Abrogation Theory


Abrogation Theory

The Holy Qor-aan has used the words اٰيَةٍ aa-ya-tin (single) [اٰيٰتِ aa-yaa-tin – plural ] several times with its principal meanings of a sign. A confusion arose when a term like ‘Abrogation, renunciation or causing to be forgotten’ was applied to an Aa-ya-tin, a verse of the Holy Qor-aan – Spiritual Guidance Book that embodies Divine Rules for spiritual guidance and of a perpetual application. Those rules are consolidated and condensed in One perfected Book (005:004) The Most Read Book In The World to enlighten man’s soul. The material Examples illustrating its Content highlights its content which is for all men (014:002) for all times to come.

Some translators hold certain verses of the Holy Qor-aan abrogated like the following.

  • M Muhsin Khan and Taq-ud-Din Al-Hilali labelled many Verses this way as follows.    1. “The provision of this [004:016] Verse has been abrogated by the Verse of Surat An-Nur [024:003].”                                                                                                                               2. “The provision of this [002:184] Verse has been abrogated by the next verse [002:185].”                                                                                                                                         3. “The provisions of this Verse [006:069] was abrogated by the Verse 4:140″ [004:141]
  • Maulna Muhammad Ali wrote, “Some commentators hold the opinion that the direction to make a bequest [as stated in 002:018] is abrogated by [004:012}” and then argued that such assertion was wrong.

Most translators have denied that any verse of the Holy Qor-aan, the Spiritual Guidance Book, is abrogated. Instead, they rationalized any alleged contradiction by assigning one of the accurate shades to the following meanings of the word ‘sign’ and applying it to the content.
1. Manifestation; message; narrative; revelation; verses.
2. Command; direction; law; order.
3. Corroboration; evidence; lesson; portent; proof.
4. Part, portion; pointer, sign, symbol or token pointing to the truth.
5. Every element to create clear crystal picture leading to an absolute conviction.
6. Argument or indication highlighting the manifest Truth.

The Punjab Act II of 1954 (Munir Commission’s Report of the Court of Inquiry) has judicially discussed, dissected and decided the issue of Renunciation, Nasikh or Munsookh. The Court confirmed that only Ahmadies hold 100% of the Holy Qor-aan fully operative today as it was the day it was revealed. It observed that the Moslem scholars who appeared before it testified that from five verses to the hundreds of the verses of the Holy Qor-aan were obsolete, non-practicable and so abrogated. It summed up the theory of Abrogation as follows.

“Maulana Muhammad Ali in his interpretive Note #152 to the verse 2: 107 of the Holy Qor-aan has described the phenomenon of Abrogation. He made several points as follows. The upholders of the theory or interpretation of abrogation generally did not base their view on some saying of the Holy Prophet s.a.w but expressed only their opinion. Not a single Ha-deeth has spoken of abrogating any verse of the Holy Qor-aan. The upholders of this doctrine hopelessly disagreed among themselves. They did not agree even on the number of the verses that they alleged had been abrogated. Some held that no more than five verses were abrogated. But others carried the number to hundreds.”

The word Abrogation really describes the divine rule of Evolution which entails three steps. 1. Construction. 2. Demolition of the old due to obsolesce. 3. Re-construction or replacing the old with new and better. The verse 002:107 describes that process as a Rule Of Universal Application. It does not state that there is or even maybe any cancellation or abrogation of any verse of the Holy Qor-aan.

Yet the Moslem clergy appeased the expansionist army generals. They added the word holy to Jihad. They dressed the battle-field casualties with the foolish fabrications of awards of virgins in the paradise. They bribed the young men to go to war “moved by religious frenzy going out armed with sword and indiscriminately slaughtering non-Muslims in the belief that if he dies in the combat he becomes a shahid and if he succeeds in killing attains the status of a ghazi” – Above Report – P222. See our Commentary titled Law – Jihad Defined by High Court.

The Holy Qor-aan provides the rules of universal application to cover all needs of man in the past, present and future, from birth, marriage, divorce, death, inheritance, governance, coexistence, society and all in between, in a perfect balance – and connects man to God Almighty.

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