
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                              006:120


وَمَا لَـكُمۡ اَلَّا تَاۡكُلُوۡا مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسۡمُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيۡهِ وَقَدۡ فَصَّلَ لَـكُمۡ مَّا حَرَّمَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ اِلَّا مَا اضۡطُرِرۡتُمۡ اِلَيۡهِ  ؕ  وَاِنَّ كَثِيۡرًا لَّيُضِلُّوۡنَ بِاَهۡوَآٮِٕهِمۡ بِغَيۡرِعِلۡم ٍ‌ؕ   اِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ اَعۡلَمُ بِالۡمُعۡتَدِيۡنَ‏


Wa  maa  la  koom  ul-laa  tau-ko-loo  mim-maa                                                                            Zo-kay-ra  us-mo  ol-laa-hay  alai  hay                                                                                              Wa  qud  fus-sa-la  la  koom  maa  hur-ra-ma  alai  koom                                                            Il-laa  maa  uz-ta-rir  toom  elai  hay

Wa  in-na  ka-thee-run  la  yo-dzil-loo-na                                                                                          Bay  ah-waa-aiy  him  bay-ghai-ray  il-min                                                                                     In-na  rub-ba  ka  ho-wa  au-la-mo  bay  il-moe-ta-dee-n


And what is for you that you do not eat out of that                                                      On which the name of Allah has been invoked?                                                         And surely he explained to you what was prohibited to you                                    Except for that to which you were forced.

And surely many are misled by their fancies without knowing.                                Your God surely is aware of the transgressors.


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • مَا — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever. A/t/a, ‘what reason have,’ ‘why’ and ‘should’)
  • لَ — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; on account of; concerning; regarding;  relative to. a/t/a, ‘that’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan addresses men and women jointly this way generally)
  • اَلَّا — Ul-laa — That not (= Combination of two words. The first  اَنۡ  (un) means that. The word  لَا  (laa) means no or never. Combined they mean that not, what not. A/t/a, ‘that … should not’ and ‘that … do not’)
  • تَاۡكُلُوۡا — Tau-ko-loo — You eat (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Chomp; consume; devour;  feast upon; gobble; gorge; gulp; have; munch; partake; scoff; swallow. A/t/a, ‘eat,’ ‘eat (meats)’ and ‘eat of such flesh’)
  • مِمَّا — Mim-maa — Out of what (= Combination of two words. The first word  مِنۡ (min)  means among, from or out of the class, category, kind count or several persons or things. The second word  مَاۤ (maa) means all that, what or whatever. See 002:203 A/t/a, ‘of’ and ‘of that’)
  • ذُكِرَ —  Zo-kay-ra … (us) — Invoked (= v., past., pass., pl., 3rd person. Honored; invoked; told; memorialized; mentioned; observed; prayed; uttered; pronounced; raised; remembered; spoken; stated; taken; venerated)
  • اسۡمُ — Us-mo … (ol) — Name (= n., s., The labels or means with which one person or thing is addressed, called or named)
  • اللّٰهِ‌  — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God. A/t/a, ‘GOD’s’)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; over and ‘(at the time of slaughtering animal’)
  • هِ  — Hay — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid food. A/t/a, ‘which’)
  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ   above. A/t/a, ‘when’)
  • قَدۡ — Qud  — Surely (= This word lays emphasis like very definitely; surely. See Note 004:049 and our Commentary titled the 2 Words of Emphasis used together Multiply Effect. At/a, ‘when,’ ‘whilst’ and ‘while’)
  • فَصَّلَ — Fus-sa-la — He Explained (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Discerned; distinguished good from bad; elaborated; sorted out. A/t/a, ‘He has already made plain,’ ‘He has already explained,’ ‘He has explained,’ ‘He has explained … in detail,’ ‘He hath explained’ and ‘He hath explained … in detail’
  • لَ — La — For (= Concerning; regarding. See  لَ  above. A/t/a, ‘unto’ and ‘to’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You. See  كُمۡ  above)
  • مَّا — Maa —  All that (= What; whatever; whatsoever. See  مِمَّا  above. A/t/a, ‘that which’ and ‘the things’)
  • حَرَّمَ — Hur-ra-ma — He Prohibited (= v., past., s., 3rd person. Banned; barred; disallowed; disapproved; excluded; forbidden; interdicted; made illegal; outlawed; not authorized or permitted; proscribed; stopped. A/t/a, ‘He  has forbidden.’ But the translation ‘is forbidden’ as done by Abdulla Yusuf Ali, M Marmaduke Pickthall,          M. Muhsin Khn, Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and NJ Dawood is wrong because the Holy  Qor-aan has used the word  حَرَّمَ ( hur-ra-ma) in the active voice which means He the Almighty Allah has prohibited, and NOT the word حُرِّمَ (hoor-ray-ma) in the passive voice which means that the said thing was prohibited such as Bani-Israel had forbidden some foods to themselves or others could prohibit anything in future)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over. A/t/a, ‘unto’ or ‘to’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You. See  كُمۡ  above)
  • اَلَّا — Il-laa —  Except (= Nothing but; saving. A/t/a, ‘excepting,’ ‘save’ and ‘except’)
  • مَا  — Maa … (uz) — That (= What; whatever; whatsoever. See  مِمَّا  above. A/t/a, ‘under’ and ‘that which’)
  • اضۡطُرِرۡ — Uz-ta-rir — Forced (= v., past., pass., 2nd person. Compelled; distressed; driven forcibly. Something that is thrusted upon. A/t/a, ‘forced,’ ‘driven by necessity,’  ‘constrained’ and ‘constrained to (eat out of necessity).’ But the noun in ‘compulsion  Of necessity’ is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has described in a verb)
  • تُمُ — Toom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You. See  كُمۡ  above) 
  • اِلَيۡ — E-lai — To (= In the direction of; to; towards. A/t/a, this and the next word translated together as ‘thereto’)
  • هِ — Hay — Which (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid food)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ   above)
  • اِنَّ — In-na — Certainly (= Absolutely; clearly, decidedly; definitely; doubtlessly; indeed; positively; really; surely; truly; verily. A/t/a, ‘Lo’)
  • كَثِيرً۬ا  — Ka-thee-run — Many (= Adj., Abundant. Ample. Bigger, greater or larger in number, quality or quantity. Good or great deal. Many.  Much more. Overflow. Plump. Plentiful. Repetitious. Several time higher number. Without cease. Without stint)
  • لَ — La — Certainly (= Absolutely; clearly; surely; verily. See لَ above)
  • يُضِلُّوۡنَ — Yo-dzil-loo-na —  They mislead (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Here the word is used for men. It means they fall into error, go astray, lose direction, take wrong road, or misdirect, misguide or mislead themselves or others. See Note 003:070. A/t/a, ‘mislead,’ ‘mislead others,’ ‘lead (people) astray’ and ‘do  lead (mankind) astray.’ But ‘are led astray,’ ‘are led away’ and ‘are misled’ in the passive voice is no translation pf what the Holy Qor-aan has described in the active voice)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with. A/t/a, ‘by’ and ‘follow’)
  • اَهۡوَآ ء ِ– Ah-waa-aiy — Fancies (= n., pl., Desires; evil or low desires; wants; whims; wishes; will. A/t/a, ‘vain desires,’ ‘low desires,’ evil desires,’ ‘desires,’ ‘appetites,’ ‘lusts’ and ‘caprices’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Their (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they. A/t/a, ‘their own’)

The text in the next couple of words is repeated in 006;109 and 006:120

  • بِغَيۡرِ — Bay-ghai-ray — Without (= Separately the word  بِ  means with and غَيۡرِ means  other or else. The combination means without. A/t/a, بِ as ‘through,’ ‘due to’ and ‘by,’ and غَيۡرِ as ‘unchecked’ and ‘lack of’)
  • عِلۡمٍ– Il-min — Knowing (= n., Awareness; experience; expertise; familiarity with   facts; intellect; intelligence know-how; power of mind; solid information accumulated based upon wisdom; intelligence, perfect knowledge, total awareness and appropriate instruction. This and the prior word have also been jointly translated as ‘through ignorance’ and ‘out of ignorance’)
  • اِنَّ — In-na — Certainly (= Absolutely; assuredly; certainly; clearly, decidedly; definitely; doubtlessly; indeed; positively; really; surely; truly; verily. A/t/a, ‘Assuredly’ and ‘Lo’)
  • رَبَّ — Rub-ba — GOD / LORD (= The Almighty Allah who fills all needs of all creatures. Cherisher. Creator. Guardian. Lord Provident. Master. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist)
  • كَ — Ka — Your (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You. See Note 002:005. A/t/a, ‘Thy’)
  • هُوَ — Ho-wa — He (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. He; him; it. Refers to aforesaid shown, specified or stated article, thing or person)
  • اَعۡلَمُ– Au-la-mo — Aware (= adj., To the nth degree … Aware, experienced, familiar, informed or knowing. A/t/a, ‘Knoweth best,’ ‘knows best’ and ‘best knows’)
  • بِ — Bay … (il) — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with. ‘of’)
  • الۡمُعۡتَدِيۡنَ‏  Moe-ta-dee-n  Transgressors (= n., pl., Who cross line, exceed known limits, go beyond bounds; trample all over. A/t/a, ‘these  transgressors.’ But the verb in ‘who transgress’ is no translation of the noun used in the Holy Qor-aan)
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