The Callers To Allah

The Callers To Allah

The seven (079:002 to 008) verses about The Callers To Allah have been translated by referring them to the beings, angels, companions, snatchers, planets, stars and horses as follows.

1. The Holy Qor-aan has used a phrase that means “who invited, called or drew attention to Allah” (041:034). That whole phrase appears to be pretty close to if not the nearest to the meanings of one word النّٰزِعٰتِ used in verse 079:002. That is why we have placed at number 1 the translation which states about those “Groups of beings, who perform their duties (towards their Lord and mankind and themselves) with intense zeal and to the best of their capacity” as interpreted by Allamah Nooruddin.

2. Angels. — A Yusuf Ali wrote: By the angels who “Tear out the souls of the wicked with violence .. Gently draw out the souls of the blessed .. Glid along on errands .. Then press forward as in a race .. Arrange to do the Commands of their Lord .. One Day everything that can be in commotion will be in violent commotion … oft-repeated Commotions.”
— M Muhammad Ali wrote: “Commentators generally” have said so.
— M M Pickthall quoted “Who console the spirit (of the righteous) tenderly” and “Come floating down from heaven.”
— Dr Khan and Dr Al-Hilali stated the angels who “pull out the souls of the disbelievers and the wicked with great violence .. Gently take out the souls of the believers .. Swim along (i.e. angels or planets in their orbits) .. That press forward as in a race (i.e. the angels or stars or the horses) .. Arrange to do the Commands of their Lord (so you disbelievers will be called to account .. On the Day (when the first .. Trumpet is blown) the earth and the mountains will shake violently (and everybody will die) .. The second blowing of the Trumpet .. (and everybody will be resurrected).”
— But Malik Ghulam Farid disagreed with them all by saying that “the evidence of the angels is beyond human knowledge or comprehension.”

3. Companions of the Holy Prophet s.a.w as these verses “MAY BE taken as embodying a prophecy about the spread of Islam … through their selfless and vigorous efforts ..and a “further prophecy that they would be entrusted with the responsibility of conducting and administering public affairs of great importance with ability and justice” – Malik Ghulam Farid although such view would limit these verses to the life-span of the companions.

4. Snatchers who “violently snatch away men’s soul” … “And those who gently release them; by those who float at will and those who speed headlong.” – N J Dawood

5. Whatever is meant by the following since any reader can deduce from what was said.
a. By those “Who drag forth to destruction .. meteors rushing .. lone stars floating .. angels hastening .. who govern the event .. “First trump resoundeth .. And the second followeth it.” — M M Pickthall.
b. By those “Who pluck out vehemently .. that move forward rapidly .. that swim vigorously .. that outstrip suddenly .. who conduct a certain affair. On the Day when earth shall quake; followed soon afterwards by the sky.” — Ahmad Zidan

6. The procedure to keep recurring in applying to mankind as long as they are on earth.

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