Islam and Sect Recognition


Islam and Sect Recognition

Historically the clergy initiated spewing obnoxious lies against some of its own people.   Judicial restraints in secular states like British India squelched such fires from spreading wide.   But many Moslem jurisdictions in Asia, Africa and the Middle East submitted to their clergies.   Here is the story of a Moslem Sect declared and recognized as Non-Muslim by one legislature.

Clergy-ignited fiery sentiment bred the violent anti-Ahmadiyya riots in Pakistan.   In 1953 Ahmadis suffered loss of lives and destruction of property in all big cities of the country.   A Court of Inquiry was set up under the Punjab Act II of 1954 to investigate these disturbances.   The West Pakistan High Court proceedings examined whether or not Ahmadis were Moslems.   All personal beliefs of Ahmadis were thus clothed with the formality of a judicial controversy.   The Court was assigned to rule on the Doctrinal differences between Musalmans and Ahmadis.   The title shows how one group deemed Moslem was pitched against the other, treated as NOT.  Court finding was eventually reported and published by the Punjab Government Printing Press.   The Court reported that it found the Ahmadiyya doctrines strictly following the Holy Qor-aan.   The irony is that 20 years later these followers of the Holy Qor-aan were declared non-Muslims.   The judicial probe of 1954 proved to be the stepping-stone for legislative Amendment of 1974.   Ahmadis were stripped off calling themselves and being treated as Moslems in their homeland.   Commentary Islam and Sect Formation sheds light on how generally sects have been formed.

Following is a summary of Part IV of the Report.   The first five points of distinction Court reported are or will be dealt in some of our Commentaries.   The remaining four points really are Court’s arguments to have recognized Ahmadis as a new sect.   High Court had referenced their doctrinal distinctions in the Holy Qor-aan by the verse numbers.   The numbering of the verses by the Court is ‘1’ less than the numbers of the verses as shown below.  Our Commentaries Beginning and Mission Statement demonstrate why this numbering is different.

1.   KHATM-I-NUBUWWAT (p187) was discussed by comparing the verses 003:082, 005:004 and 033:041 with 004:070, 007:036, 023:052 and 057:020.

2.   CHRISTOLOGY (p189) was discussed interpreting 003: 056, 003:145; 004: 158, 004:159, 005:121 and 043:058 to 062.  {See our Note 079:029. The planting of different meanings on one word رَفَعَ (ra-fa-aa) has split the Moslem World in several sects. That word is used in the verse 003:056. One translation is “O Jesus, I will cause thee to die a natural death and will exalt you to Myself” referring to the Almighty God addressing “Jesus son of Mary”. An opposite view “O ‘Isa (Jesus) I will take you and raise you to Myself”  is the basis to profess that God did not let Jesus die a natural death on the Cross but physically lifted him to the Heavens where He is keeping him alive until his descent to the earth according to some Hadeeth}

3.   INTERPRETATION of Quran (p 191) provided the following quote.
“It is contended by Maulana Murtaza Ahmad Khan Maikash on behalf of the Majlis-I-Amal that the Ahmadiyya interpretation of these and certain other verses of the Qur’an amounts to tavil and tehrif, which amounts to kufr and irtidad and renders the man guilty of such misinterpretation liable to forfeit his life and property (halaludda walmal).”

4.   JIHAD (p 191) interpreted 002:191 to 195, 004:075 and 076, 009:005, 022:040 and 041, 025:053 and 060:009. {See our Commentaries titled as Jihad Is Striving For The Good, Jihad – Is it fighting, Jihad – War of Aggression and Jihad – Prohibited as a War why Jihad as a war of aggression is nowhere warranted in Islaam} In his life-time the Holy Prophet s.a.w urged and exhorted but never forced or compelled anyone to practice any of the 5 Acts of worships but after his s,a,w passing away the things evolved differently [See our Commentary Law – Zakaat]. .

5.   ABROGATION (p 195) or Nasikh / Mansukh is an issue that the clergy created to assume power by infiltrating the religion (see Commentary Abrogation Theory). Essentially the clergy declared any part of the Holy Qor-aan it disapproved to have been ‘abrogated’ by another part of the Holy Qor-aan it endorsed. The High Court interpreted the verses 002:107 and 016:102 and practically affirmed that Ahmadis were very much Moslems with the following words.
“One cardinal beliefs of the Ahmadis .. is that no text of the Qur’an has been repealed by a subsequent text .. presents no repugnancy to or inconsistency with the verses revealed in Mecca.”

6.   USE OF “STOCK WORDS” (p 195-196) was discussed by the Court concluding it was …
followed on both sides by less technical terms” which in plain words were filthy abuses … a “sustained campaign of abuse often degenerating into vile and vulgar attacks on personal character, in which the Ahrar have far excelled their opponents.”

7.   Use of “names … which have acquired special sanctity by reason of their having been exclusively used … the prophet’s family or circle of friends” (p 197).

8.    “AHMADIS ARE A WELL-KNIT COMMUNITY… (with Headquarter) in an exclusively Ahmadiya town .. dept: of foreign affairs, dept: of internal affairs, dept: public affairs, dept: of public relations and propaganda .. found in the organization of regular secretariat. They do not say their prayers with or behind the other Muslims and do not give their daughters in marriage to them” (p 198) Vs. Islamic State (pp 201 to 218). Court concluded after examining dozens of Ulama: “Need we make any comment except that no two learned divine are agreed on this” (p 218).

9.   “Aggressive propaganda for the propagation of Ahmadiya tenets” (p 199).

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