
Blessings which human beings need and can get

Read the whole Soora with the Commentary at 093-All

Many translators have narrowed down the pronoun كَ that means ‘you, male, single person’ to refer only to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w).  They have a reason to say so because many of the other divine directions in the Holy Qor-aan have been addressed to “Listen, you the Mankind”, “Listen, you the Believers”, and “You all.”   Yet almost all translators have by analogy applied all such Commandments and Prohibitions addressed to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) by كَ to his followers as well.

It is undisputed that the Holy Qor-aan, Islam and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) were sent to benefit the whole mankind.  Therefore, it is logical to extend the blessings mentioned in the following three verses as the achievable goals for every follower of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) and every reader of the Holy Qor-aan.  These blessings are worth aspiring for and praying for.

The three blessings mentioned in these verses can apply to a number of situations man faces nearly every day.  Parents die leaving young one as orphans.  Everyone needs to find better ways to achieve his goals, excel in his profession or improve his skills.  In the eternal warfare between ‘Haves’ and ‘Have-nots’ that has accentuated in the modern conflicting economic systems labeled as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and many other ‘isms’, the blessing of ‘economic independence’ for those who were not ‘born with a silver spoon in mouth’ is a terrific solution for said problem.

  • Holy Qor-aan                                              093:007                   اَلَمۡ يَجِدۡكَ يَتِيۡمًا فَاٰوٰى
    Did He not find your an orphan? So He protected you


  • Holy Qor-aan                                              093:008                    وَوَجَدَكَ ضَآ لًّا فَهَدٰى
    And He found you lost; so He guided you


  • Holy Qor-aan                                              093:009 وَوَجَدَكَ عَآٮِٕلًا فَاَغۡنٰىؕ                    ‏
    And He found you poor; so He made you rich


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