
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                006:071


وَذَرِ الَّذِيۡنَ اتَّخَذُوۡا دِيۡنَهُمۡ لَعِبًا وَّلَهۡوًا وَّغَرَّتۡهُمُ الۡحَيٰوةُ الدُّنۡيَا‌ وَ ذَكِّرۡ بِهٖۤ اَنۡ تُبۡسَلَ نَفۡسٌ ۢ بِمَا كَسَبَتۡ‌ۖ   لَـيۡسَ لَهَا مِنۡ دُوۡنِ اللّٰهِ وَلِىٌّ وَّلَا شَفِيۡعٌ‌ ۚ  وَاِنۡ تَعۡدِلۡ كُلَّ عَدۡلٍ لَّا يُؤۡخَذۡ مِنۡهَا‌ ؕ  اُولٰٓٮِٕكَ الَّذِيۡنَ اُبۡسِلُوۡا بِمَا كَسَبُوۡا‌ ۚ   لَهُمۡ شَرَابٌ مِّنۡ حَمِيۡمٍ وَّعَذَابٌ اَ لِيۡمٌۢ بِمَا كَانُوۡا يَكۡفُرُوۡنَ ‏


Wa-za-ril-la-zee-nut-ta-kha-zoo-dee-na-hoom-la-aiy-bun-wa-luh-wun                                  Wa-ghur-rut-ho-mool-ha-yaa-tood-doon-yaa                                                                              Wa-zuk-kir-bay-he-un-toob-sul-nuf-soon-bay-maa-ka-sa-but

Lai-sa-la-haa-min-do-nil-laa-hay-wa-lee-yoon-wa-laa-sha-fee-oon                                        Wa-in-tau-dil-koo-la-ud-lin-laa-yoe-kha-zo-min-haa                                                                  O-laa-e-kul-la-zee-nub-say-loo-bay-maa-ka-sa-boo                                                                  La-hoom-sha-raa-boon-min-ha-me-min-wa                                                                                Azaa-boon-alee-moon-bay-maa-kaa-noo-yuk-fo-roo-n


And you leave those who took their religion as a sport and pastime,                      And whom the present life had beguiled,                                                                    And with it you remind them lest a soul is crushed for what it earned.

For it none besides Allah is a real friend or intercessor.                                               And if offered every compensation, it won’t be taken from it.                                These are those who were crushed because of what they earned.                            For them is a drink of boiling water and                                                                            A painful punishment because they used to disbelieve.


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • ذَرِ — Za-ray —  Leave (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Abandon; avoid; discard; pass;  quit; reject. See Note 002:279. A/t/a, ‘leave,’ ‘leave alone’ and ‘let alone’)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — Ul-la-zee-na … (ut) — Those who (= pl., m, 3rd person. Refers to those articles, persons, or phenomenon or things in masculine gender. A/t/a, ‘those that’)
  • اتَّخَذُوۡا — Ut-ta-kha-zoo — Took (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Adopted; brought in; caught;  considered; construed; made part and parcel; put in. A/t/a, ‘take’ and ‘treat’ in the present tense are no translations of what the Holy Qor-aan has described in the past tense)
  • دِيۡنَ — Dee-na — Religion (= n., Belief system. Best way to live. Divine Rules. Faith. Lifestyle. Matters of faith. Religion. Way of life. Refers to Islamic Monotheism. The right religion)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Their (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs))
  • لَعِبًا — La-aiy-bun … (wa) — Sport (= n., Amusement. Entertainment. Game. Play. Sports event. A/t/a, ‘sport,’ ‘play,’ ‘mere play,’ ‘pastime’ and ‘futile’)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • لَهۡوَا۟ — Luh-won — Pastime (= n., Distraction. Diversion. Pointless pursuit. Worthless      work. Any empty, idle, frolicky, futile. otiose, playful, useless, time-wasting, trivial or vain activity. A/t/a, ‘pastime,’ ‘a jest,’ ‘Amusement,’ ‘idle sport’ and ‘frivolous thing’)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • غَرَّتۡ — Ghur-rut — Beguiled (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Cheated; deceived. A/t/a,  ‘beguileth,’ ‘deceived,’ ‘are deceived by’ and ‘are seduced by’)
  • هُمُ — Ho-mo … (ol) — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs. A/t/a, ‘whom’)
  • الۡحَيٰوةُ — Ha-yaa-t … (od) — Life (= n., A creature’s condition of breathing by inhaling and  exhaling. The quality shown by functions among other of growth and response to stimulation and reproduction by which living organisms are distinguished from dead organisms and inanimate matter. Extensions in living. Peaceful life with safety and security. Any measure to save and safeguard life)
  • ٱلدُّنۡيا — Doon-ya — The present (= Close at hand.  Life … on earth, in the near or short term. The near life, of this world. The near one. The World at hand with its benefits, happiness or pleasures. The Hither, the opposite of the Hereafter or Life after death. A/t/a, ‘of this world,’ ‘of the world’ and ‘wordly’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above. A/t/a, ‘but’)
  • ذَ كِّرۡ — Zuk-kir — You remind (= v., pres., 2nd person., Bear in mind; recall; remember;  refresh; memory; warn. A/t/a, ‘proclaim (to them),’ ‘remind (men),’ ‘remind (them),’ ‘Remind (mankind),’ ‘admonish people,’  ‘admonish’ and ‘admonish them’)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with. A//t/a, ‘hereby’ and ‘thereby’)
  • هٖ — He — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. It; this. A/t/a, ‘it (the Qur’an)’
  • اَنۡ — Un — So that (= That. A/t/a, ‘lest’)
  • تُبۡسَلَ — Toob-sa-la — Crushed (= v., pres., pass., s., 3rd person. Is bent, crushed, destroyed, mangled, pressured, squeezed, twisted or wrought. Also, compressed, driven, forced, pushed, pressed or toiled into Hell. A/t/a, ‘delivers itself to ruin,’ ‘be destroyed,’ ‘be consigned to perdition,’ be damned’ and ‘be given up to destruction’)
  • نَفۡسِ — Nuf-say — Soul (= n., s., An individual’s inner-most, heart, mind or soul)
  • بِمَا — Bay-maa — Because (= Combination of two words. بِ  means ‘with / in’ and  مَاۤ   means ‘all that, whatever, whatsoever or whenever.’  The combination  بِمَا  (bay-maa) means ‘because of; on account of; for the reason; due to; with / in all that. A/t/a, ‘by,’ ‘for,’  ‘for what’ and ‘for that which’)
  • كَسَبَتۡ — Ka-sa-but — It earned (= v., past., s., f., 3rd person. Accomplished; accumulated;  achieved; acquired; bagged; brought about; completed; deserved; due; gained; garnered, gathered; harvested; incurred; merited; performed, received, won; resolved, secured, succeeded; won. A/t/a, ‘it has earned’ and ‘it has wrought.’  But the nouns in ‘its own acts,’ ‘its misdeeds’ and ‘their own sins’ are  no translations of what the Holy Qor-aan has described in a verb in the past tense. Also, the masculine gender pronoun ‘he’ given in ‘he has earned’ [by Dr M Muhsin Khan and Dr Taqi-ud-Din Al-hilali] is no translation of the feminine gender of this and the earlier word نَفۡسِ  which the Holy Qor-aan has used)
  • لَيۡسَ — Lai-sa — None (= Never; no; not all; absolute and total negation. A/t/a, ‘It … has no,’ ‘it shall have no,’ ‘It hath … no,’ ‘There is no,’ ‘They have no’ and ‘he will find … no’)
  • لَ  — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; on account of; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘find for itself’) 
  • هَا — Haa — It (= pro., s., f., 3rd person. A/t/a, ‘It shall,’ ‘it (- the soul)’ and ‘himself’)
  • مِنۡ — Min — From (= Among, from or out of the class or category of several articles, counts, kind, things, persons or phenomenon)
  • دُوۡنِ — Doo-nay … (il) — Other than (= Apart from; besides; except; excluding; exclusive of; in preference to; over and beyond; save; to the exclusion of the rest of. A/t/a,  ‘beside’ and ‘apart from’)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • وَلِىُّ — Wa-lee-yo … (ol) — True friend (= n., s., Guardian; guide; helper; leader; patron; protector and protective friend. Sincere well-wisher who heeds one in need; supporter. The word also means an aide, assistant and henchman that won’t apply in reference to the Almighty God)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • لَا — Laa — No (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; absolute denial and total negation without exception. A/t/a, ‘nor’)
  • شَفِيۡعٌ‌ ۚ– Sha-fee-oon — Intercessor (= n., One to speak favorably for another; recommender)
  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; whenever. A/t/a, ‘though’ and ‘even if’)
  • تَعۡدِلۡ — Tau-dil — Is offered (= v., pres., pass., s., 3rd person. it offers as compensation. . A/t/a, ‘it offer,’ ‘it may offer,’ ‘they offer’ and ‘he offers’)
  • كُلَّ — Kool-la — Every (= All; every; entirely; totally; wholly)
  • عَدۡلٍ — Ud-lin — Equivalent (= n., Compensation; recompense. A/t/a, ‘ransom (or Reparation)’ and ‘ransom’)
  • لَّا — Laa  — Not (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; total denial. A/t/a, ‘it will not be’ and ‘it shall not be’)
  • يُؤۡخَذۡ — Yoe-khuz –Taken (= v., pres., pass., s., 3rd person. Accepted. A/t/a, ‘accepted’)
  • مِنۡ — Min — From (= Among, from or out of the class. See مِنۡ  above)
  • هَا — Haa — It (= pro., s., f., 3rd person., Refers to aforesaid soul. A/t/a, ‘it,’ ‘them’ and ‘him’)
  • اُولٰٓٮِٕكَ — O-laa-e-ka … (ul) — All of these  (= Acts; facts, items, persons or things. A/t/a, ‘These are,’ ‘Those are they,’ ‘It is these who are’ and ‘Such are’)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — Ul-la-zee-na — Those who (= pl., m, 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid ٱلَّذِينَ persons.  A/t/a, ‘such is (The end of) those who,’ ‘they who’ and ‘those that’)
  • اُبۡسِلُوۡا — Ub-say-loo — Crushed (= v., past., pass.,  pl., 3rd personWere … bent, destroyed, mangled, pressured, squeezed, twisted or wrought. Also, compressed, driven, forced, pushed, pressed or toiled into Hell. See  تُبۡسَلَ  above. A/t/a, ‘who perish,’ ‘Deliver themselves to ruin,’ ‘delivered over to destruction,’ ‘given up to destruction,’ ‘are destroyed’ and ‘are damned’)
  • بِمَا — Bay-maa — Because (=  See بِمَا  above. A/t/a, ‘because,’ ‘by’ and ‘for’)
  • كَسَبُوۡا‌ ۚ– Ka-sa-boo — They earned (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Accomplished; accumulated; achieved; acquired; bagged; brought. See  كَسَبَتۡ  above. A/t/a, ‘that which they have earned’ and ‘what they accomplished.’ However, the nouns in ‘their own acts,’ ‘their own deserts’ and by their sins,’ as well as the verb in the present tense in ‘they earn’ are no translations of what the Holy Qor-aan has described with a verb in the past tense)
  • لَ — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; on account of; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘will have,’ ‘They shall,’ ‘There awaits’ and ‘For … is’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • شَرَابٌ — Sha-raa-boon — Drink (= n., A liquid that us consumed or drunk)
  • مِّنۡ — Min — From (= Among, from or out of the class. See مِنۡ  above. A/t/a, ‘of’)
  • حَمِيۡمٍ — Ha-me-moon — Boiling water (= adj., Heated to nth degree. A/t/a, ‘(only) boiling water’)
  • وَّ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • عَذَابٌ — Azaa-boon — Punishment (= n., Appropriate, due and fair agony, chastisement, doom, hard task, penalty, ‘punishment,’ recompense, torment, torture or scourge. A/t/a, ‘punished’ but that verb is no translation of the noun used in the Holy Qor-aan)
  • اَلِيۡمٌ — Aa-lee-moon — Painful (= adj., Grievous; hard task; severe; stern; terrible; woeful. A/t/a, ‘painful,’ ‘One most grievous’ and ‘sternly’)
  • بِمَا — Bay-maa — Because (= The combination بِمَا (bay-maa) means ‘because of; on account of; for the reason; due to. See بِمَا above. A/t/a, ‘because’ and ‘for’)
  • كَانُوۡۤا — Kaa-noo — Used to (= v., past., pl., m., 3rd person. Continued doing; used to; went on; were doing. Words has or had always been indicate endless continuity from the past to the present and leading into the future; used to A/t/a, ‘they persisted,’ ‘their’ and ‘they used to’)
  • ا يَكۡفُرُوۡنَ — Yuk-fo-roo-n — They disbelieve (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Act ungratefully; deny or disbelieve in Allah, the Holy Qor-aan and Islaam to become Moslem. Who become disbelievers, heretics, infidels, thankless, unappreciative or unbelievers. A/t/a, ‘In rejecting God,’ ‘unbelief’ and ‘to disbelieve.’ However, ‘they disbelieved’ in the past tense is no translation of the present tense used in the Holy Qor-aan)


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