Law – Successors, The Righteous


Successors, The Righteous

For a better perspective, read together the Commentaries tiled as “Succession (Caliphate),” “Successors (Caliphs)” and “Successors, The Righteous


The Holy Qor-aan commands to obey Allah, His Messenger and those in authority among you” (004:060). History shows that almost from the get-go the Moslem have passionately followed what was mandated by the Holy Qor-aan and whatever was expounded by the Holy Prophet s.a.w. whose sayings such as “In the difference of opinion among my followers will be the life” became part of Islamic Jurisprudence as soon as they were known.


The Holy Prophet passed away on June 8, 632 AD. Mourners gathered around his body.  An early arrival was Hz Omar-bin-Khuttab r.a who drew his sword and announced that he would behead anyone who stated that their Leader s.a.w had died. Hz Abu Bakr r.a arrived later, saw the scene and announced that anyone who thought that Mohammed s.a.w was God could see that his God had died but those who believed that he was a messenger of God should know that God was Living and had just recalled His Messenger to Himself.


It took courage to speak the truth against a drawn-out sword by a man well-known for his harshness. The boldness of Hz Abu Bakr r.a in taking control of the situation was recognized by all men present. People realized the stark difference between the two contrarian announcements by the close friends. They noticed that both those companions of the Holy Prophet s.a.w had a merit in what they asserted. Yet they instantaneously rewarded Hz Abu Bakr r.a. by proclaiming the choice that he would lead them. One attendee on the spur of the moment proposed and others followed by expressing allegiances. A unique system had just been originated by electing a new leader to be the Khaleefa-toor-rasool. The rasool meant the Holy Prophet s.a.w and the Khaleefa (Caliph = خليفه) meant one to lead Moslem on his behalf.


The first phase of Khilaafut (Caliphate = خلافت) spanned over 632-661 AD. In that period four Caliphs came up and are known as the Kholafaa Raashideen (خلفاء الراشدين)  meaning the Righteous Successors  who represented the holy Prophet s.a.w. Hz Abu Bakr r.a. was the First Caliph. Hz Omar ibn Khattab r.a, was the Second Caliph. Hz Uthman ibn Affan r.a. was the Third Caliph. Hz Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a. was the Fourth Caliph. Although last three were murdered by dissidents, a great majority (of different sects) of Moslems regard them very good, pious and righteous Moslems.


The first  Caliph (خليفه)  Hz Abu Bakr r.a. was elected. He recognized those who expressed their contrarian views freely, publicly, democratically. The system which evolved from that forward became known as the Khelaafut (Calaphate = خلافت)  Masses claimed it was the divine will and scholars supported the view with many arguments. One reason is that Not a leaf from a tree falls without His knowing it laid down in verse 006:060. Another reason is that Obey Allah, the Messenger and those in authority in you in verse 004:060.


The second Caliph (خليفه) Hz Omar bin Khattab r.a. while addressing from the pulpit once asked as to what they would do if one day they saw him rule unjustly. The audience drew their swords out and loudly said that they would straighten him with the swords He was moved and thanked God that his friends won’t let him go wrong.


The administrator of Jerusalem upon the victory of Moslem army said that he would give the City’s key to the Caliph. The 2nd Caliph accompanied by a slave travelled there. They had only one camel and the Caliph directed that he and the slave would ride the camel in turns. It was the turn of the slave who was on the camel when the two entered the city. The locals thought that the rider was the Caliph and bowed to him. When rightly identified and asked, the Caliph said that all were equal in the eyes of God.


The Third Caliph (خليفه) Hz Uthman r.a. was told by the Holy Prophet s.a.w. of a dream the latter had seen. Based upon that he directed that some people would try taking it off a cloak that Allah would put on him but should not take it off. History tells that years later those who scaled over the walls of his residence told him to resign from being the Caliph. Upon his refusal he was killed. The proponents of Khelaafut maintain that this incident established the rule that all Caliphs would hold the title for life.


The Fourth Caliph (خليفه) Hz Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a., had arrived at the very inception of the Caliphate and pledged allegiance to the 1st Caliph Hz Abu Bakr r.a, Yet the Shiites maintain that only Ali had the right to succeed as the Caliphas. See the Commentaries Law – Succession (Caliphate) and Law – Successors (Caliphs).


Ahmadis interpret the verse 024:056 (Ayat-e-Istikhlaaf) as a promise of Allah to continue their Khelafut (خلافت) till eternity. They are sure to win the hearts of the world within 300 years of their Sect’s inception in 1889. They already have established communities in nearly 200 countries and have a good shot for it. They elected Hakeem Noor-ud-Din as their Khaleefatool-Massih First in India in 1908. They ”believe that no verse of the Qur’an was abrogatedas held by the Lahore High Court when many so-called scholars had deposed to the contrary before the Court. The sect follows its Khaleefa (Caliph = خليفه) who had to leave Pakistan and whose successor is now settled in England.


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