
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                          064:017


فَاتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ مَا اسۡتَطَعۡتُمۡ وَاسۡمَعُوۡا وَاَطِيۡعُوۡا وَاَنۡفِقُوۡا خَيۡرًا لِّاَنۡفُسِكُمۡ‌  ؕ  وَمَنۡ يُّوۡقَ شُحَّ نَفۡسِهٖ فَاُولٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ الۡمُفۡلِحُوۡنَ


Fut-ta-qool-laa-ha-mus-ta-tau-toom                                                                                              Wus-ma-oo-wa-atee-oo-wun-fay-qoo                                                                                                Khai-run-lay-un-fo-say-koo                                                                                                                  Wa-mun-yoo-qa-shoh-ha-nuf-say-he                                                                                                Fa-o-laa-aiy-ka-ho-mool-moof-lay-hoo-n


So love Allah as much as you can                                                                                    And hear and obey and spend                                                                                              What is good for you.                                                                                                              And whoever gets rid of the mean streak of his soul                                                      Then they all are the Successful People


  • فَ — Fa … (ut) — So (= After all this; at the end; consequently; finally; hence; in conclusion; so; thereafter; therefore; thus)
  • اتَّقُوا — Ta-qoo … (la) — You love (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Act piously and avoid angering Allah by being deeply in love with Him; be afraid, pious or righteous. See our Commentary titled as The Righteous . A/t/a, ‘fear,’ ‘keep your duty to,’ ‘be mindful of your duty,’ ‘do your duty towards’ and ‘keep your duty and fear’)
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • مَاۤ — Ma … (us) — As much as (= All that; what; whatever; whatsoever. A/t/a, ‘as much as’  and ‘as best as’)
  • اسۡتَطَعۡ — Us-ta-tau — Can do (= v., pres., 2nd person. Afford; are able to; have ability, capability, capacity or strength. A/t/a, ‘can’ and ‘the best of your ability’)
  • تُمُ — Toom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. Generally this is the way the Holy Qor-aan addresses men and women)
  • وَ — Wa … (us) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • اسۡمَعُوۡا — Us-ma-oo — You hear (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Attend; hearken;  listen; pay attention. A/t/a, ‘hear,’ ‘Listen’ and ‘be attentive’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
  • اَطِيۡعُوا — Atee-oo — You obey (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Carry out directions; follow. A/t/a, ‘be obedient.’ See our Commentary The Obedience)
  • وَ — Wa … (un) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
  • اَنۡفِقُوۡا — Un-fay-qoo — You spend (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Contribute, donate, expend; give; invest; lay out; put to use. The Holy Qor-aan has used this word for any or all above acts done for any charity, good cause, noble purpose or poor person. A/t/a, ‘spend in His cause,’ ‘spend in his cause,‘ ‘go on spending in (His cause),’ ‘expend,’ ‘be charitable’ and ‘spend in charity’)
  • خَيۡرَا — Khai-run — Good (= n., Absolutely the tops. A/t/a, ‘it is better,’ ‘that is better,’  ‘it will be good,’ ‘That will be better,’ ‘That will be best’ and ‘(If you do so) it will be best’)
  • لِّ — Lay — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘For the benefit of’)
  • اَنۡفُسِ — Un-fo-say — Souls (= n., pl., Hearts; individuals; minds; own sake; persons. A/t/a, ‘souls,’ ‘own,’ ‘ownselves’ and ‘yourselves’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — Your (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. Generally this is the way the Holy Qor-aan addresses men and women)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
  • مَنۡ — Mun — Whoever (= Anyone; whom; whomever; whoso. A/t/a, ‘Those that’)
  • يُّوۡقَ — Yoo-qa —  Gets rid of (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Avoids; cleans; shuns. A/t/a, ‘saved from,’ ‘is rid of,’ ‘preserve themselves’ and ‘are rid of’)
  • شُحَّ — Sho-ha — Mean streak (= n. Deep love; irresistible temptation; greedy secrecy.   Also, as adj., callous; despicable; nasty; shameful; uncaring; unkind; unpleasant. A/t/a, ‘covetousness,’ ‘greed,’ ‘greediness’ and want to accumulate wealth)
  • نَفۡسِ — Nuf-say — Soul (= n., s., Heart; minds;. A/t/a, ‘his own’)
  • هٖ — He — His (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid person. A/t/a, ‘their own’)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After all this; at the end; consequently. See فَ  above)
  • اُولٰٓٮِٕكَ — O-laa-aiy-ka — All of these (= Acts; facts, items, persons or things. A/t/a, ‘such are,’ ‘it is such’ and ‘who shall be’)
  • هُمُ — Ho-mo..(ol) — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3 rd person. Those men; they; their)
  • الۡمُفۡلِحُوۡنَ — Moof-lay-hoo-n Successful (= n., pl., Achievers; prosperous; triumphant; victors; victorious; winners. The successful are also defined in a 6-step description [023:002 to 012] which resembles the 8-step description of those ‘who pray’ and will be ‘honored’ in the paradise [070 023 to 036]. A/t/a, ‘the ones that achieve prosperity,’ ‘the ones to prosper,’ ‘really successful in every way,’ ‘the successful’ and ‘the successful ones.’ But stating ‘shall be successful,’ ‘shall succeed’ and ‘will surely prosper’ in the form of a verb is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated in the form of a noun )


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