Islam-202 Translations With Grammar Violated

ISLAM – 202


Translations With Grammar Violated


Translating Arabic by violating the rules of its grammar changes the meanings — diminishing or enhancing the effects, emphasis and thrust of the original message. A unique characteristic of its grammar is its precision shown in our Commentary Preciseness – Hallmark of the Arabic


One mistranslation can be a human mistake. Repeated mistakes show a pattern. And repeated patterns duplicated time and again in several works strongly suggest a lack of knowledge. They obviously show that the later translators had blindly and unknowingly copied the predecessorsAs an example See Note 005:086  


This site is translating the Holy Qor-aan accurately. It shows inaccuracies in its Commentaries Translations Simply Inaccurate, those Using Different Words, those With Different Ideas and notes such as Note 004:053.


Translations violating grammar is inexcusable. Past tense must be translated in the past tense, and a present tense in the present tense. This kind of frequently repeated inaccuracy is shown in Notes to 003:113 (6 times) and 003:136 (5-times) and the following additional examples.


The Holy Qor-aan used the words  لَمۡ يَمۡسَسۡنِىۡ  [lum-yum-sus-nee = won’t touch me] in its verse 003:048. Those words in the present participle form show that the stated action is occurring at the present and will keep on occurring in the future, and do not reflect that the action has taken place in the past already. Thus the translations ‘have not touched’ or ‘have not had’ conjugal relations by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali (2001) are inaccurate, and also contrary to and below the piety and virtuous dignity of a Prophet’s mother.


The Holy Qor-aan used the word  نُصۡلِيۡ [noos-lee = We will burn] in its verse 004:031 which is a word for the plural and 1st person active voice. But N J Dawood translated it ‘shall be burnt’ which is in singular and 3rd person passive voice. He further repeatedly translated it in the plural what the Holy Qor-aan stated in the singular in verses 004:073, 004:074 and 004:075.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb تَمَنَّوۡنَ [ta-mun-nao-na = wishing] in the verse 003:144 in the present tense but Maulana Muhammad Ali (1917) translated it in the past tense as ‘you desired.’


The Holy Qor-aan used two words اَحۡسَنُوۡ  and  اتَّقَوۡا in verse 003:173 in the past tense. It is not accurate to translate them in the present tense. The context also shows that those actions in the past makes more sense as they described a feat accompli, i.e., those who did the good [اَحۡسَنُوۡ] and acted righteously [ اتَّقَوۡا ] had thus deserved to get the great rewardاَجۡرٌ عَظِيۡمٌ ].


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  يَمِيۡزَ  [ya-me-za = distinguishes] in the verse 003:180 in the present tense.. N J Dawood and Marmduke Pickthall translated it correctly as separate but Maulawi Sher Ali Sher Ali and Malik Ghulam Farid translated it in the past tense as separated.


The Holy Qor-aan used the following several words in its verse 003:181. Inaccurate translations of nouns as verbs and verbs as nouns by many authors including N J Dawood appear as follows.

  • The word يَبۡخَلُوۡنَ  (yub-kha-loo-na = behave stingy) is a verb but the author translated it as ‘misers’ as if it were a noun.
  • The word اٰتٰ  (aa-taa = gave) is a verb but the author translated it as ‘gifts’ as a noun.
  • The word مِيۡرَاثُ  (me-raa-tho = ownership) is a noun but the author translated it as ‘will inherit’ as if it were a verb.
  • The word تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ  (tau-ma-loo-na = you do) is a verb but the author translated it as ‘all your actions’ as if it were a noun.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  تَرَكَ  [ta-ra-ka = he left as inheritance] in the past tense in the verses 004:008, 004:012 and 004:013 but many authors translated it as inheritance or legacy which are nouns, and as what the deceased leaves or leave which are verbs in the present tense.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  تَابَا  [taa-baa = repented] in the verse 004:017 in the past tense but authors A Yusuf Ali, Dr Ahmad Zidan, Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Zafrulla Khan translated it as an act to be done in the future.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  اَصۡلَحَا  [us-la-haa = reformed] in the verse 004:017 in the past tense. But authors Malik Ghulam Farid, N J Dawood, A Rahman Omar, A Yusuf Ali, Maulana Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Dr Ahmad Zidan and Marmduke Pickthall translated it as an act to be done in the future.


The Holy Qor-aan used the noun  التَّوۡبَةُ  [tao-ba-to = repentance] in the verse 004:018 as a noun but many authors translated it as a verb as follows.

  • ‘Allah accepts the repentance of only those’ – Malik Ghulam Farid (1955)
  • ‘Allah accepts only the repentance’ – M Muhsin Khan, Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali.
  • ‘Allah would accept the repentance’ – Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (1975),
  • ‘Allah undertakes to accept the repentance’ – Maulawi Sher Ali (1955),                   
  • ‘Allah forgives’ – N J Dawood (1916),
  • ‘God accepts the repentance of those who’ – Yusuf Ali (1934); Dr Ahmad Zidan (1991)


The Holy Qor-aan used the verbs  حَضَرَ [ha-dza-ra = appeared] and  قَا لَ  [qaa-la = he said} in the verse 004:019 in the past tense but many authors translated them in the present tense,.


The Holy Qorr-aan used the verb  اٰتَيۡ  [aa-taiy-to-moo = Gave] in the verse 004:020. It must be translated as ‘gave or ‘had given.’ But its translations in the present tense are less than accurate.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  يَجۡعَلَ  [yuj-aa-la = turns] in the verse 004:020 in the present tense.. But authors M Marmduke Pickthall, Maulana Muhammad Ali, Maulawi Sher Ali, Malik Ghulam Farid and Muhammad Zafrulla Khan translated it in the past tense as ‘placed.’


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  اَرَدتّ  [aa-rud = intended] in the verse 004:021 in the past tense. But authors M Marmduke Pickthall, Maulana Muhammad Ali, Maulawi Sher Ali, Malik Ghulam Farid and Muhammad Zafrulla Khan translated it in the present tense as ‘desire to take.’


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  يَّقۡتُلُوۡنَ  [yuq-to-loo-na  = they fight] in the verse 005:071 in the present tense. But many authors incorrectly mistranslated it in the past tense as shown in Note 005:071.


The Holy Qor-aan used the word  يُؤۡفَكُوۡنَ  [yoe-fa-koo-n = they disregard by deceit] in the verse 005:076 in the present tense. But many authors incorrectly mistranslated it in the past tense as shown in Note 005:076.


The Holy Qor-aan used the verb  تُحۡشَرُوۡنَ [toh-sha-roo-n = you will be gathered] in the verse 006:073 using a word pointing towards you in the 2nd person. But the author A Yusuf Ali translated it with the one pointing towards the 1st person as ‘we shall be Gathered together.’


The Holy Qor-aan used the pronoun هٖ  [he means His for the singular and 3rd person] in the verse 055:046 but the flagrant mistranslations in the plural as ‘their’ by author A Yusuf Ali and in the 2nd person as ‘you’ by  author A Rahman Omar are just not excusable


The Holy Qor-aan has used the words نَفۡسًا …. كَسَبَتۡ فِىۡۤ اِيۡمَانِهَا in its verse 006:159. The words mean ”she, the soul, earned what is in her Belief .” The pronoun  هَا obviously refers to its subject  نَفۡسًا  which means soul. This must be translated as ‘her’ or ‘its’ like authors Marmaduke Pickthall and Malik Ghulam Farid did. It was wrong to have translated that as ‘his’ like authors M Zafrulla Khan and A Rahhman Omar have done.


Wikipedia states that one early translation had “blatant inaccuracies,” one by Alexander Ross (1649) was from a French work, and one by George Sale (1734) had “a number of mistakes of mistranslation and misinterpretation, which brings into question their primary aim.”

Inaccurate translation so rampant and enormous makes one wonder if the authors knew the rules of Arabic Grammar or their mistranslations they flooded in this multi-million dollar market.

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