Islam 106 – Religion Established Nation

ISLAM – 106

Practiced  Religion  Established  Nation  of  followers


Accurate translation of an original is a must for anyone who does such work. Accurate translation of the Holy Qor-aan is what we pray that the Almighty God enables us to do, and we try to do so to our best.

But many people see such results rather dimmed in some of the published translations by A John Arberry [aja], A Rahman Omar [aro], A Yusuf Ali [aya], D Ahmad Zidan [daz], M Ghulam Farid [mgf], M Mohammad Ali [mma], M Mohsin Khan [mmk], Marmaduke Pickthall [mmp], M Sher Ali [msa], M Taqi Usmani [mtu], M Zafrulla Khan [mzk], N J Dawood [njd], Quran Dictionary [qd] and T Din Al-Hilali [tda] as shown below..


The word   دِّيۡنَ (dean) means a Religion or Divine Rules. What is conveyed in the message is bound to happen, like The End, The Resurrection, the Day of Judgment. The Holy Qor-aan has used this word in many contexts and floodlighted the covered matter in verses including 002:218, 002:257, 003:074, 003:086, 004:126, 004:147, 004:172, 005:004, 005:055, 006:160, 006:162 etc.

But various authors have translated this word differently. Some [mzk, daz] called it Faith since that is displayed by its followers. Some [mmk, tda] said it is ‘Islamic Monotheism, the right and true religion since they were Muslim.’ Some called it a ‘straight path’ [aja, mtu, qd]. Some labelled it a Belief System as its adherents believe in it. Some just show an Authors Whim.


The word قِيَمًا (qay-yay-mun) means the concepts, contents or conclusions that have been acted upon, confirmed, established, firmed up, implemented, proven right after they were put into practice, solidified or worked. The Holy Qor-aan has used this word in verse 006:162.

And this word has been translated as right [aja, aya, mma, mmp, mgf, mmk, msa, qd], upright religion [njd], true [aro, daz], perfect [mzk] and straight [qd].


The word مِّلَّةَ   (mil-la-ta) means a Nation, community, creed, group or set of people who follow the principles and precepts provided by the religion they follow. Their lifestyle and way of life is what their religion has chalked out for them as the line, path, road or way to follow in life. The Holy Qor-aan has used this word in verse 002:136, 003:096004:126, 006:162.

And this word has been translated as a path, community [mmp], creed [aja, aro], faith [mma, mtu, njd], religion [aro, daz, mgf, msa,, mmk, mzk, qd, tda] and way [aya].


The verse 006:162 has used all three words chronologically. The entire section means that the Religion that was practiced establishing a Nation of followers for Abraham, a.s.



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