Islam – 208 – Translations With Different Words

ISLAM – 208


Translations With Different Words


The Holy Qor-aan has an unchanged text. To understand it the Words Matter. Its Translation with Different Words makes a huge difference in what those words actually mean and convey.


The Almighty God has guaranteed a better comprehension of the Holy Qor-aan to anyone who studies it. It is one sure way to understand His message better, fuller. There is no substitute for it.


At places the Holy Qor-aan conveys similar message by using two different words [003:082].

  • The word نَّبِيّٖ — from the root   ن ب ا  which means to inform or introduce a new news — refers to a person who has been set up by the Almighty God to give the Mankind some information or news that the people did not know before.
  • The word رَسُوۡلٌ — from the root ر  س  ل which means to send a message or messenger — refers to a person who has been sent by the Almighty God to give the Mankind some information or news that the people did not know before.
  • Both the words also appear in one verse [003:082].They have been translated variously as Apostle, Messenger; Prophet, Saint and Sage.


At places the Holy Qor-aan provides guidance for different situations by using the same word or set of words [002:039, 006:165]. The Note 002:028 shows how the translation of just one word فِىۡ  as ‘in, inside and/or on’ changes the scope and the breadth of the original message.


At places the Holy Qor-aan has used phrases and colloquial expressions. The message in such combination of words changes, often grossly twisted, if an individual word is translated literally. Some authors justified their different translations by means of capitalizing or hyphenating the same set of words such as shown in 064:007.


Then some translators have used different words to express that they in their own minds thought was stated or intended to be the message in its text. One example is 003:162 where practically no two translators have used the same words to describe the phenomenon Divines Don’t Defraud.


Note 002:063 shows examples of how some authors assigned different meanings to the original text by using numerous words of their own choice. Our Commentaries regarding the translations by Making Additions and Making Subtractions amplify this phenomenon further.


And another very common practice is the use of he-said-you-said-I-said technique. That way the talkers’ views invariably indoctrinate the hearer. It is so very easy to just sit and hear. The visible recognition by the length of such association provides worldly benefits to both givers and takers. Our Commentary Mullah’s Modifications of Islam tell-tale this aspect


Our commentaries like Sect Formation and Sect Recognition highlight how so many different schools of thought have mushroomed in Islam. It all starts and ends with the choice of words.




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