
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                         005:047


 وَقَفَّيۡنَا عَلٰٓى اٰثَارِهِمۡ بِعِيۡسَى ابۡنِ مَرۡيَمَ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡهِ مِنَ التَّوۡرٰٮةِ‌  وَاٰتَيۡنٰهُ الۡاِنۡجِيۡلَ فِيۡهِ هُدًى وَّنُوۡرٌ ۙ  وَّ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡهِ مِنَ التَّوۡرٰٮةِ وَهُدًى وَّمَوۡعِظَةً لِّـلۡمُتَّقِيۡنَ ؕ‏


Wa-quf-fai-naa-alaa-aa-thaa-ray-him-bay-ee-sub-nay-mur-ya-ma                                        Mo-sud-day-qun-lay-maa-bai-na-ya-dai-hay-may-nut-tao-raa-tay                                        Wa-aa-tai-naa-hool-in-jee-la-fee-hay-ho-dun-wa-noo-roon-wa                                                Mo-sud-day-qun-lay-maa-bai-na-ya-dai-hay-may-nut-tao-raa-tay                                      Wa-ho-dun-wa-mao-aiy-za-ton-lil-moot-ta-qee-n


And We followed in their footsteps Jesus son of Mary                                                  An attester for what was before him in the Torah                                                            And We gave him the Bible in which were the Guidance and Light                          And an attester for what was before it in the Torah                                                      And Guidance and Admonition for the Righteous


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • قَفَّيۡ — Quf-fai — Followed (= v., past., pl., 1st person. Corroborated and supported by bringing afterwards. A/t/a, ‘sent,’ ‘caused to follow,’ ‘sent following’ and ‘sent forth’)
  • نَآ — Naa — We (= pro., m/g., pl., 1st person. Our; Us. Used with God’s name this is the authoritative way a higher-up talks)
  • عَلٰى — Alaa — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over; to; upon. A/t/a, ‘in’)
  • اٰثَارِ — Aa-thaa-ray — Footsteps (= n., pl. Prior achievements; footsteps; marks; signs. A/t/a, ‘After’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; theirs. A/t/a, ‘these (Prophets)’ and ‘those prophets’)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with)
  • عِيۡسٰى — Ee-saa…(ub) — Jesus (= The name of a Messenger / Prophet of Allah. See also 002:088, 002:254, 003:046, 004:158, 004:172, 005:047, etc.)
  • ابۡنِ — (U)b-nay — Son of (= Child; off-spring)
  • مَرۡيَمَ — Mur-ya-ma — Mary (= The mother of Jesus Christ)

See Phrase Mo-sud-day-qun-lay-maa for details of its meanings

  • مُصَدِّ قً۬ا — Mo-sud-day-qun — An attester (= n., A person or thing that approves, affirms, confirms or supports as an approver, back-bencher, bottle-holder, testator, verifier or witness. A/t/a, ‘confirming,’ ‘fulfilling’ and ‘verifying)
  • لِّ — Lay — For (= For the benefit; with the purpose, reason or object of. Also, concerning, regarding, relative to)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever; which; whichever.. A/t/a, ‘that which was (revealed)’ and ‘that had come )
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead of. Among. Between. In front of. A/t/a, ‘before’)
  • يَدَيۡ — Ya-dai — Both hands (= Literally … ‘between both your hands’. In Arabic the phrase means ahead of, before, preceding or prior to. The Holy Qor-aan often refers to earlier or preceding divine instructions, revelations and scriptures. A/t/a, ‘before’ and ‘already’ )
  • هِ — Hay — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid person, book or Scripture whether named or not. Refers to Jesus Christ)
  • مِنَ — May-na … (ut) From (= Among, from or out of the class or category of several articles, counts, kind, things, persons, or phenomenon. A/t/a, ‘of’)
  • التَّوۡرٰٮةِ‌ — Tao-raa-tay — Torah (= n., The scripture of the Jews. A/t/a, ‘The Law’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اٰتَيۡ — Aa-tai — Gave (= v. past., s. Awarded; bestowed; blessed; conferred; entrusted; gifted; granted; handed down; laid out. A/t/a ‘gave,’ ‘sent’ and ‘bestowed’)
  • نَآ  — Naa — We (= pro., m/g., pl., 1st person. Our; Us. See نَآ above)
  • هُ — Ho … (ol) — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to Jesus son of Mary)
  • الۡاِنۡجِيۡلَ — In-jeela — Bible (= n. The Scriptures entrusted, lowered on or revealed to Jesus son of Mary. A/t/a, ‘Gospel,’ ‘Evangel,’ ‘the Injeel’ and ‘the Injil (Gospel)’
  • فِىۡ — Fee  — In (= Contained or inside a duration, event, place, period, person, situation, thing or time. A/t/a, ‘therein,’ ‘containing,’ ‘which contained,’ ‘which was and in which there is’)
  • هِ — Hay — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid Bible)
  • هُدًى — Ho-dun — Guidance (= n., The action, direction, instruction, means or set up to show the best beacon, correct course, enlightened entry, linear lines, proper path, right road, wise ways, or the knowledge about what is most appropriate)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • نُوۡرٌ‌  — Noo-roon  — Light (= n., Divine Light)
  • وّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)

The next eight (8) words are the repeats of them from above

  • مُصَدِّ قً۬ا — Mo-sud-day-qun — An attester  (= n., Affirming; approving. See  مُصَدِّ قً۬ا  above)
  • لِّ  — Lay — For (= For the benefit; with the purpose. See  لِّ  above)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever. See  مَاۤ  above)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= In between; in front of. See  بَيۡنَ  above)
  • يَدَيۡ  — Ya-dai — Both hands (= See  يَدَيۡ  above)
  • هِ — Hay — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid Bible)
  • مِنَ — May-n … (ut) — From (= Among, from or out of the class. See  مِنَ  above)
  • التَّوۡرٰٮةِ‌ — Tao-raa-tay — Torah (= n., The scripture of the Jews. See  التَّوۡرٰٮةِ‌  above)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases, or clauses. See وَ above.  A/t/a, ‘was a (means of)’
  • هُدًى — Ho-dun — Guidance (= n., The best direction. See هُدًى  above)
  • وّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases, or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • مَوۡعِظَةً — Mao-aiy-za-tun — Direction (= n., Advice with a stern guidance; exemplary teaching; lesson; advisement with warning; reprimand. Also, a command, decree, dictate, direction, instruction, law, or mandate. A/t/a, ‘admonition,’ ‘advisement’ and ‘exhortation’)
  • لِلۡ — L…(il) — For / to (= Concerning, regarding; relative to; intended for; to)
  • مُتَّقِيۡنَ — Moot-ta-qee-n — Righteous (= n., Clean; pious; doers of duty owed to God Almighty. God-Fearing. Noble. Righteous. Those who ‘avoid angering Allah; Virtuous. See our Commentary The Righteous. A/t/a, ‘those who fear God,’ ‘those who ward off (evil),’ ‘the God-fearing,’ ‘the righteous,’ ‘those who guard against evil,’ ‘the dutiful,’  ‘the pious’ and Muttaqien (pious)’ 
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