
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                        004:121


 يَعِدُهُمۡ وَيُمَنِّيۡهِمۡ‌  ؕ  وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيۡـطٰنُ اِلَّا غُرُوۡرًا‏


Ya-aiy-do-hoom-wa-yo-mun-nee-him                                                                                              Wa-maa-ya-aiy-do-ho-moosh-shai-taa-no-il-laa-gha-roo-raa


He promises them and arouses them                                                                            And Satan’s promises are nothing except illusion


  •  يَعِدُ — Ya-aiy-do — Promises (= v., pres., s., m., 3rd person. Assures; guarantees; gives   out or holds out his word; incites; lures; pledges; prompts; spurs; swears; tempts; undertakes; urges; vouches. A/t/a, ‘makes promises,’ ‘promiseth’ and ‘holds out promises’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men, they or their)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  •   يُمَنِّيۡ — Yo-mun-nee — Arouses (= v., pres., s, m., 3 rd person. Agitates, animates, enlivens; electrifies, enthuses, excites; fans, incites, initiates in, instigates, motivate, moves, originates, provokes, stimulates, stirs or winds up in them impractical, lusty,  mean or useless desires. A/t/a, ‘creates … false desires,’ ‘creates … vain desires.’ ‘excites vain desires,’ ‘stirreth up desires,’ ‘stirs up … vain desires,’ ‘raises vain desires,’ ‘arouses false hopes’ and ‘arouses false desires’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men, them, they or their)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — Nothing (= Absolutely not; never; not; not at all)
  •  يَعِدُ — Ya-aiy-do — Promises (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Assures. See  يَعِدُ  above)
  • هُمُ — Ho-mo..(osh) — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men, they or their)
  • الشَّيۡـطٰنُ —  Shai-taa-no — The Satan (= n., s., A bad, evil or false deity, friend, leader or Satanic companion. The devil. The Evil Embodiment. The evil One. The evil spirited person. The evil personified. Polytheist. Rebellious ringleader. Also, a hypocrite; an idol-worshiper)
  • اِلَّا — Il-laa  — Except (= Apart from; but; besides; except; excluding; save. A/t/a,  ‘nothing but’ and ‘only’)
  • غُرُوۡرًا‏ — Gho-roo-raa — Illusion (= n., Deception; false impression. Also, pride since that also is only a superficial exterior with little, reality deep down in the interior. A/t/a, ‘vain things,’ ‘to beguile,’ ‘to deceive’ and ‘delusion’)
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