Mullah’s Modifications are NOT the True Teachings of Islam (304)

Islaam – 304


MULLAH’S Modifications are NOT the True Teachings of Islam


If there is one word to describe what has damaged the name and reputation of Islam the most, the answer is Mullah. No wonder the Holy Prophet s.a.w had himself labeled those of the 14th century as the Worst Of The Creatures. It is practically impossible to summarize the humongous damage that Mullah has done to Islam as its Clergy.



  • The fact that the Holy Prophet a.w became the Best Exemplar although he attended no school enabled Mullah to promote illiteracy among Moslems, steer ignorant adherents to follow him blindly, and install himself as the custodian of Islam. With the theories such as Abrogation he expelled out of Islam the verses of the Holy Qor-aan that he was unable to explain to inquisitive mind, the Commands and Prohibitions he did not like. He labeled some verses as the Nasihk (Canceller) and the others as Munsukh (Cancelled). The issue was judicially examined by the West Pakistan High Court that highlighted it as follows.

“Generally accepted view is that (9:5) abrogated the earlier verses revealed in Mecca which permitted the killing of kuffar only in self defense. As against this the Ahmadis believe that no verse of the Qur’an was abrogated by another verse … that both sets of verses have different scopes and can stand together … that the doctrine of Nasikh and Munsukh is opposed to the belief in the existence of an original scripture” (pp 223-224).


  • Mullah started the process of coining, fabricating and minting newer theories very early in Islam. Some were genuine that laid foundation for an honest academic extrapolation like Ijtehaad. Some were innocent Difference Of Opinion. But wherever Mullah could, he abused them.


  • Mullah’s fabrications were largely created by the likes of Abdullah ibn Saba. Allegedly of Jewish origin he had preceded his conversion to Islam by saying that he would sow such seeds of dissent that Moslems would never again get together as a single body that he thought had destroyed his ancestry in Madina. Wickipedia records “Shia writers deny Ibn Saba’s historical existence to rid Shia’ism of the accusation by Sunni writers that Shia’ism is originally based on Judaic doctrines.” Apparently that process still continues.


  • The basic Moslem worships commonly known as 5-Pillars of Islam are (1) professing God’ Unity every moment one lived, (2) praying in congregations five times every day, (3) properly fasting for a month every year, (4) performing pilgrimage once in life time, and (5) purifying earnings by paying a part thereof whenever they were made whether daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally like at harvest time. These are personal acts done by man to please his God. Realizing that few Moslems would totally deny them as worships, Mullah did the next thing he could do. He professed, preached and propagated until he succeeded in twisting these worships into state-enforced obligations. He installed himself as the watch to command people to perform them but only in the form he approved.


  • A Moslem proposed Abu Bakr, r.u., after the Holy Prophet Mohammed a.w had passed away on June 8, 632 AD as the first Khaleefah. Those present took the oath of allegiance, the baiyah and caliphate (Khelaafut) started. Later the kings of the Omuyyah dynasty and then the Abasite dynasty took on the title Khaleefa. Mullah obliged the kings by clothing their Kheelafut with the Divinity (as if Appointed By God For Life). Then he sprinkled holy water on the Law of Primogeniture to pass the Kheelafut or Kinghood to the oldest of the sons. And he has continued strengthening the Caliphate with other rule-making powers including the setting up of Electoral College and the qualifications of Electors. Latest example of Mullah’s Finished Product as of today is ISIS.


  • The ISIS in Iraq is hardly practicing Islam. Its ruling junta is trying to secure for itself the former glories of Moslem kings from Spain to the Far East and all that lay in the middle. A scholarly physician recently said that Khaleefah’s election greatly resembled that of a Pope by Christian Cardinals and Archbishops. Indeed “There was no fixed process for papal selection before 1059” … when “popes were often selected with substantial secular involvement” … until “the promulgation of In nomine Domini (1059)” when the suffrage was limited to the College of Cardinals. “Papal elections since 1276” … follow a set of rules and procedures developed in Ubi periculum (1274)” – (Wickipedia).



  • Mullah’s Modifications entail death penalty for renouncing Islam. History has a record of Mullah-decrees (Futwas) inciting murders of Moslems who changed faith. The victim was often killed by instantaneous public lynching even before the State moved. Common sense is that if a person merits execution for leaving Islam, then adherents of other faiths have equal right to kill one who leaves their Faith to enter Islam. Mullah has contradicted several provisions of the Holy Qor-aan relative to the freedom of worship. Islam imposes no compulsion in the matters of religion (002:257). Anyone can pursue any religion he deems fit (109:003 to 007). Mullah flouts categorically the clear mandate in the verses 002:218, 003:091 and 003:092.


  • Mullah’s Modifications include substantial differences in the translations of the Holy Qor-aan. One example is the translation of two words مُتَوَفِّيۡ and رَافِعُ (003:056). The issue funneled in such translations channeled into strong opinions. It has split the world of Islam with the issue of Wafaat-e-Massih or the Death of Jesus on the cross. It has caused the murders of untold number of Moslems by Moslems in past several centuries. Some translators also contributed to it inadvertently because they were foreigners to the Arabic and only edited earlier translations in the European languages. But Mullah gets the full discredit for massive confusion he created through his unfortunate contradictory translations.
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