3 – Mission Statement

 Mission Statement

We appreciate the most Beneficent Merciful God who gave man the Book to read again and again, to worship Only Him and seek help from Him Alone, to guide us to the right road that reaches Him and to avoid the ways that wrongdoers chose.  Islam is the Book, the Creator’s design for man to live by and reach his apex. It is like the Code a programmer writes for his software to produce the best result.

Mankind has always faced significant humanistic challenges in its history.  Islam on the other hand has taught man total humanism – to be a humble human not faking or making gods, to be a good child, sibling, spouse, parent, friend and member of human family, to be spiritually enlightened, to genuinely respect the dignity of other faiths, to coexist with other non-human creatures on earth, to attain peace within and provide peace all around, and to ‘invite to God with wise ways and excellent exhortation by prettiest possible presentations’ (016:126). And the revelation of the Holy Qor-aan started with one simple direction “Read with the name of your God, the Provident, who created you” (096:002).
Translating any work in a different language with its own rules of grammar is not easy. Creativity that God gave to man has ‘allegedly’ been abused by many translators, dictators, generals and kings to translate, interpret and extrapolate the scriptures for selfish reasons and getting around the divine rules laid down.  “Lost in the translation” is a self-serving rule for translators to protect themselves against charges of innocent conversion, incorrect description and even a downright bad faith twisting of the original.  So this site too risks such criticism from all Extremes.  But our mission is simple.

We pray and will do the utmost to make an entry of a truthful person and seek an exit of a truthful person (017:081) and come up with the truth (017:082), the whole truth and nothing but the truth, since the moderates guide fellowmen and are themselves guided by the Messenger (002:144).  To serve said mission with humility we offer commentary on humanism taught by Qor-aan and invite others to participate in such conversations.

Those not-yet-Moslems can get straightforward access and direct links to the true teachings of Islam.  Those already Moslems but divided into hundreds of schools and sects can find, compare and evaluate what they practice, preach or profess by labeling it Islam with the originals of the Commandments and Prohibitions of Qor-aan that came for the whole mankind to get them out of the darkness to the light (014-002).  We use English since today it is the predominant language spoken and understood the world over.  After all God has never sent a messenger except with the tongue of his people to clearly explain to them the message (014-005).

Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted with the numbers that include بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏ as verse #1 of 113 Soorah (Chapters), but not of Soorah #9.  The original Arabic word is shown first.  The phonetic transliteration in English is shown next and is based upon words commonly pronounced like bat, cat, sat → fate, gate, hate → bait, trait → bay, nay, say → be, he, se → pet, pet, wet → bit, fit, sit → cot, dot, rot → boot, hoot, root → bout, rout → but, cut, hut, ultimatum.  The English equivalent to the Arabic words are provided next.  Some other alternates in English used in other translations are given last.

Please see: 4- How to use this site

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