Islam – 111 – History of Add-ons in Islam

ISLAM – 111

History of Add-ons in Islam

Why some so-called Moslems kill in the name of God while others save lives risking their own?    Why did the Holy Qor-aan say (005:033) that who kills a person is like he killed entire mankind?    Why did they not treat 130 in Paris, 100+ in Pakistani School or 98 in two mosques as humans?    Why did not their great majority find courage to condemn all those mass-murders in the world?    Why did not their educators inculcate in them some common sense, civilization, and tolerance?    Why have the people, politicians and clergy failed to build a society with respect for human life?   Why is the raping, robbing or abusing the weak, women, children or old non-Moslems justified?   Why are Moslems mute regarding crimes committed in the name of Islam and say it is no Islam?    Why are Indonesia, Bangla Desh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Middle East, North Africa quiet?   Some of the answers lie in looking at the history so that the history does not repeat itself.

The Holy Qor-aan brought Islam to the mankind.  But is it fixed as its verses provide?  Or can it be interpreted any-which-way one chooses as if licensed to do so by alleging that it is a Living Breathing Document?  History shows that the original teachings were expanded with additions, expunged with subtractions and infiltrated with outside philosophies.  Some of those fast-moving overlapping steps are hyper-linked below and covered in our Commentaries as the Add-ons with more details.  Islam-101 outlines some of the areas which the Holy Qor-aan has compacted the most.

The Holy Qor-aan mandated Obedience to God and His Messenger 18 times in as many verses.    But the clergy zeroed-in on the one time it also added ‘those in authority among you’ (004:006).    Their actions explained in our Commentary Difference of Opinion had essentially two purposes.    It was used to demand and impose an absolute obedience to State by subjugating ordinary citizens.    It was also used to instigate masses against any ruler dubbed as the one who was not among you. 

The earliest example of the second kind of use resulted in murdering the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Khaleefas.    And that use has continued to plague Moslem community throughout its history in many countries.    The 19th century use was against the British in India who not being Moslem were not among you.    The 1974 use was by Pakistan National Assembly that amended its own Constitution in September.    Saudi Arabia and Iddi Amin’s dictatorship similarly declared that Ahmadies were not Moslems.    That wave held Ahmadies not among you debarring them from holding top jobs in country’s civil and army government services.

The proponents of each Add-on claimed to have advanced Islam further leaving behind others who had ceased to be real Moslems.    The opponents of each Add-on initially criticized it and condemned it as blasphemous until it had received the patronization by one or more of three principal players — the Clergy, the Caliphs and the Cavalry.  Each Add-on was the additional  build-up upon some earlier foundation.    Each Add-on was called the fundamental Islam while each established a brand new different organization, system or version of Islam.    A sample of the Add-ons listed in our Commentaries did the following.

  1. Recognized the difference in opinion and also labeled as the Ijtehaad.
  2. Established a system of Succession (Caliphate) with a Khaleefaah.
  3. Changed the paying of Zakat from a worship to a state-enforced obligation.
  4. Accepted the hardliners or hawks as the integral part of Different Opinion.
  5. Empowered the clergy initially to bridle the hawks.
  6. Helped emergence of Caliph, Cavalry and Clergy as Three arms of government.
  7. Developed the concept of Ijmaa.
  8. Justified going to War on Moslems.
  9. Extended the war power or Jehad to invade neighbors for further expansions.
  10. Promoted Jehaad to force army recruitment though it is Prohibited As A War
  11. Patronized annexing territories when Jihad – War Of Aggression Is No Isslaam
  12. Encouraged Expansion of monarchal kingdoms and geographical boundaries.
  13. Used Ijmaa, Futwas and the command of Juzyah (009:029) to beef up collections
  14. Interpreted the Holy Qor-aan to clothe Caliphate with the Divinity.
  15. Let Khaleefaahs exercise Primogeniture to set up their dynasties as the Rulers.
  16. Obtained, used and enforced the Practice of Futwa.
  17. Coined the theory Mansookh (Abrogation) of any verse the clergy did not like.
  18. Witnessed Formation and Recognition of sects and sub-sects.
  19. Bred Federalism and Taxation
  20. Replaced genuine Difference of Opinion with blind Obedience.
  21. Closed future doors to Interpreters, Reformers or Messengers.






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