Death and Adoration of Jesus

The Death And Adoration Of Jesus


The verse 003:056 has used two words  مُتَوَفِّيۡ  and  رَافِعُ  and the following tell-tale quotes highlight the differences in some English translations.


  • “I will take you and raise you to myself” – Al-Hilali and Dr Khan
  • “I am ending your term on earth and lifting you up to me” – Ahmad Zidan
  • “I will take thee and raise thee to Myself” – A Yusuf Ali
  • “Cause you to die a natural death and exalt you to Myself” – Allamah Nooruddin
  • “Cause you to die a natural death” – Malik Ghulam Farid.
  • “Cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence” – M Muhammad Ali.
  • Gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me“- M Pickthall.
  • “Cause thee to die a natural death and shall exalt thee to Myself” – M Zafrullah Khan.
  • “Cause you to die and lift you up to Me” N J Dawood


Other translations of the verse show more differences. Some may be inadvertent as many translating experts in European languages were foreigners to Arabic. But editing and duplicating earlier works shown by the dates of their first publication is apparent. Such translations created conflicting theories like Wa-faa-tay-Massih (Death of Jesus) and Ra-fa-aiy-Massih (Adoration or Exaltation of Jesus).


The discredit for massive confusion created by contradictory translation goes to Mullah. The issues funneled in such translations bred strong opinions. Those clinging to any one of them soon developed great rigidity in views and even militancy to crush all opposition. The difference in opinions soon tunneled in the formation of new sects which soon got recognized also.


The root of the second word is    ر  ف  ع  .  Controversies have raged round its meanings.

  • What does the word really mean? Is it spiritual ascension or being physically lifted up?
  • Did he die on the cross a cursed death then believed? Or, was he taken of the cross alive, traveled East and is buried in Mohulla Khanyar, Sirinagar in Kashmir (India)?
  • Was Jesus physically lifted up and is alive in Heaven from where he will come down to wage the Armageddon war? Or, was he raised in ranks and granted nearness to God?

“Raf’ signifies raising the status and rank of a person and honoring him. When the Raf’ of a man is spoken of as being towards God, the meaning is invariably his spiritual ascension because God not being material or confined to any place, no physical ascension to Him is possible. The word has been used in the Qur’an in this sense (24:37 & 35:11). The raising of Jesus is mentioned in the verse under comment in reply to the false claim of the Jews that he died an accursed death on the cross” – Malik Ghulam Farid.


If there is one word to describe what has damaged Islam the most, the answer is Mullah. No wonder the Holy Prophet s.a.w had labeled Mullah of the 14th century as the Worst Of The Creatures.


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