Islam – 102 The Forecast – Of Victories

Islam – 102

The Forecast – Of Victories  


The verse 002:130 of the Holy Qor-aan is a prayer with which the Prophet Abraham (peace be on him) beseeched the Almighty God for a very special favor for his progeny.

The verse 002:152 is how the Almighty Allah reminds mankind of a Messenger He sent to cleanse them, teach them the Scripture, Wisdom and teach What they didn’t know before.

The verse 062:003 reiterates the steps which had materialized the aforesaid occurrence and lays a foundation of a spectacular Forecast made in the next verse 062:004.

The Forecast is of successive victories in the future that will come time and again like the ocean waves that sometime high and sometime low but never stop coming.

The verses 062:003 and 062:004 merit to be studied jointly. The Note 062:004 highlights the essential elements of this Forecast.

“** Note 062:004. Apart from other meanings this verse is also a forecast. The forecast is of future events that will keep on recurring without ever coming to an end. Time and again God will select a person to depute to the folks unlettered in spiritual matters. The person chosen will be extraordinary and sent as the messenger from the Almighty Allah. His task will be to connect ordinary people with their Creator with the sturdy spiritual bonds. Miraculously this connection will set them to purify themselves inwardly and grow spiritually. Their entire society will change.

“The methodology to read, recite and rehears the Scriptures to them will revolutionize their lives. The one result of educating them this way will make them learn and live their religion and become wise. The overall change from their previous lifestyle will be mastering a control on their human frailties. The consequential ascendancy in all their worldly affairs will blossom out into a New World Order. They won’t need some primogeniture process or clannish connections to rise, rule and serve people.

“They will live as God-fearing, simple and honest persons but their way will bend mighty monarchs and posh pashas to find honor in duplicating their just society, social equality, religious freedom, highest learning, genuine service and rule of law for their own masses in their domains.

“Their religion was named Islam that meant peace. They provided peace to rich and poor, in and out of every home, whichever country or culture came under their sway. However, when the human nature of being brute, barbarian and bloodthirsty which invariably corrupts power will creep into them again, another Victory of Truth and Justice will also appear as forecast.”

The forecast of endless chain of victories for the future of mankind precipitated its first link right in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet s.a.w when he was still receiving the Holy Qor-aan.

Starting with the verse 048:002, the Soo-ra-tool-fut-ha illustrates how the first big victory came. It also demonstrates the recognizable pattern of how the subsequent victories will look.

God Almighty has kept to Himself the discretion as to the time, place and extent to fulfill this Forecast. But every one of these Victories will shape the future evolution of mankind.

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