِهِمۡ عَلَى الۡقٰعِدِيۡنَ دَرَجَةً‌ ؕ وَكُلًّا وَّعَدَ اللّٰهُ الۡحُسۡنٰى ؕ وَفَضَّلَ اللّٰهُ الۡمُجٰهِدِيۡنَ عَلَى الۡقٰعِدِيۡنَ اَجۡرًا عَظِيۡمًا  ۙ   


Laa-yus-ta-vil-qaa-aiy-do-na                                                                                                              May-nul-moe-may-nee-na-ghai-ro-oliz-za-ra-ray                                                                        Wul-mo-jaa-hay-do-na-fee-sa-bee-lil-laa-hay                                                                            Bay-um-waa-lay-him-wa-un-fo-say-him

Fudz-dza-lul-laa-hool-mo-jaa-hay-de-na                                                                                          Bay-um-waa-lay-him-wa-un-fo-say-him                                                                                        Alul- qaa-aiy-dee-na-da-ra-ja-ton                                                                                                      Wa-kool-lunw-wa-aa-dul-laa-hol-hoos-naa

Wa-fudz-dza-lul-laa-hool-mo-jaa-hay-de-na                                                                                  Alul-qaa-aiy-dee-na-uj-run-azee-maa


Not equal are the sitters                                                                                                        Among the Believers without any injury                                                                           And the strivers in the cause of Allah                                                                                With their assets and their lives

Allah has preferred the strivers                                                                                        With their assets and their lives                                                                                          Over the sitters a rank above                                                                                                    And Allah has promised everyone the best.

And Allah has preferred the striviers                                                                                  Over the sitters in the great reward


  • لَا — Laa — Not (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; absolute denial and total negation without exception)
  • يَسۡتَوِى — Yus-ta-v(il) — Equal (= v., pres., m., 3rd person. Like; same; similar. A/t/a, ‘are   … on an equality with’ and ‘are … equal’)
  • الۡقَاعِدُوۡنَ — (il) Qaa-aiy-do-na — The sitters (= n., pl., Ref is to those who sit-behind, back-benchers or stay at home with no justification without joining other warriors who take action, move forward and go to war. A/t/a ‘who sit (at home),’ ‘who sit at home,’ ‘who sit still,’ ‘holders back,’ ‘who remain in home,’ ‘as stay (at home)’ and ‘who stay at home’)
  • مِنَ — May-nul — From among (= Among, from or out of the class or category of several. A/t/a, ‘Those of’)
  • الۡمُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ — Moe-may-nee-na — The believers (= n., pl., Those who have followed the Holy Qor-aan and embraced Islaam; Moslem. Adherents of Islam; Men of faith. The faithful)
  • غَيۡرُ — Ghai-ro — Without (= Besides; else; not; other than; out of. Also, expecting and excluding.  A/t/a, ‘apart from’ and ‘other than’)
  • اُولِى‏ — O-li(dz) — Those with (= Masters; owners; those who have; with. A/t/a, ‘those  that suffer from,’ ‘who have,’ ‘who are’ and ‘ones’)
  • الضَّرَرِ — Dza-ra-ray — Injury (= n., Disability; harm; hurt; inability; injury; impairment. A/t/a, ‘a (disabling) hurt,’ ‘disabled by injury,’ ‘disabled,’ ‘disabled (by injury or are blind or lame),’ ‘any genuine excuse’ and ‘a grave impediment.’ But any translation like ‘receive no hurt’ as a verb is a verb is not of what the Holy Qor-aan has used as a noun)
  • وَ — Wa…(ul) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but;  also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • الۡمُجَاهِدُوۡنَ — Mo-jaa-hay-do-na — The strivers (= n., pl., Hard strugglers. Those who get up, strive hard, take action and go forward. A/t/a, ‘who strive and fight,’ ‘who strive,’ ‘who strive hard and fight,’ ‘who fight’ and ‘who exert their utmost’)
  • فِىۡ  — Fee — In (= In; concerning; regarding; in reference; relative to. Also, amidst, during or inside a time, place or event)
  • سَبِيۡلِ — Sa-bee-l … (il) — Cause (= n., s., Action; alternative; cause, course; escape; line;  means; measure; method; path; pretext; remedy; road; way. See Note 004:089  & Phrase fee-sa-be-lil-laa-hay)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with)
  • اَمۡوَالِ — Um-waa-lay — Assets (= n., pl., Affluences; assets; goods [aya, njd]; liveries; monies; possessions; properties; resources; riches; substance; valuables; wealth. Ostensible means and signs of all the above including one’s abilities, capabilities, capacities, contacts, gains, influences, potentials and relations. See Note 002:262. A/t/a ‘goods’ and ‘belonging’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Their (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those, them, they men; their)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اَنۡفُسِ — Un-fo-say — Lives (= n., pl., Hearts; lives; minds; persons; selves; souls)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Their (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those, them, they men; their)
  • فَضَّلَ — Fudz-dza-la(ul) — Has preferred (= v., past., s., 3rd person. Given precedence. A/t/a, ‘made … to excel,’ ‘granted,’ ‘conferred,’ ‘exalted,’ ‘preferred,’ ‘assigned’ and ‘given’)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho(ol) — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • الۡمُجٰهِدِيۡن — Mo-jaa-hay-de-na — The strivers (= n., pl., Hard strugglers. Those who get up, strive hard take action and go forward. See الۡمُجَاهِدُوۡنَ above)
  • بِ  — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with)
  • اَمۡوَالِ — Um-waa-lay — Assets (= n., pl., Abilities, capabilities, etc. See اَمۡوَالِ  above)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those, them, they men; their)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اَنۡفُسِ — Un-fo-say — Lives (= n., pl., Hearts; minds; persons; selves. See اَنۡفُسِ  above)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those, them, they men; their)
  • عَلٰى — Ala…(ul) — Over (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over; to; upon)
  • الۡقٰعِدِيۡنَ — (ul) Qaa-aiy-de-na — The sitters (= n., pl., Those who sit behind and do not join those who take action and go forward.  See الۡقَاعِدُوۡنَ  above)
  • دَرَجَةً — Da-ra-ja — A rank above (= n., s., A higher rank. A/t/a, ‘a grade higher,’ ‘a (high) degree,’ ‘a rank above the sedentary,’ ‘in rank’ and ‘grades’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • كُلًّا — Kool-la(unw) — Everyone (= All; altogether; each and everyone; everybody; total number. A/t/a, ‘Unto all (in Faith),’ ‘to each,’ ‘unto each,’ ‘To all,’ ‘yet to each one’ and ‘all’)
  • وَّعَدَ — Wa-aa-da..(ul) — Promised (= v., past., s., 3rd person. Assured; made appointment; pledged; undertook)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho(ol) — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • لۡحُسۡنٰى — Hoos-nas — Right (= Best. Fair. Just. True. Truthfulness. Virtue. The right thing. A/t/a, ‘good,’ ‘good (Paradise),’ ‘rich reward’ and ‘good reward’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above. A/t/a, ‘but’ and ‘However’)
  • فَضَّلَ — Fudz-dza-la(ul) — Has preferred (= v., past., s., 3rd person. Gave Precedence. See فَضَّلَ above. A/t/a, ‘he distinguished,’ ‘indeed granted eminence’ and ‘far richer is’)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • الۡمُجٰهِدِيۡن — Mo-jaa-hay-de-na — The strivers (= n., pl., Hard strugglers. Those who get up, strive hard, take action and go forward. See الۡمُجٰهِدِيۡن above)
  • عَلٰى — Ala…(ul) — Over (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over; to; upon)
  • الۡقٰعِدِيۡنَ — (ul) Qaa-aiy-de-na — The sitters (= n., pl., Those who sit behind and do not join those who take action and go forward. See الۡقَاعِدُوۡنَ  above)
  • أَجۡرًا — Uj-run — Reward (= n., s. Award; compensation; good result; prize; recognition; reward; success; trophy. A/t/a, ‘recompense’)
  • عَظِيۡمًا‏ — Azee-maa — Great (= adj., Awesome; colossal; enormous; great; magnificent; mighty; rich; tremendous; vast; valuable. A/t/a, ‘special,’ ‘great … above the sedentary,’  ‘by giving them much better,’ ‘huge’ and ‘far richer.’ See also the Note to the verse 003:173)
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