
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                        005:026


قَالَ رَبِّ اِنِّىۡ لَاۤ اَمۡلِكُ اِلَّا نَفۡسِىۡ وَاَخِىۡ‌ فَافۡرُقۡ بَيۡنَـنَا وَبَيۡنَ الۡـقَوۡمِ الۡفٰسِقِيۡنَ‏


Qaa-la-rub-bay-in-nee-laa-um-lay-ko-il-laa-nuf-see-wa-aa-khee                                             Fuf-riq-bai-na-naa-wa-bai-nul-qao-mil-faa-say-qee-n


He (Moses) said,My God, I own nothing except myself and my brother              So distinguish between us and the miscreant people.”


  • قَالَ — Qaa-la Said (= v., past., s, 3rd person. Stated; told. Also, announced, called; conveyed; declared; informed; instructed; proclaimed. See Note 002:121 and Commentary ‘You say’ means‘. A/t/a, ‘Moses supplicated,’ ‘(Moses) said’ and                    ‘cried Moses’)
  • رَبِّ — Rub-bay — My God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures; Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. The Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist.  A/t/a, ‘Lord’)
  • اِنۡ — In — Surely (= Absolutely; certainly; definitely; positively; verily
  • ىۡ — Ee — Me (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • لَا — Laa — No (= Naught; neither; never; none; not at all; absolute denial and total negation without exception)
  • اَمۡلِكُ — Um-lay-ko — Own (= v., pres., s., 1st person. Have authority, control, power. A/t/a, ‘have power over,’ ‘have control’ and ‘have … control’)
  • اِلَّا — Il-laa — Except (= Apart from; but; besides; excluding; save; unless)
  • نَفۡسِ — Nuf-say  — Self (= n., s., An individual’s inner-most, heart, mind or soul)
  • ىۡ — Ee — My (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • اَخِ — Aa-khee — Brother (= n., s. Male sibling. A/t/a, ‘brother (Aaron)’
  • ىۡ — Ee — My (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= Finally; hence; so; thereafter; therefore; thus)
  • افۡرُقۡ — Uf-riq — Distinguish (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Make distinction or separation. A/t/a, ‘Separate,’ ‘distinguish,’ ‘distinguish Thou,’ ‘make Thou a distinction,’ ‘bring about separation’ and ‘Do not confound’)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Among; betwixt)
  • نَآ —  Naa — Us (= pro., m & g., pl., 1st person. Our; We; Us)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na … (ul) — Between (= Among; betwixt)
  • الۡـقَوۡمِ — Qao-m … (il) — People (= n., s., Addressees; attendees; fellows; followers; folks;  group; nation; party; people; tribe. A/t/a, ‘folk’)
  • الۡفٰسِقِيۡنَ‏ — Faa-sa-qee-n — Miscreants (= n., pl., Who have misbelief or false religious faith. Who practice bad, abomination and contemptible ways that are loathed by and frowned upon. See Note 003:083 for more meanings. A/t/a, ‘disobedient,’ ‘rebellious,’ transgressing,’ wrong-doing’ and ‘Fasiqun (rebellious and  disobedient to Allah)’
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