2 – Progress Report

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡم                                                                        دَعَآ   إِلَى    ٱللَّهِ


Welcome to the True Teachings of Islam

The Holy Qor-aan is a universal message that contains and exhorts only the Truth

Accurate translations of the Holy Qor-aan – ignored by many who wrote in British English – was our prime concern as we did it in American English that the world understands.

27% [Parts 1 to 7 and #30, or over 1700 verses] of the Holy Qor-aan is now on this site

About 160 Commentaries extrapolating critical issues like Jihad are also published

Click on a hyper-link and instantly see where the matter is extensively dealt with

Please keep visiting this work-in-progress.  We add material almost daily. Send comments to taleem-ul-islam@mail.com

Please see: 3 – Mission Statement 

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