Islam – 210 – Divine Will Needs No Human Assist

ISLAM – 210

Translation – Divine Will Needs No Human Assist


The Holy Qor-aan in its verse 003:105 used the words  وَلۡتَكُنۡ مِّنۡكُمۡ اُمَّةٌ يَّدۡعُوۡنَ اِلَى الۡخَيۡرِ  which when translated accurately mean “And surely there will be among you a group of people.”


The translation of words لۡتَكُنۡ   (Surely there will be) is a forecast about Man’s betterment. This promise of God Almighty has been filled and will keep on filling again and again. He is the Sole Arbiter to decide what kind of people will serve which of His purposes and when in time. Every cultivating, developing and raising of such a nation rests with Him Alone, and no human being.


M M Pickthall translated it as “And there may spring up from you a nation” using the word may [showing there was a possibility]. But he would have been pin-pointedly accurate if instead of the word may he had used the word will [stating that as a definite forecast].


M Mohammad Ali translated it as “There should be” but that does not reflect a definite promise by the Almighty God.


But the translations  “Let there Be” [Ahmad Zidan , AR Omar, M Sher Ali, M Zafrulla Khan and Malik Ghulam Farid] and “Let there arise out of you” [A Yusuf Ali, Dr Khan and Dr Al-Hilali] are simply inaccurate.


Translating   لۡتَكُنۡ   as Let There Be” shows that man has to procure, participate or permit the fulfillment of this promise of God. Nothing else could be farther from Truth. God promised that There will be” and that is the final statement.


No man has any right to claim that he is acting on God’s behalf. No man can impose his will on others as if it were God’s will. No man can establish what is good or bad in accordance with his definitions. No overt act by man is required to implement God’s Will.


The absurd notion that the Will of God needs an Assist by man has made man act at his worst. Such assumptions have corrupted many nations, societies and even religions.  Claims like that have created new casts, classes and creeds.


God Almighty revealed the Holy Qor-aan to the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w. The miracle was that a man who could not read, write or author had yet delivered to the world a perfect code for human life. Moslems naturally sought to emulate that Best Exemplar s.a.w but their leaders glorified his being unschooled so much that they led Moslem nations to remain ignorant..


Many world leaders supported by their cronies have been acting criminally. For others they used some authority to drive them as a herd of cattle and fed them misguided fancies. For themselves they monopolized control by doctrines like the Law of Primogeniture, caliphate and monarchy. They and their yes-men courtiers amassed power, prestige and property that way.


History shows many cultures who subdivided their people in classes and sects. Each subdivision was glorified with a different name, assigned distinct functions and aggrandized with distinguishing titles. History will keep repeating unless this methodology is leashed up.


Somehow four artificial classes were carved out by cutting up their populace.


All men are equal but Hindus divided them in four classes (See our Commentary ‘World Peace through Law’). Brahmans on top were sanctified to only worship. Chuttries were assigned to make, manage and multiply money by doing business. Vaish warriors were glorified to build army and police to protect the upper classes. The left-over majority was dubbed as the Achoot or Untouchables, given no rights or respect, saddled only with the obligation to menially serve the elite upper classes, and condemned to that life eternally by remaining the lowest class generation after generation without ever breaking the cycle.


All men are equal but Ismailia and Archdiocese have used religion-based classifications. The predominant technique is to place the biggest donors on the highest altar. It is professed that giving more money to The Agha or local priest brings one closer to God and the Paradise. The measure is that smaller donations increase the distance between the giver and God’s Grace.


All men are equal but another leadership religiously enforces percentage collection of all income of their followers. One of its brochures lists over ten Funds and percentage of income is the fixed collection for them. It openly ridicules the view that a forced collection from adherents is no real measure of their belief. Its spot-collectors work voluntarily but top producers get perks like air travels and several honors. It acts as if God had authorized monetizing and measuring the sincerity by the size of the donations. It frowns upon the worship of private giving even though that is recommended (002:272, 013.023). It disfranchises its entire fourth class from voting but the decisions by other classes still bind it too. It defies its founder who exhorted the followers to give charity regularly albeit a penny’s fraction.


Seeing all above the prayer that evokes in a just mind is “God, because You have blessed me, I won’t ever protect the wrongdoers” [028:018]. Few prayers prop up to defend the wrongdoers. A judicious person safeguards the rights of those who do not even know that they have any rights.

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