
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                     005:043


سَمّٰعُوۡنَ لِلۡكَذِبِ اَ كّٰلُوۡنَ لِلسُّحۡتِ ؕ  فَاِنۡ جَآءُوۡكَ فَاحۡكُمۡ بَيۡنَهُمۡ اَوۡ اَعۡرِضۡ عَنۡهُمۡ‌ ۚ  وَاِنۡ تُعۡرِضۡ عَنۡهُمۡ فَلَنۡ يَّضُرُّوۡكَ شَيۡــًٔـا‌ ؕ وَاِنۡ حَكَمۡتَ فَاحۡكُمۡ بَيۡنَهُمۡ بِالۡقِسۡطِ‌ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ الۡمُقۡسِطِيۡنَ‏


Sum-maa-oo-na-lil-ka-zay-bay-uk-kaa-loo-na-lis-soh-tay                                                          Fa-in-jaa-oo-ka-fah-koom-bai-na-hoom-auo-au-ridz-un-hoom                                                Wa-in-toe-ridz-un-hoom-fa-lun-ya-dzoor-roo-ka-shai-aa                                                        Wa-in-ha-kum-ta-fah-koom-bai-na-hoom-bil-qis-tay                                                                  In-nul-laa-ha-yo-hib-bool-mooq-say-tee-n


Hearers to the lies. Eaters of the forbidden.                                                                      So if they came to you, then decide between them or turn away from them.        And if you turn away from them, then they can’t hurt you a bit.                                And if you decide, then decide among them with justice.                                          Surely Allah loves the just.


  • سَمّٰعُوۡنَ —  Sum-maa-oo-na — Hearers (= n., pl. those who hear, listen or pay attention. A/t/a, ‘(They are fond of) listening,’ ‘listeners,’ ‘They eagerly listen,’ They are eager  listeners,’  ‘They listen to,’ ‘They are habitual listeners to,’ ‘(They are) habitual listeners’ and ‘(They like to) listen to’)
  • لِلۡ — L…(il) — For / to (= Concerning, regarding; relative to; intended for; to; towards.    A/t/a, ‘for the sake of’)
  • كَذِبِ — Ka-zay-bay — The lie (= n., s., Denial of truth; disbelief; fabrication; falsehood;  lie; misrepresentation; rejection of truth. A/t/a, ‘a lie,’ ‘falsehood’ and ‘falsehoods’)
  • اَ كّٰلُوۡنَ — Uk-kaa-loo-na — Eaters (= n., p. Those who eat up eagerly, hungrily, quickly and rapidly; consumers; devourers. A/t/a, ‘devour … voraciously,’ ‘to devour,’ ‘they devour,’ ‘devouring,’ ‘too much given to eat,’ ‘Greedy’ and ‘practice’)       
  • لِ — Lay…(iss) — For / of (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; on account of; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘what is’)
  • لِلسُّحۡتِ‌ — Soh-tay — Forbidden (= n., Anything forbidden or declared illegal such as the  blood, dead, pig, sacrifices for anyone besides Allah (See 002:174, 005:004, 005:043, 005:063) and usury (See Usury) or rental on money. A/t/a, ‘Anything forbidden,’ ‘forbidden things,’ ‘things forbidden,’ ‘illicit gains’ and ‘the unlawful’)
  • فَ — Fa — So (= After this; at the end; consequently; finally; hence; in conclusion; so; then; thereafter; therefore; thus)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; whenever. A/t/a, ‘Should’)
  • جَآءُوۡ — Jaa-oo — Came (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Arrived; reached; returned. Also, the word can mean achieved, brought, delivered, settled, sought or succeeded. A/t/a, ‘do come,’ ‘Jews come unto,’ ‘they come to … seeking judgment in a dispute,’ ‘they come … for judgment’ and ‘come’ but stating this in the present tense is not a translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated in the present tense)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. A/t/a, ‘thee (Muhammad),’ ‘you ( O Muhammad s.a.w),’ ‘thee for judgment,’ ‘thee’ and ‘you (seeking your judgment)’     
  • فَ — Fa … (uh) — Then (= After this; at the end; hence; thus. See فَ above)
  • احۡكُمۡ — Ah-koom — Decide (= v., m/f., s., 2nd person. Adjudicate; judge; make judgment. Announce a verdict after determining facts and finalizing the conclusions. A/t/a, ‘give … your judgment’)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead, facing or in front of; Among; betwixt)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; their)
  • اَوۡ — Auo — Or else (= Alternatively; in substitution)
  • اَعۡرِضۡ — Au-ridz — Turn away (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Avert; avoid; disregard; depart; get back; go away, ignore; move; pass; refuse; side-step; stay away; turn aside; withdraw. A/t/a, ‘decline to interfere,’ ‘turn away,’ ‘keep away,’ ‘turn aside,’ ‘disclaim jurisdiction,’ ‘disregard’ and ‘let them be’)
  • عَنِ — Un — From (= About; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘from’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; their)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; when situation arises; whenever)
  • تُعۡرِضۡ — Toe-ridz — Turn away (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Avert; avoid; get away. See اَعۡرِضۡ above. A/t/a, ‘you turn away,’ ‘thou keepest,’ ‘turn aside,’ ‘disclaim jurisdiction’and ‘disregard’)
  • عَنِ — Un — From (= About; concerning; regarding; relative to)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; their)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After this; at the end; hence; thus. See فَ above)
  • لَنۡ — Lunn — Not / Cannot (= Absolute denial; no; not; not at all; total negation)
  • يَّضُرُّو  — Ya-dzoor-roo — They hurt (= v., pres., pl., 3 rd person. Cause, do or inflict an injury,  impairment, damage, harm or wound. A/t/a, ‘they harm,’ ‘they … harm,’ ‘will  … be able to harm,’ ‘they shall do you … harm’ and ‘they hurt’)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. A/t/a, ‘thee’)
  • شَيۡـــًٔا‌ — Shai-aa — At all (= Anything at all however little or insignificant. A whit. Not the least. Smallest part of an article, item, object,  material, thing, matter, type, phenomenon or stuff. To the least extent. A/t/a, ‘the least’ and ‘at all’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. Save وَ above)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; when situation arises; whenever. A/t/a, ‘shouldest’)
  • حَكَمۡتَ — Ha-kum-ta — You decide (= v., s., 2nd person. Adjudicate; adjudge; arbitrate; decide; do the balancing act among two or more conflicting interests; judge; settle. A/t/a, ‘Thou judge,’ ‘thou judgest,’ ‘thou decide to judge’ mzk], ‘you judge’ and ‘act as their judge’)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After this; at the end; hence; thus. See فَ  above)
  • احۡكُمۡ — Uh-koom — Decide (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Adjudicate. See  احۡكُمۡ   above)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead, facing or in front of; Among; betwixt)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; their)
  • بِ — B … (il) — With (= Literally the word بِ means with)
  • الۡقِسۡطِ‌ — Qis-tay — Justice (= n., Balanced view; equity; fairness; justice. Also, when joined with the prior word  بِ  the word becomes an adv and means correctly, equitably, fairly, fully; honestly, justly or properly. A/t/a, ‘equity,’ ‘justice,’ ‘justly’ and ‘fairness’)
  • اِنَّ — In-na … (ul) — Surely (= Absolutely; certainly; clearly, decidedly; definitely;  doubtlessly; indeed; positively; really; surely; truly; verily)
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • يُحِبُّ — Yo-hib-bool — Loves (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Admires; adores; appreciates; approves; cherishes; is attached; likes very much; prefers. This word as an action of human beings also means covets, craves, desires, wants or wishes. A/t/a, ‘loves’ and ‘loveth’)
  • الۡمُقۡسِطِيۡنَ — Mooq-say-teen — The Just (= n., pl. Those who are equitable, fair and do justice. A/t/a, ‘the equitable,’ ‘the just,’ ‘those who are just,’ ‘that deal justly’ and act justly’)
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