Death of Jesus and Biblical Armageddon

Death of Jesus and Biblical Armageddon


History has recorded that Jesus Christ was put on the Cross as follows.

  1. Jesus Christ preached throughout his homeland (1 Timothy 5:8).
  2. His mother Mary attended meetings in her local synagogue (Luke 2:19, 51, 4:16).
  3. Romans believed that killing someone on a wooden cross proved he had been cursed.
  4. Thieves and other criminals were put on the cross that way for a humiliated end of life.
  5. The local Roman governor ordered execution of Jesus on charges really frivolous.
  6. It was a Friday morning when Roman soldiers finally put Jesus Christ on the Cross.
  7. Late afternoon they took him off the cross due to stormy conditions and start of Sabbath.
  8. Apostle John saw the entire execution and recorded a detailed account (John 19:25-27).
  9. Mathew 27:45, 51, John 19:17, 25 and Luke b2:25, 35 also provide details of execution.
  10. The practice was that soldiers pierced a spear into the executed body to ensure the death.
  11. The body of Christ was also speared on removal from the Cross and a liquid oozed out.
  12. In a hurry the soldiers abandoned the apparently dead body of Jesus leaving it right there.
  13. The disciples of Jesus Christ took possession of his body after soldiers had discarded it.
  14. The disciples carried Jesus to a cave ostensibly for the last rites when really he was alive.


Numerous hearsays accounts entered circulation thereafter and can be summarized as follows.

  1. His mother Mary and another lady Mary Magdalene accompanied the body to the cave.
  2. The disciples knew that Jesus was alive and therefore started treating his wounds.
  3. Apparently the secret of Christ’s survival leaked beyond the confines of the cave.
  4. People who finally reached the cave on the third day after the event found it empty.
  5. “Jesus later appeared to his half brother James’ (1 Corinthians 15:7)
  6. Half brothers James and Jude came to believe in Jesus and wrote books of the Bible.


Nearly 300 years after Christ’s death Christianity topped the world of religions believing that —

  1. Jesus was Son of God and physically lifted up to the Heaven where he lives with God.
  2. Jesus will return to the earth just before the Resurrection and destroy the The Antichrist.
  3. The “return of Jesus” (Revelation 12:12) will be militarily (Revelation 13:4, 7).
  4. His “glorious return” (Revelation 19:11-16) will be with an army (Revelation 17:14).
  5. Jesus will come to save humanity which otherwise would perish (Mathew 24:21-22).
  6. His “first resurrection” (Revelation 11:18) will be followed by other successes.
  7. The theory of Jesus to lead Armageddon evolved into forming Templers in Christianity.


Nearly 600 years after Christ’s death — See Death And Adoration Of Jesus — the revelation of the Holy Qor-aan presented Islam to the world. It proclaimed that everyone will taste death (003:186) and that Jesus too had died (003:056).


Yet many sects of Islam today assume the Christian Belief of Jesus being alive in the Heaven living with God as a fundamental part of Islam. Someday somewhere someone will substantiate regarding who and when and where the concept of Armageddon was first imported into Islam. But an incorrect translations of the Holy Qor-aan and some disputed Hadith (Quotations of the Holy Prophet, s.a.w) surely helped to dig that belief deep in Islamic literature.


Today the following logical reasons merit serious consideration.

  1. Abdullah bin Sabaa was a Jewish nationalist who lived in Medina (Saudi Arab) when Moslems became the rulers. Being unhappy for Jewish defeat he reportedly swore in anger that he would sow such seeds of dissension among Moslems that they would not remain One Nation. He outwardly accepted Islam but hypocritically spread malicious doctrines as if they were fundamental to Islam. It is well-known that the Moslems have been divided into different warring factions. Was the basic belief of Christianity about Christ’s physical lift up to God similarly injected a into Islam through a mistranslation of the Hoy Qor-aan? Several of our Commentaries titled Translations definitely show that.
  1. Romans took down from the cross the body of Jesus in a hurry. His disciples took charge of live body and treated his wounds. His mother Mary and another lady Mary Magdalene looked after him. The recovering Jesus and his endangered discovery led his caregivers to move him to safety elsewhere. So those who came to the cave on the third day found it empty. Was the fact of the disappearance of Christ evolved in the next three centuries into a fairy-tale of his physical lifting up into the Heavens?
  1. Ahmadiyya belief based upon research and revelations corroborated by following four facts show that Jesus accompanied by his mother and disciples had travelled to the east.
    1. Some 2000 miles away a respected lady named Mary had reached, lived and died in a hamlet that took her name. Now it is a flourishing town called Murree, Pakistan.
    2. Some 80 miles further east was another town where Jesus lived for many years. The town became known as Srinagar (Chief’s Town) in Kashmir, India.
    3. Many years later Jesus died a natural death. The Mahallah Khanyar (God’s Friend) has a highly revered mausoleum type tomb of a saintly person who long time ago came from the west and lived there all his life.
    4. Marham Isaa (Ointment for Jesus) is a part of the Unani Tibb (The Greek Medicine) rooted in Kashmir and known to cure punctured wounds. Was this the medicine that Christ’s disciples had developed to cure his wounds?
  1. Most religious people believe in two facts. Firstly that the messengers come for the need to draw people to God by diminishing the evil. Secondly that on the Resurrection or the Judgment Day the world would end and all people will be paid for what they did in their life. But what purpose will Christ serve by coming when man and the world be ending in Christian belief and as the mistranslation of the Holy Qor-aan assert, aver and avow?
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