
The Holy Qor-aan                                      032:002                                                              الٓمّؕ‏

Alif. Laam. Meem.

I am Allah.  I Know All (I know the best).

  • ا           Alif                     Abbreviation (one of the Haroof-e-Mo-qut-te-aat) for the word Allah
  • لٓ          Laam-meem     Abbreviation (one of the Haroof-e-Mo-qut-te-aat) for the word Aa-lum meaning “I know all”.
  • مّ           Meem                  Abbreviation (one of the Haroof-e-Mo-qut-te-aat) for the word Au-lum meaning “I Know the best”

Note: Opinions differ regarding alphabets used here and in the beginning of many other chapters of the Holy Qor-aan.  Allegation that they were the initials of the scribes who wrote them down is downright preposterous for insinuating human hands adding to what was really revealed by Allah, the God Almighty. See also 002:002, 003:002, 029:002, 030:002 and 031:002.

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