Islam – 203 – Translations With Additions or Subtractions

ISLAM – 203


Translations With Additions or Subtractions  


The translators of the holy scriptures must not add to or subtract from the meanings of the original text even if deemed necessary or by writing explanatory notes.


The translations of the Holy Qor-aan by Moslem authors generally abide by this rule and any occasional departure from it can be found an innocent, honest or unintended mistake.


But since those who don’t know Arabic also have the right to know what the Holy Qor-aan states, this site provides its simple and straightforward translation and of necessity must point out the errors even if a translator did not knowingly misrepresent the original text.


This site selected ten well-respected translations with huge circulation. Full names of the eminent translators are in several of our Commentaries such as The Holy Qor-aan is no Joke, Translations With Grammar Violated and Acknowledgement- 4. Here we chose to state only from their works and to contrast that with our Translation Simple Straightforward.


Other kinds of quotes are in Translations with the Authors’ Whims, Different Ideas, Different words or with No Human Assist. Just a few of the Additions or Subtractions are as follows.


Two authors translated the word سُنَنٌ (so-na-noon as ways) in verse 003:138 and then added “(and mishaps of life) were faced by nations (believers and disbelievers) that have passed away” although the Holy Qor-aan.had not used any words in its text that correspond to them.


Many authors translated verse 002:040 by adding ‘ever-lasting and perpetual’ to the punishment of Hell. But Hell is like a hospital or correction facility intended to clean, purge and improve a sinner until he becomes fit to be admitted to the Paradise. Hell is not the perpetual residence.


Two authors translated verse 002:098 by adding “Let him die in his fury” to the text that stated “Whoso has been an enemy to Gabriel.’


Two authors translated verse 002:102 by adding “They (the Jews of the Prophet’s time) pursue (the same tactics) which the rebels had followed against the empire of Solomon” to the already highly slanted translation of ‘they’ (= the Satan) as “the Jews of Madinah.”


One author translated verse 002:106 by adding “They forget that” to the text that stated “Allah chooses …. (whom) He pleases.”


One author translated verse 002:159 by adding “as the pagan custom is” to Oomra (= Pilgrimage to Kaaba performed at times other than the designated Hujj in three days every year).


One author translated verse 002:267 by adding helpless children to support to the text that did not state so.


Two authors translated the word سَلَفَ (sa-la-fa = has passed) in verse 002:276 by adding that the doers ‘shall not be punished for the past.’


Two authors translated the word سَلَفَ (sa-la-fa = has passed) in verses 004:023 and 004:024 by adding “(-you shall not be called to account for what you did in the past, only you have to divorce them now).” Also, this addition supports those who claim that some verses of the Holy Qor-aan have become obsolete as the prior marriage-with-two-sisters custom had ended by the life-span of those who were alive when the Holy Qor-aan was revealed several centuries ago.


Several authors translated verse 003:141 by adding contradictions.

  1. The word يَـعۡلَمَ (yau-la-ma = makes known) is a verb in the present tense for a single male in 3rd person and can mean Allah ‘may test,’ ‘may distinguish’ [and] and ’cause to be known.’ But exactly the opposite was translated as ‘Allah may know’ and one in his Note #494 argued that his saying ‘Allah may know’ did not contradict the correct translation.
  2. One author translated this present tense verb into a past tense verb as ‘caused to be distinguished.’
  3. Two authors translated it as a consolation: “If you have received an outer injury (in the battle of Uhud), surely, the (disbelieving) people have already received a similar injury (in the same battle).”
  4. Two authors used it as an assurance: “If a wound (or killing) has touched you, be assured a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others (disbelievers).”


Several authors translated verse 003:153 by inserting additions that had no corresponding word in the original text. Some ill effects of their inaccuracies are also detailed in our Commentary Preciseness – Hallmark of the Arabic.


Two authors translated verse 004:004 in words that clearly distort the original text, subtract what is disliked, add personal bias, violate international law like Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners of war or taking females prisoners, and fail to differentiate the meanings of the words  تُقۡسِطُوۡاِ  and تَعۡدِلُوۡا used in the verse. The additions made as if necessary explanations are as follows.

“And if (you wish to marry them and) you fear that you will not be able to do justice to the orphan girls then (marry them not, rather) marry of women (other than these) as may be agreeable to you, (you may marry) two or three or four (provided you do justice to them), but if you fear that you will not be able to deal (with all of them) equitably then (confine yourselves only to) one, or (you may marry) that whom your right hands possess (- your female captives of war).”


One author translated the words يَقُوۡلُوا قَوۡلًا سَدِيۡدًا  (ya-qoo-loo qao-lun sa-de-daa = they say the right word) in verse 004:010 as “speak for justice” and added further as follows:

  • To those of يَخۡشَ (yukh-sha = fear), he added “take care not to wrong orphans,”
  • To those of  مِنۡ (min = from), he added “after,” and
  • To those of ٱلَّذِينَ  (ul-la-zee-na = those who), he added “those who are solicitous about the welfare of.”


Two authors translated verse 004:012 by adding after the word ٱلثُّلُث (tho-luth = one-third) “(and the rest two thirds is for the father).” Such extrapolations of an interpreter’s conjecture may be implied by someone’s unwritten words but they definitely are not justified as a correct and accurate translation of God’s words in the Holy Qor-aan.


One author translated verse 004:012 by adding “You may wonder whether” although the Holy Qor-aan has used no words to that effect.


One author translated verse 004:013 by adding “only on the mother’s side” though the words brother and sister linguistically mean full as well as half brother and sister.


Authors’ translations of verse 004:017 has differed in more than one ways as follows.

  1. The word الَّذٰنِ (ul-la-zaa-nay = , m., 3rd person = those two) has been translated as the ‘two of you,’ ‘two persons (man and woman)’ among you who commit illegal sexual intercourse,’ ‘such of your men,’ ‘two of your males commit the same (act of indecency)   and ‘two men from among you commit indecency.’
  2. The word  تَابَا (taa-baa = repented) was translated cryptically by one author as they ‘should repent,’ but by two others elaborately as ‘they repent (promise Allah that they will never repeat, i.e. commit illegal intercourse and other similar sins.” Also as noted in our commentary Translations With Grammar Violated, they translated this verb in the present tense when the Holy Qor-aan had used this verb in the past tense.
  3. The word اَصۡلَحَا (us-la-haa = reformed) was translated as ‘mend,’ ‘mend their ways,’ ‘amend,’ ‘amend (keeping their conduct good),’ ‘do righteous good deeds,’ ‘improve’ and ‘reform themselves.’ Also as noted in our commentary Translations With Grammar Violated, they translated this verb in the present tense whereas the Holy Qor-aan had used this verb in the past tense)


One author translated the word بِ (bay = with) in verse 004:025 as ‘with gifts from your property.’


Two authors translated verse 004:025 and added, “(captives in war) whom your right hands possess (are permitted to you for marriage even if not formally divorced by their former husbands, since their captivity is equivalent to divorce).” With those words the authors added in their so-called translation a concept which clearly…

  1. Negates the teachings of the Holy Qor-aan,
  2. Perpetuates the abomination of Slavery,
  3. Violates law and the Geneva Conventions about the rights of prisoners of war, and
  4. Shocks the human decency to its very core.


Two authors [mmk, tda] translated verse 055:040 and added ‘as to his sin [because they have already been known from their faces either white (dwellers of Paradise — true believers of Islamic Monotheism) or black (dwellers of Hell — polytheism; disbelievers, criminals)].’


The above examples are compiled to just show – as stated in our Commentary Translations With Inaccuracies – the tip of the iceberg of the problem with many translations sold in the market at this time and how the Simple and Straightforward translation on this site differs from them.

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