Category Archives: Prophets, Historical Accounts


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Commands - Humanism, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Slavery

The Slavery   Islam has no place for the worst possible abomination called slavery. The Holy Qor-aan – Spiritual Guidance Book denounced it. The Hadeeth (Reports of the acts and quotes of the Holy Prophet s.a.w ) decried it. The … Continue reading

Posted in Commands - Humanism, Commentary and Notes, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , | Leave a comment


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Commands - Humanism, Commentary and Notes, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Commands - Humanism, Commentary and Notes, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Prayer for Communication & Management

Prayer for Communications and Management The Prophet Moses (a.s)     Please God, open up for me my mind                                    020:026 And make easy … Continue reading

Posted in Commands - Humanism, Commentary and Notes, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

020:038 to 040

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , | Leave a comment

020:026 to 037

The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary and Notes, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan. Prayers in, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


The Holy Qor-aan                                                                            … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary and Notes, One God with 99 names, Prophets, Historical Accounts, Qor-aan's Translation - verse # | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment