About this Site and its Content

About this site

All ABOUT this site is the Translation of the Holy Qor-aan.

Starting with The Beginning from 001-001, self-explanatory titles Progress Report, Mission Statement, How to use this Site and Why is it Important explain what this site is. As a work by an ordinary man, it is subject to errors which are kept at bay by ongoing improvements.

About the translation on this site

A simple straightforward translation of the Holy Qor-aan in American English is the sole goal of this site. That’s why it is different from all other translations on the market.

Translation of each verse shows how it is distinguished from others. But any of our Translation commentaries like with Additions and Subtractions., Author’s Whims, Different ideas, Different words, Grammar violated, Inaccuracies, etc., provide a bird’s eye-view of this site.

About the Content

The Holy Qor-aan is the spiritual code for man’s conduct in life. It is summarized in one word Iss-laam which is written as Islam and pronounced on American TV as Iz-lam (like pat, cat, sat).

It provides prayers, prohibitions and Commandments and Rules of Universal Application.

Some translations minimized or magnified the original intent with Material Mistakes, created Sects or issues like Abrogation, Caliphate, Jihad, Modifications or perhaps what was considered politically correct when a particular translation was done.

Our translation has no bias. Our Acknowledgments show how we can present what the Holy Qor-aan has laid down as Laws of Marriages, Divorces, Inheritance, Trading, Shariah, etc.

About the translator of this site

Devoted to the studies of and education in the Holy Qor-aan, the translator Abid has Law and Masters (Arabic) Degrees, studied in Punjab, London and St Louis U, and has been an Attorney in Pakistan Supreme Court, Lahore High Court and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA.

Knowledge of the Holy Qor-aan, Arabic, Law, massive reading of history, real estate, securities, insurance, investments, and a life-long pursuit for answers to daily problems in or out of religion have prepared and qualified him to translate the Holy Qor-aan accurately and faithfully.

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