
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                   006:125


وَاِذَا جَآءَتۡهُمۡ اٰيَةٌ قَالُوۡا لَنۡ نُّـؤۡمِنَ حَتّٰى نُؤۡتٰى مِثۡلَ مَاۤ اُوۡتِىَ رُسُلُ اللّٰهِؔ‌ۘؕ  اَللّٰهُ اَعۡلَمُ حَيۡثُ يَجۡعَلُ رِسٰلَـتَهٗ‌ ؕ سَيُصِيۡبُ الَّذِيۡنَ اَجۡرَمُوۡا صَغَارٌ عِنۡدَ اللّٰهِ وَعَذَابٌ شَدِيۡدٌۢ بِمَا كَانُوۡا يَمۡكُرُوۡنَ‏


Wa-ezaa-jaa-ut-hoom-aa-ya-toon-qaa-loo                                                                                      Lun-noe-may-na-hut-ta-noo-taa                                                                                                        Mith-la-maa-oo-tay-ya-ro-so-lool-laa-hay

Al-laa-ho-au-la-mo-hai-tho-yuj-aa-lo-ray-saa-la-ta-hoo                                                        Sa-yo-see-bool-la-zee-na-uj-ra-moo                                                                                                  Sa-ghaa-roon-in-dul-laa-hay-wa-aa-zaa-boon-sha-dee-doon                                                   Bay-maa-kaa-noo-yum-ka-roo-n


And whenever a Sign had come to them, they said,                                                        “We won’t believe until we are given                                                                                  Like what was given to the Messengers of Allah.”

Allah is well-aware where He places His message.                                                          Soon He will reach those who committed crimes                                                        Belittling them in the eyes of Allah and a severe punishment                                    Because of what they have been planning.


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • اِذَا — Ezaa — When (= At the time or event; call to mind; recall; remember; think of the time, event, occasion or opportunity. Also, behold; consider; ponder over; reflect)
  • جَآءَتۡ — Jaa-ut — Had come (= v., past., s., f., 3rd person. Arrived; came; had come; reached; returned. A/t/a, ‘is revealed to.’ But ‘comes to,’ ‘there comes to’ and ‘cometh unto’ in the present tense is no translation of the past tense that the Holy Qor-aan has used to describe the fact)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • اٰيَةٌ — Aa-ya-toon — Sign (= n., s., Portent; revelation. A/t/a, ‘A Sign (from God),’ ‘sign (from Allah),’ ‘a message,’ ‘a (Divine) message’ and ‘token’)
  • قَالُوۡا — Qaa-loo — They said (= v., past, pl., m., 3rdperson: All those men announced;       called; declared; told. See Notes 112:002 and our ‘You say’ means ….’ A/t/a, ‘they say’ in the present tense is no translation of the past tense that the Holy Qor- aan has used to describe the fact)
  • لَنۡ — Lunn — Never (= Absolute denial; no; not; not at all; total negation; by no means)
  • نُّـؤۡمِنَ –Noe-may-no — We believe (= v., pres., pl., 1st person. Believe in the Holy Qor-aan, Iss-laam and the Holy Prophet Mohammed s.a. Have faith. A/t/a, ‘we shall … believe’ and ‘we will … believe’)
  • حَتّٰى — Hut-ta — Until (= By the end of the period or term; till the time. A/t/a, ‘till’ and ‘unless’)
  • نُؤۡتٰى — Noe-taa — We are given (= v., past., pass., 1st person. Awarded. bestowed; granted. A/t/a, ‘we ourselves are given’ and ‘is vouchsafed revelation.’ But ‘we receive’  in the present tense and active voice is no translation of how the Holy Qor-aan has described the action)
  • مِثۡلَ — Mith-la — Like (= adj., Duplicate; identical in nature; just like; the same way; resembling; similar; substitute. Of the same kind, looks, quality, shape or type. Of comparable recital. Also, alike or analogous. A/t/a, ‘the like of,’ ‘like that’ and ‘One (exactly) like’)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — All that (= What; whatever; whatsoever; at such time; when. A/t/a, ‘that which’)
  • اُوۡتِىَ — Oo-ta-ya — Given (= v., past., pass., 3rd person. Allowed; granted. A/t/a, ‘are given,’ ‘have been given,’ ‘was given,’ ‘has been given,’ ‘ is vouchsafed to’ and ‘received’)
  • رُسُلُ — Ro-so-lo … (ol) — Messengers (= n., pl., Apostles; messengers; prophets; sages; saints)
  • اللّٰهِ‌ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • اَعۡلَمُ — Au-la-mo — Well-aware (= adj., To the nth degree … aware, experienced, familiar, informed or knowing. A/t/a, ‘knows best,’ ‘knoweth best’ and ‘best knows’)
  • حَيۡثُ — Hai-tho — Where (=  A/t/a, ‘Where (And how),’ ‘whom’ and ‘with whom’)
  • يَجۡعَلُ — Yuj-aa-lo — Places (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Appoints; brings out, causes, converts, creates; directs, grants, makes out, places, renders, sets up; turns up; wills. See Note 002:031.  A/t/a, ‘to carry out,’ ‘to place,’ ‘to appoint’ and ‘to entrust’)
  • رِسٰلَـتَ — Ray-aa-la-ta — Message (= n., s., Communication; revelation. A/t/a, ‘mission,’    ‘messenger’ and ‘Messengership’)
  • هٗ — Hoo — His (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the Almighty God)
  • سَ  — Sa — Soon will be (= This one-lettered word turns a verb in the present tense   to that in the near future tense. In a short while; not too long; quickly; soon; swiftly; very closely; without too long a wait.  A/t/a, ‘definitely’ and ‘surely’)
  • يُصِيۡبُ — Yo-se-bo … (ol) — He reaches (= v., pres., m., 3rd person. Arrives, delivers, hits, lands on, reaches, smites, strikes or touches them with the evil consequences of their actions as punishment. A/t/a, ‘shall surely overtake,’ ‘will overtake,’ ‘will … befall,’  ‘shall befall,’ ‘will smite,’ ‘shall smite,’ ‘shall afflict’ and ‘mete out to them.’ But ‘will be overtaken’ and ‘will be stricken’ in the passive voice has not translated the Holy Qor-aan that has stated the action in the active voice)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — Ul-la-zee-na — Those who (= pl., m, 3rd person. Refers to those articles, persons,  or phenomenon or things in masculine gender)
  • اَجۡرَمُوۡا — Uj-ra-moo — Committed (= v., past., pl., 3rd person. Acted; did; operated; sinned; transgressed; wronged; worked. A/t/a, ‘the wicked,’ ‘the guilty,’ ‘sinners,’ ‘the offenders,’ ‘the transgressors’ and ‘the criminals (polytheists and sinners)’ but such translation as a noun is no translation of the verb with which the Holy Qor-aan has described the acts committed. See Note 006:125)
  • صَغَارٌ — Sa-ghaa-roon — Belittling (= n., Humiliation. Miniaturization, lowering or reduction in someone’s estimate, grade or rank. A/t/a, ‘humiliation in the sight of God’ and ‘humiliation and disgrace.’ But ‘humiliate’ is a verb and no translation of the noun that the Holy Qor-aan has used)
  • عِنۡدَ — In-da … (ul) — Near / In the eyes of (= At; close at hand; from; in; in close proximity of; near. With. In the counting, esteem; estimate, eyes, front or presence of. In the presence, precincts, seeing or sight of. A/t/a, ‘from’ and ‘before’)
  • اللّٰهِ‌ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ   above)
  • عَذَابٌ– Azaa-boon — Punishment (= Appropriate, due and fair agony, chastisement,  doom, hard task, penalty, recompense, torment, torture or scourge)
  • شَدِيۡدٌۢ — Sha-deed — Severe (= adj., Mightily strong. Incredibly fierce. Terrible agony. Harsh, heavy, forceful, frightful, grievous, stern or strict. A/t/a, ‘severe and disgraceful’ and ‘grievous’)
  • بِمَا — Bay-maa — Because (= Combination of two words. بِ  means ‘with’ and مَاۤ  means ‘all that, whatever, whatsoever or whenever.’ See 002:092 A/t/a, ‘for’ and ‘for that which’)
  • كَانُوۡا — Kaa-noo — Have been (= v., past., pl., m., 3rd person., Continued doing; used to;  went on; were doing. Words has or had always been  indicate endless continuity from the past to the present  and leading into the future. Used to)
  • يَمۡكُرُوۡنَ‏ — Yum-ko-roo-n — They planning (= v., past., pl., 3rd pers. Conspiring; scheming bad. See Note 003:055. A/t/a, ‘for their planning,’ ’their plotting,’  ‘those who cut off their ties (with Him) because of their intrigues (against Our Prophets),’ ‘for what they devised,’ ‘plot’ and ‘all their plots.’


** Note 006:125. The verb in the Holy Qor-aan mentioned in الَّذِيۡنَ اَجۡرَمُوۡا refers to only the criminal acts, deeds, operations, sins or works, and not the kind of people who may have committed them.

Ordinary non-sinners and non-criminals who commit the wrong cited in the verse will incur the wrath of Allah as laid down.

And the real criminals, sinners and wrongdoers who do not commit the wrong cited in the verse will not the wrath of Allah as laid down.

That’s why the accurate translation of the words الَّذِيۡنَ اَجۡرَمُوۡا is ‘those who committed crimes’ and not ‘the criminals, sinners or transgressors’ as other translators have done.

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