Acknowledgements – 3rd – To Family and Friends

Acknowledgements – 3rd – To Family and Friends

In 1966. 1967, 1968 and 1974 Almighty God gifted us with our four children.   I tried to teach them the Holy Qor-aan the way my father had done with us his children.   Later on several occasions I shared some knowledge of the Holy Qor-aan and Arabic language with the Moslem congregations in St Louis, Mo, and mosques on the East Coast, and Christian students in the Philadelphia College of Bible Studies in Pennsylvania.   All those occasions demanded that I freshen up my knowledge of the Arabic and add to it what I could — considering that I had limited time for such tasks while doing law practice as a Philadelphia Attorney, solo practitioner.

Practicing the teachings In-sha-kur-toom-la-azee-dunna-koom (If you thank Me, I will give you more – 014:008), it behooves to name the following and state briefly the remarkable expertise and indispensable help each contributed because I knew very little in those areas.

My wife Azra A. Buttar set up the site and helped to keep it running.   All our four children, their spouses and grandchildren did what they could.

  • Dr Rashid A Buttar extended medical services for my wife and me.
  • Zahid A Buttar arranged and taught putting on ‘cloud’ the contents of this site.
  • Rashdah A. Buttar, Esquire managed several legal and fiscal matters.
  • Shahid A. Buttar, Esquire monitored posting on-line the contents of this site.
  • Joseph Miller set up the network of computers and printer.
  • Annisa Buttar-Miller repeatedly fixed the internet issues.

My brother Dr Majid Ali provided valuable experience in making the contents of the site more visible on-line.   Several other people mentioned elsewhere on this site although not named have also helped in varying degrees, and above all with their prayers.

And so did a gentleman I met in England in 1973 in a business transaction.   I barely knew him save that his name was Munir Ahmed Nangali.   He heard me talk, encouraged me to write the book I desired and prayed for my success.   And then floored me by insisting that I take his Ten British Pounds with a promise to mention his name in my writings conveying his request for prayers by those who may read my words — whenever I write them.

May Allah confer His choicest blessings on all persons mentioned above and Aabaa-e-him wa uzwaaj-e-him and zorriyaat-e-him wa usheerat-e-him (= Their parents, their spouses, their children, and their families) as well as those who might in future further the mission of this site; Amen.

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