Monthly Archives: May 2022

Law – Successors, The Righteous

LAW Successors, The Righteous For a better perspective, read together the Commentaries tiled as “Succession (Caliphate),” “Successors (Caliphs)” and “Successors, The Righteous”   The Holy Qor-aan commands to “obey Allah, His Messenger and those in authority among you” (004:060). History shows … Continue reading

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Law – Successors (Caliphs)

LAW Successors (Caliphs) For a better perspective, read together the Commentaries tiled as “Succession (Caliphate),” “Successors (Caliphs)” and “Successors, The Righteous.” Islam mandates all its Commands and Prohibitions to be followed fully. The rules, the ruled and the ruler are well-defined. … Continue reading

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