
The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                         006:004


وَهُوَ ٱللَّهُ فِى ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٲتِ وَفِى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ ‌ۖ  يَعۡلَمُ سِرَّكُمۡ وَجَهۡرَكُمۡ وَيَعۡلَمُ مَا تَكۡسِبُونَ


Wa-ho-wul-laa-ho-fis-smaa-waa-tay-wa-fil-ur-dzay                                                                    Yau-la-mo-ser-ra-koom-wa-jah-ra-koom                                                                                    Wa-yau-la-mo-maa-tuk-say-boo-n


And He is Allah in the heaven and in the earth                                                                He knows your secrets and your intros                                                                          And He knows what you earn


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • هُوَ — Ho-wa … (ul) — He is (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. He; him; it. Refers to aforesaid person. A/t/a,  ‘He alone’ and ‘He is … who alone (exercises every authority)’
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God. A/t/a, ‘Allah ‘the God (to be worshipped alone)’
  • فِى — Fee … (s) — In (= Among. See Note at 002:028 for more meanings. A/t/a, ‘both in’ and ‘in the’)
  • السَّمٰوٰتِ — Sa-maa-waa-tay — The heavens (= n., pl., All above ground or earth; clouds; firmament; heavens; rain; skies; universe. Also, knowledge of astronomical objects in space)
  • وَ — Wa … (ul) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • فِى — Fee … (s) — In (= Among. See فِى  above)
  • الۡاَرۡضِ — Ul-ur-dzay — Earth (= n., s., Area; country; earth; ground; land; territory. Also life on earth, nation; people or society in general. A/t/a, ‘on the earth’)
  • يَعۡلَمُ — Yau-la-mo — He knows (= v., pre., m., s., 3rd person. Is aware. Has knowledge and info. A/t/a, ‘He has knowledge’ and ‘He knoweth’)
  • سِرَّ — Ser-ra — Secrets (= n., Hidden plan; plans kept secret from others in public. A/t/a, ‘what ye hide,’ ‘secret (thought),’ ‘secret thoughts,’ ‘secret,’ ‘secrets,’ ‘inside,’ ‘all that … hide’ and ‘what … conceal’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — Your (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan generally    addresses men and women jointly this way)
  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • جَهۡرَ — Jah-ra — Intros (= n., Openings; whatever is open to public. A/t/a,  ‘what ye reveal,’ ’open (words),’ ‘overt acts,’ ‘utterance,’ ‘you disclose,’ ‘outside,’ ‘what … reveal,’ ‘what … reveal’ and ‘all that … reveal’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. See  كُمۡ  above)
  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • يَعۡلَمُ — Yau-la-mo — He knows (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Has info. See  يَعۡلَمُ  above)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — All that (= What; whatever; whatsoever; at such time; when)
  • تَكۡسِبُونَ — Tuk-say-boo-n — You earn (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Commit; do; perform. A/t/a, ‘ye earn,’ ‘The (recompense) which Ye earn (by your deeds),’ ‘acquire,’ ‘you accomplish (by way of your deeds, good or bad),’ ‘you do’ and ‘what you earn’)
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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                    006:003


هُوَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكُم مِّن طِينٍ۬ ثُمَّ قَضَىٰٓ أَجَلاً۬  ‌ۖ   وَأَجَلٌ۬ مُّسَمًّى عِندَهُ  ۥ‌ۖ   ثُمَّ أَنتُمۡ تَمۡتَرُونَ


Ho-wul-la-zee-kha-la-qa-ko-mit-tee-nay                                                                                          Thoom-ma-qa-zaa-aa-ja-lun                                                                                                              Wa-aa-ja-loom-mo-sum-mun-in-da-hoo                                                                                        Thoom-ma-un-toom-tum-ta-roo-n


He Who created you from earthen material                                                                      Then fixed a term for it to last.                                                                                                And with Him is another named term.                                                                                Yet you doubt and don’t believe in His Powers.


  • هُوَ — Ho-wa … (ul) — He (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. He; him; it. Refers to aforesaid shown, specified or stated article, thing or person. A/t/a, ‘He it is Who,’ ‘It is He who’ and ‘God is the One’)
  • الَّذِىۡ — La-zee — He who (= s., m., 3rd person article, thing or person; he; who;
  • خَلَقَ — Kha-la-qa — He created (= v., past., m., s., 3rd person. Brought into being; created; formed; originated; produced; shaped. Made from scratch to give forms and faces in due proportions. See 003:060. A/t/a, ‘hath created’ and ‘has created’)
  • كُم — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan generally addresses men and women jointly this way)
  • مِّن — Min — From (= Among, from or out of the class or category of several articles, counts, kind, things, persons or phenomenon)
  • طِينٍ۬ — Tee-nin — Earthen material (= n., Clay; dirt; dust; ground; things made of any material on earth)
  • ثُمَّ — Thoom-ma– Then (= After that; further more; subsequently; thereafter)
  • قَضَىٰٓ — Qa-zaa — Fixed (= v., past., 2nd person. Appointed; completed; determined;  decided; executed; filled; finished. A/t/a, ‘decreed,’ ‘hath decreed’ and ‘determined,’ But ‘appoints’ which is a verb in the present tense is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has described in the past tense)
  • أَجَلاً۬ — Aa-ja-lun — A term (= n., Duration; term; period; little while. A/t/a, ‘a stated term (For you),’ ‘a term for all life,’ ‘a term (of this life),’ ‘a term for you in this world’ and ‘a (stated) term (for you to die)’
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • أَجَلٌ۬ — Aa-ja-loon — Term (= n., Duration; term. See أَجَلاً۬ above. A/t/a, ‘another … term,’ ‘another term … for the universe,’ ‘there is another term,’ ‘there is another term,’ ‘there is (yet another) term (of the life of the Hereafter,’ ‘appointed term,’ ‘another … term (for you to be resurrected)’ and ‘another in the next’)
  • مُّسَمًّى — Mo-sum-mun — Named (= adj., Appointed; definite; destined; determined; fixed; pre-ordained; set up; well-defined A/t/a, ‘stated with Him’)
  • عِنۡدَ — In-da — From (= At; close at hand; from; in; in close proximity of; with. In the counting, esteem; estimate, eyes, front or near. Within the presence, precincts, seeing or sight of. A/t/a, ‘in His presence,’ ‘with,’ ‘of which He alone has knowledge’ and ‘there is with  him’)
  • هٗ — Hoo — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the Almighty God)
  • ثُمَّ — Thoom-ma — Yet (= After that; further more; subsequently; then; thereafter. A/t/a, ‘yet,’ ‘Yet still,’ ‘yet … still,’ ‘still’ and ‘yet thereafter’)
  • اَنۡـتُمۡ — Un-toom — Surely you (= pro., pl., 2nd person. This is a combination of اِنۡ (Un)   that means absolutely, clearly, really, surely, truly. A/t/a, ‘ye’ and ‘you’)
  • تَمۡتَرُونَ — Tum-ta-roo-n — You doubt (= v., pres., 2nd person. Suspect. Don’t believe, feel certain; have faith. A/t/a, ‘you doubt,’ ‘Doubt within yourselves,’ ‘ye doubt,’ ‘entertain doubt,’ ‘you dispute (being doubtful about the Resurrection),’ ‘you doubt (in the Resurrection,’ ‘you doubt’ and ‘are … in doubt’)
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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                  006:002


اَلۡحَمۡدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِىۡ خَلَقَ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضَ وَجَعَلَ الظُّلُمٰتِ وَالنُّوۡرَ  ؕ ثُمَّ الَّذِيۡنَ كَفَرُوۡا بِرَبِّهِمۡ يَعۡدِلُوۡنَ


Ul-hum-do  lay  il-laa-hay  il-la-zee                                                                                                    Kha-la-qa  us  smaa-waa-tay  wa  ul-ur-dza                                                                                    Wa  ja-aa-la  uz-zo-lo-maa-tay  wa  un-noo-r                                                                                  Thoom-ma  ul-la-zee-na  ka-fa-roo                                                                                                      Bay  rub-bay  him  yau-day-loo-n


The thanks are for Allah Who                                                                                                Created the heavens and earth                                                                                                And made the darkness and the light.                                                                                  Yet those have disbelieved                                                                                                      Set up equals with their Lord


The next two words are repeated in 001:002, 006:002, 039:075, 039:076, etc.

  • اَلۡ — Ul — The (= The Arabic word ‘ul’ expresses two distinct meanings. 1.The “Particular one.’2 – All in a category; real; total. Combined together they convey only the best, the tops)
  • حَمۡدُ — Hum-do — Thanks (= Appreciation; gratitude; praise. A/t/a, ‘Praise be to,’ ‘All praise,’ All type of perfect and true praise,’ ‘All praise and thanks’  and ‘Praise is due to none but’)
  • لِلۡ — L … (il) — For (= Concerning; regarding; relative to; with intent, reason regard to; for the attention, benefit, object or purpose of. A/t/a, ‘is due to,’  ‘belongs to’ and ‘be to’)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-h … (il)– Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • الَّذِىۡ — La-zee — He who (= s., m., 3rd person article, thing or person; he; who)
  • خَلَقَ — Kha-la-qa … (us) — He created (= v., past., m., s., 3rd person. Brought into being; created; formed; originated; produced; shaped. Made from scratch to give forms and faces in due proportions. See 003:060. A/t/a, ‘hath created’ and ‘Who (Alone) created’)
  • السَّمٰوٰتِ — Sa-maa-waa-tay — The heavens (= n., pl., All above ground or earth; clouds; firmament; heavens; rain; skies; universe objects in space)
  • وَ — Wa … (ul ) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • الۡاَرۡضَ — Ul-ur-dza — Earth (= n., s., Area; country; earth; ground; land; territory. Also life on earth, nation; people or society in general)
  • وَ — Wa —And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • جَعَلَ — Ja-aa-la — He made (= v., past., s., 3rd person., Appointed; brought into being; created; designed; fashioned; made; produced; set up. A/t/a, ‘brought into being,’ ‘hath appointed,’ ‘ordained’ and ‘originated’)
  • الظُّلُمٰتِ — Zolo-maa-tay — The darkness (= n., pl. Layer upon layer of darkness; abysmal darkness; all and every kind of darkness; deep darkness; depth of darkness; difference shades of darkness; pitch dark; several zones of thick, total and utter darkness. Physical and spiritual darkness. A/t/a, ‘every kind of darkness’ and ‘all kinds of darkness’)
  • وَ — Wa … (un) — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • النُّوۡرَ — Noo-ra — The light (= Brightness. The area or situation illuminated with the  dazzling light without the least bit of darkness; shine)
  • ثُمَّ — Thoom-ma — Then (= After that; further more; nevertheless; thereafter. A/t/a, Yet’ and ‘yet, inspite of this’)
  • ٱلَّذِينَ — Ul-la-zee-na — Those who (= pl., m, 3rd person. Refers to those articles, persons, or phenomenon or things in masculine gender)
  • كَفَرُوۡا — Ka-fa-roo —  They disbelieved (= v., past, pl., 3rd person. Denied, refused and rejected the Faith and belief in Allah, the Holy Qor-aan, Islam and become Moslem. For more meanings see commentary Believe and Disbelieve. A/t/a, ‘Reject Faith’ and ‘disbelieve’ which are verbs in the present tense and ‘unbelievers’ which is a noun are no translations of the text of the Holy Qor-aan in a verb in the past tense)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with. A/t/a, ‘with’ and ‘unto’)
  • رَبِّ —  God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures; Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. The Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist. A/t/a, ‘Guardian Lord’ and ‘Lord’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • يَعۡدِلُوۡنَ — Yau-day-loo-n — Set up equals (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Cause imbalance; do injustice; exceed fairness in ref to Allah by going beyond limits. A/t/a, ‘ascribe rivals,’ ’ascribe equals to,’ ‘Hold (others) as equal with,’ ‘hold others as equal’ and ‘set up other gods as equals’)
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Soora-tool Un-aam                             Chapter # 006                                           سُوۡرَةُ الاٴنعَام


Verses of the Holy Qor-aan are quoted on this site with the numbers, the first set of three being the number of Soorah (Chapter) followed by the last set of three being the number of the verse. The numbers include  بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ‏‏   as the verse #1 in every Soorah except the Soorah #9. The original Arabic word is shown first, or in Col #1. The phonetic transliteration in English is shown next, or in Col #2, and is based upon words commonly pronounced like bat, cat, sat → fate, gate, hate → bait, trait → bay, nay, say → be, he, she → bet, pet, wet → bit, fit, sit → cot, dot, rot → boot, hoot, root → bout, rout → but, cut, hut, ultimatum. The English equivalent to the Arabic words (shown first, or in Col #1) are provided next, or in Col #3. Some other alternates in English used in other translations are given last, or in Col #4.


The Holy Qor-aan                                          006:001                               ○بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ


With the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful I begin.

(Beginning, commencing, starting)

  • بِ — B…(is) — With  (= This Arabic word literally means ‘with’. Its translation in English is more accurate with ‘with’ than with ‘in’)
  • سۡمِ — M…(il) — The name of  (= The way to be addressed or called)
  • اللهِ — Laa-h…(ir) — Allah  (= The Almighty God; the One Only worthy of worship)
  • الرَّحۡمٰنِ — Rah-maa-n.(ir) — The Most Beneficent (= The One who fully, totally and wholly benefits all, to the maximum with no condition, limitation or restriction.  Compassionate.  Gracious)
  • الرَّحِيۡمِ — Ra-heem — The Most Merciful (= The One who fully, totally and wholly showers mercy to the maximum, again and again, continually, indefinitely and perpetually like the incoming waves from the oceans)


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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                        005:121


لِلّٰهِ مُلۡكُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالۡاَرۡضِ وَمَا فِيۡهِنَّ‌ ؕ وَهُوَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ قَدِيۡرٌ


Lil-laa-hay-mool-koos-sa-maa-waa-tay-wul-ur-dzay                                                                  Wa-maa-fee-hin-na-wa-ho-wa-alaa-kool-lay-shai-in-qa-dee-r


For Allah is the Supreme Power of the heavens and the earth                                    And all that is them  And he is in full control of everything.  


The “Phrase lil-laa-hay …” in the next nine (9) words has been repeated several places

  • لِ — L … (il) — For (= Belonging to; for the benefit, person, purpose or reason)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • مُلۡكُ — Mool-ko…(os) — The Supreme Powers (= n., For translation of this word as The Supreme Powers when used for the Almighty Allah and The Kinghood when used for Man, see Note 002:248)
  • السَّمٰوٰتِ — Sa-maa-waa-tay — The heavens (= n., pl., All above ground or earth; clouds; firmament; heavens; rain; skies; universe. Also, knowledge of astronomical objects in space)
  • وَ — Wa — And  (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)
  • الۡاَرۡضِ — Ul-ur-dzay — Earth (= n., s., Area; country; earth; ground; land; territory. Also, life on earth, nation; people or society in general)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — All that (= What; whatever; whatever; whatsoever. A/t/a, ‘all that’ and ‘whatever lies’)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= Amidst. Among. Contained or inside a duration, event, place, period, person, phenomenon, situation, thing or time. Also, about; concerning; in reference, regarding, relative to. See Note at 002:028. May also be belonging to a kind or category, rank or person, thing or situation. A/t/a, ‘they contain’ and ‘is therein’)
  • هِنَّ — Hin-na — Them (= pron., pl, f., 3rd person. Those or them in female gender. Refers to the heaven and earth. A/t/a, ‘in them’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • هُوَ — Ho-wa — He (= pro., s., m., 3rd  person. He. Refers to the Almighty God)

The Holy Qor-aan has frequently stated the truth in the next five words. See Note 002:021

  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah is (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • عَلَى — Alaa —  Of / on (= Above; for; of; on; over; upon)
  • كُلِّ — Kool-lay — Every (= All things without exception; entirely; totally; wholly)
  • شَىۡءٍ — Shai-in — Thing (= Article; being; element; item; phenomenon. A/t/a, ‘things’)
  • قَدِيۡرٌ  — Qa-dee-r — In full control (= superlative form that includes the meanings of ‘fullness and totality of control.‘  Controller.  Has the absolute power to do what He wills.  Master and possessor of all powers. A/t/a, ‘Possessor of power,’ ‘has power,’ ‘possessor of full power to do all that He will’  and ‘He is able to do’)



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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                  005:120


قَالَ اللّٰهُ هٰذَا يَوۡمُ يَـنۡفَعُ الصّٰدِقِيۡنَ صِدۡقُهُمۡ‌ؕ  لَهُمۡ جَنّٰتٌ تَجۡرِىۡ مِنۡ تَحۡتِهَا الۡاَنۡهٰرُ خٰلِدِيۡنَ فِيۡهَاۤ اَبَدًا‌ ؕ رَضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَنۡهُمۡ وَرَضُوۡا عَنۡهُ‌ ؕ ذٰ لِكَ الۡـفَوۡزُ الۡعَظِيۡمُ


Qaa-lul-laa-ho-haa-zaa-yao-mo-yun-fa-oos-saa-day-qee-na-sid-qo-hoom                            La-hoom-jun-naa-toon-tuj-re-min-tuh-tay-hul-un-haa-ro                                                        Khaa-lay-dee-na-fee-haa-aa-ba-daa                                                                                                Ra-zay-yul-laa-ho-un-hoom-wa-ra-zoo-un-ho                                                                              Zaa-lay-kul-fao-zool-aa-zee-m


Allah said, “This is the day their truth benefits the Truthful.                                      For them are the Gardens underneath which rivers flowing                                      They living in it forever.                                                                                                            Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him.                                      This is the supreme triumph.”


  • قَا لَ — Qaa-la — Said (= v., pas.t, s., m., 3rd person. Announced, called, conveyed,             declared, informed, specified or told. A/t/a, ‘will say’ and ‘saith’ in the future tense is no translation of the original text in the past tense)   
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha —  Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • هٰذَا — Haa-zaa — This (= This particularly pointed out; present right here; what is in front of you)
  • يَوۡمُ — Yao-mo — Day (= n., s., A juncture, moment, period, term or time. A/t/a, ‘a day in which,’ ‘a day on which,’ ‘the day,’ ‘a day when’ and ‘the day when’)
  • يَنۡفَعُ — Yun-fa-o(os) — Benefits (= v., pres., s., 3rd person. Brings advantage; does good;  helps; makes or shows profit. A/t/a, ‘shall benefit,’ ‘will benefit,’ ‘shall profit,’ ‘will profit’ and ‘profiteth’)
  • الصّٰدِقِيۡنَ — Saa-day-qee-na — The truthful (= n., pl., Honest; right; sincere; speaking the truth. A/t/a, ‘the truthful ones’)
  • صِدۡقُ — Sid-qo — Truth (= n., Honesty; righteousness. A/t/a, ‘truthfulness’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Their (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • لَ — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘For … them are,’ ‘For … await’ and ‘they shall)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)

See how the Holy Qor-aan has used the Phrase Jun-naa-tin-tuj-ree … in several contexts.

  • جَنّٰتٍ — Jun-naa-tin — Gardens (= pl., Big groves. The Gardens. The orchards. See also   the Commentary titled as The Paradise)
  • تَجۡرِىۡ — Tuj-ree — Flowing (= v., pres, s., f., 3rd person. Running with irrigational water; sailing water. See also 003:137. A/t/a, ‘flow,’ ‘glow (in Pardise),’ ‘served with’ and ‘watered by running’)
  • مِنۡ — Min — From (= From a class, category, count, kind, persons or out of. A/t/a, ‘wherein’)
  • تَحۡتِ — Tah-tay — Underneath (= Below; beneath; deep in ground; on lower level; subsoil through; under; undercurrent. See Note 002:026a. A/t/a, ‘underneth which,’  ‘under  which’ and ‘beneath which’)
  • هَا — Ha … (ul) — Which (= pro., s., f., 3rd person.. Refers to the  جَنّٰتٍ, the Paradise)
  • الۡاَنۡهٰرُ — Un-haa-r — Rivers (= n., Abundant bodies, currents, streams or supplies of running water A/t/a, ‘streams’ and ‘running streams (to keep them green and flourishing)’

See above Phrase for verses that have the following words such as 003:016, 004:014, etc.

  • خٰلِدِيۡنَ — Khaa-lay-de-na — Living (= n., pl., Those people who are going to abide, dwell,  enjoy, live, remain, reside or stay everlastingly, ever after, forever, indefinitely, permanently or perpetually. The permanency concept in the meanings of this word is appropriate only for the residents of the Paradise and not for those who are committed to hell for correction and reformation as explained in Note 002:040. A/t/a, ‘abiding,’ ‘shall they abide,’ ‘they shall abide,’ ‘they shall live,’ ‘they are secure,’ ‘to dwell’ and ‘dwell’)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= Inside a duration, time, period, place, phenomenon or thing. Concerning. In reference. Regarding. Relative to. A/t/a, ‘there,’ ‘wherein’ and ‘therein’)
  • هَا — Haa — It (= pro., s., f., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid Paradise. A/t/a, ‘therein’)
  • اَبَدًا — Aa-ba-daa — Forever (=Eternally; everlastingly; perpetually. A/t/a, ‘For ever’ and ‘ever and ever’)

The text in next eight (8) words is repeated in verses 005:120 and 098:009

  • رَضِىَ — Ra-zay-ya…(l) — Pleased (= Happy; well-pleased.  A/t/a, ‘well pleased,’ ‘taking pleasure’ and ‘is pleased’)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The Almighty God; The only One worthy of worship)
  • عَنۡ — Un — About (= Concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘with’)
  • ھُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Refers to the believers, اٰمَنُوۡا )
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but also; more over; though; when; while; yet; whereupon)
  • رَضُوۡا — Ra-zoo — Pleased (= Happy; well-pleased. A/t/a, See  رَضِىَ  above )
  • عَنۡ — Un — About (= Concerning; regarding; relative to)
  • هُ — Ho — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the God Almighty)
  • ذٰلِكَ —  Zaa-lay-ka … (ul) — This is (= Here; refers to an aforesaid fact, person or statement; it’s because; right here; such is this; that is how it is. A/t/a, ‘that indeed is,’  ‘this is’ and ‘That is’)
  • الۡفَوۡزُ — Fao-zo … (ol) — Triumph (= n., Achievement; success; victory; win. A/t/a, ‘triumph,’ ‘Salvation (the fulfilment of all desires)’ and ‘success (Paradise)’
  • الۡعَظِيۡمُ — Aa-zee-m — Most Glorious (= adj., Most awesome, greatest, highest, magnificent or tremendous. A/t/a, ‘mighty,’ ‘the supreme,’  ‘the greatest’ and ‘great’)
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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                            005:119


اِنۡ تُعَذِّبۡهُمۡ فَاِنَّهُمۡ عِبَادُكَ‌ۚ وَاِنۡ تَغۡفِرۡ لَهُمۡ فَاِنَّكَ اَنۡتَ الۡعَزِيۡزُ الۡحَكِيۡمُ‏ 


In-to-uz-zib-hoom-fa-in-na-hoom-aiy-baa-do-ka                                                                        Wa-in-tugh-fer-la-hoom-fa                                                                                                                  In-na-ka-un-tul-aa-zee-zool-ha-kee-m


If You punish them, then they certainly are your servants.                                        And if you forgive them then                                                                                                    You and Only You surely are the Mightiest, the Wisest.


  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; when situation arises; whenever. A/t/a, ‘it is for You’)
  • تُعَذِّبۡ — To-uz-zib — You punish (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. Chastise. A/t/a, ‘Thou dost punish,’ ‘Thou decide to punish,’ ‘Thou punish,’ ‘Thou chastise,’You chastise’ and ‘to punish’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • فَ  — Fa — Then (= After all this; at the end; consequently; finally; hence; in conclusion; so; thereafter; therefore; thus)
  • اِنَّ — In-na — Certainly (= Absolutely; clearly, decidedly; definitely; doubtlessly; indeed; positively; really; surely; truly; verily. A/t/a, ‘Lo!’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • عِبَادُ — Aiy-baa-do — Servants (= n., pl., Bondsmen; slaves; supplicants; true Believers who worship)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You one male. Refers to the Almighty God. A/t/a, ‘Thy’ and ‘your own’)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while. A/t/a, ‘or’)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case)
  • تَغۡفِرۡ — Tugh-fer — You forgive (= v., pres., s., 2nd person. give a pass; pardon. A/t/a, ‘Thou dost forgive,’ ‘Thou forgive,’ ‘to forgive,’ ‘You pardon’ and ‘Thou protect’)
  • لَ — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason; intended for; meant for; concerning; regarding; relative to)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After this; hence; so; thus; therefore. See  فَ  above)
  • اِنَّكَ اَنۡتَ — In-na-ka-un-ta — You Only You (= Accurate meanings as shown in Note 002:128. Briefly,  اِنَّ (in-na) means exclusively, clearly, surely, etc. كَ  (ka) and  اَنۡتَ (un-ta) are pronouns for a 3rd person in masculine gender. This phrase emphasizes that only God Almighty has the attributes that follow it)
  • ٱلۡعَزِيزُ — Azee-zoo…(l) — Mightiest (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most, and highlights that none more than Him is The Revered, The Highest, The Most Exalted, Honored and Respected. All-Mighty. Exalted in might and power. Mightiest. The word includes the meanings of might with respect. See 001:001. A/t/a, ‘the Exalted in power,’ ‘the Mighty’ and ‘the Almighty’)
  • ٱلۡحَكِيمُ — Ha-kee-m — The Wisest (= superlative form indicates the greatest, the highest, the most, and highlights that none more than Him is Wise. Full and Possessor of wisdom. Extremely shrewd. Exalted in wisdom. See 001:001. A/t/a, ‘the All-Wise,’ ‘The Wise’ and ‘the Wise One’)
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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                                   005:118


مَا قُلۡتُ لَهُمۡ اِلَّا مَاۤ اَمَرۡتَنِىۡ بِهٖۤ اَنِ اعۡبُدُوا اللّٰهَ رَبِّىۡ وَرَبَّكُمۡ‌ۚ وَكُنۡتُ عَلَيۡهِمۡ شَهِيۡدًا مَّا دُمۡتُ فِيۡهِمۡ‌ۚ  فَلَمَّا تَوَفَّيۡتَنِىۡ كُنۡتَ اَنۡتَ الرَّقِيۡبَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ‌ؕ  وَاَنۡتَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ شَهِيۡدٌ‏


Maa-qool-to-la-hoom-il-laa-maa-aa-mur-ta-nee-bay-he                                                            Aa-nai-bo-dool-laa-ha-rub-bee-wa-rub-bo-koom                                                                        Wa-koon-to-alai-him-sha-hee-dum                                                                                                  Maa-doom-to-fee-him

Fa-lum-maa-ta-wuf-fai-ta-nee                                                                                                          Koon-ta-un-tur-ra-qee-ba-aa-lai-him                                                                                            Wa-un-ta-alaa-kool-lay-sha-in-sha-hee-d


I said to them nothing except with what You directed me                                            That you worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord                                                              And I had been a witness on them                                                                                        While I stayed among them.

Then when You brought me death                                                                                         You and only You were the Watch on them                                                                    And You are a witness on all things.


  • مَاۤ — Maa — Nothing (= No; not at all; naught; never; nothing)
  • قُلۡتُ — Qool-to — I said (= v., past., s., 1st person. Announced; called; conveyed;  declared; directed; informed; instructed; ordered; told. A/t/a, ‘I spake,’ ‘I spoke,’ ‘I did … say’ and ‘did I say aught’)
  • لَ — La — For (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘to’ and ‘unto’)
  • هُمۡ‌ — Hoom — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • اِلَّا — Il-laa — Except (= Apart from; but; besides; excluding; save; unless. A/t/a, ‘only  that which’ and ‘anything other than’
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever; at such time; when. A/t/a, ‘what,’ , ‘that’ and ‘that what’)
  • اَمَرۡتَ — Aa-mur-ta — You directed (= v., past., s., 2nd person. Told; commanded; instructed; mandated; ordered. A/t/a, ‘Thou didst command,’ Thou commandest,’ ‘You Commanded,’ ‘did command … to say’ and ‘you bade’)
  • نِىۡ — Nee — Me (= pro., s., m & f., 1st person. Me)
  • بِ — Bay — With (= Literally the word بِ  means with)
  • هٖ —  He — His (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid act)
  • اَنِ — Aa-nai — That (= So that. A/t/a, ‘to wit,’ ‘that is,’ ‘(saying),’ ’to say’ and ‘I said’)
  • اعۡبُدُوا — Bo-do … (ol) — They worship (= v., pres., pl., 3rd person. Beseech; live in the given lifestyle; pray; praise; sincerely.  A/t/a, ‘serve’)
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • رَبَّ —  God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs of all creatures; Cherisher; Creator; Guardian; Master; Lord Provident. The Only One Who provides all that sustains life. The Ultimate Provider of air, water, food and whatever we and all other creatures need to live and subsist. A/t/a,  ‘Lord’)
  • ىۡ — Ee — My (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet. A/t/a, ‘as well as’)
  • رَبَّ — Rub-ba — God (= The Almighty Allah who fills needs. See رَبَّ  above)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — Your (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan                    generally addresses men and women jointly this way)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • كُنۡتُ  — Koon-to — I had been (= v., past., s., 1st  person. I continued, had been or used to. A/t/a, ‘I was’)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over; ‘of’)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • شَهِيۡدًا — Sha-he-daa — Witness (= n, At hand; in attendance; nearby; over there; present. A/t/a, ‘watched’ but this verb is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated as a noun)
  • مَّا —  Maa — While (= All that or what length of time; as long as; at such time; when; while. A/t/a, ‘as long as’ and ‘whilst’)
  • دُمۡتُ — Doom-to — I stayed (= v., past., s., 1st person. Continued; lasted; remained; stayed.  A/t/a, ‘I was present,’ ‘I remained,’ ‘I dwelt’ and ‘was living’)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= Amidst. Among. In)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After all this; at the end; finally; hence; so; thereafter;  therefore; thus. A/t/a, ‘but’)
  • لَمَّا — Lum-maa — Surely when (= This combines two words. The first word لَ (=la) means absolutely, certainly, positively, surely, truly or verily. The second word  ما (= maa) means any time, at such time, when and whenever. A/t/a, ‘since,’ ‘ever since’ and ‘when’)
  • تَوَفَّيۡتَ  — Ta-wuf-fai-ta — You brought death (= v., past., s., 2nd person. Caused or gave death.  A/t/a, ‘thou didst cause me to die,’ ‘you caused me to die,’ ‘Thou tookest, ‘You ended my term on earth’ and ‘You took … to You.’ See Note 005:118 below)
  • نِىۡ — Nee — Me (= pro., s., m & f., 1st person. Me)
  • كُنۡتَ — Koon-ta — You had been (= v., past., s., 2nd  person. You became, continued or were used to. A/t/a, ‘thou wast,’ ‘Thou hast been,’ ‘You Yourself have been,’ ‘Thou wast’ and ‘you were’)
  • اَنۡتَ —  Un-ta .. (ur) — Surely you (= Combination of two words. The first word اِنۡ means absolutely, doubtlessly, indeed, positively, really, surely, truly or verily. The second word  تَ means you)
  • الرَّقِيۡبَ — Ra-qee-ba — Watch (= n., s. Guardian; observer; overseer; protector. A/t/a, ‘the Watcher,’ ‘the One to watch’ nd ‘watching’)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over)
  • هِمۡ — Him — Them (= pro., pl., m., 3rd person. Those men; they; theirs)
  • وَ  — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ above)
  • اَنۡتَ — Un-ta — Surely you (= Really, surely, truly or verily you. See اَنۡتَ above. A/t/a, ‘Thou art,’ ‘indeed Thou dost’ and ‘You are’)
  • عَلٰى– Alaa — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over; to; upon)
  • كُلِّ  — Kool-lay — All (= All; every time or place; entirely; totally; wholly. A/t/a, ‘every’)
  • شَىۡءٍ — Shai-in — Things (= Things. A/t/a, ‘thing’)
  • شَهِيۡدٌ — Sha-heed — Witness (= n, One who was at hand. See شَهِيۡدًا above. A/t/a, ‘watch’ and ‘This is a great admonition and warning to the Christians of the whole world’)


** Note 005:118. Statements like ‘thou Dost take me up’ (A Yusuf Ali) and ‘You took me up’ (M Mohsin Khan and Dr Al-Hilali) translated the word تَوَفَّيۡتَ in verse 005:118 to follow sects that profess that God Almighty had prevented Jesus from dying on the Cross by physically lifting him up into the heaven where he is alive. Some Christians believe that God did so to save His son.

Such writings are based upon the author’s whims and negate the truth that ‘everyone dies’ (003:186 and 029:058) and ‘death will reach you even if you fortified yourself in strong fortresses’ (004:079). Correct translation is as shown above and done by most authors who are not of those who cut up their religion and had been a sect’ because they are ‘not among them’ (006:160).

Hundreds of doctrines have infiltrated every religion by mistranslating the Scripture. Islam is no exception where hundreds of sects have mushroomed. The leaderships lead their followers to believe in manufactured ideologies to separate them from others. The mistranslations help them to better control their flocks as herds of cattle by feeding them blind faith in total absurdities.

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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                               005:117


‏   وَاِذۡ قَالَ اللّٰهُ يٰعِيۡسَى ابۡنَ مَرۡيَمَ ءَاَنۡتَ قُلۡتَ لِلنَّاسِ اتَّخِذُوۡنِىۡ وَاُمِّىَ اِلٰهَيۡنِ مِنۡ دُوۡنِ اللّٰهِ‌ؕ قَالَ سُبۡحٰنَكَ مَا يَكُوۡنُ لِىۡۤ اَنۡ اَقُوۡلَ مَا لَـيۡسَ لِىۡ بِحَقٍّ‌ؕؔ اِنۡ كُنۡتُ  قُلۡتُهٗ فَقَدۡ عَلِمۡتَهٗ‌ؕ تَعۡلَمُ مَا فِىۡ نَفۡسِىۡ وَلَاۤ اَعۡلَمُ مَا فِىۡ نَفۡسِكَ‌ؕ اِنَّكَ اَنۡتَ عَلَّامُ الۡغُيُوۡبِ‏  ‏


Wa-iz-qaa-lul-laa-ho-ya-ee-sub-na-mur-ya-ma                                                                            Aa-un-ta-qool-ta-lin-naa-sit-ta-khay-zoo-nee                                                                            Wa-oom-me-elaa-hai-nay-min-do-nil-laa-hay

Qaa-la-soob-ha-na-ka-maa-ya-koo-no-lee                                                                                      Un-aa-qoo-la-maa-lai-sa-lee-bay-huq-qin                                                                                        In-koon-to-qool-to-hoo-fa-qud-aa-lim-ta-hoo                                                                                  Tau-la-mo-maa-fee-nuf-see-wa-laa-au-la-mo-maa-fee-nuf-say-ka                                        In-na-ka-un-ta-ul-laa-mool-gho-yoo-b


And remember when Allah said, “Listen, Jesus son of Mary,                                    Is it you who said to the people, ‘Take me                                                                    And my mother as two gods from other than Allah.’ ”

He said, “You are Holy. It was not proper for me                                                            That I say what’s not true for me.                                                                                          If I had said so You surely would have known it.                                                              You know what is in my mind and I do not know what is in Your mind.               You and only You know full well all the Unseen.


  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses; additionally; but; also; more over; though; when; while; yet)

The text in following seven (7) words is repeated in verses 005:111 and 005:117

  • اِذۡ — Iz — When (= At the time or event; call to mind; recall; remember; think of the time, event, occasion or opportunity. Also, behold; consider; ponder over; reflect. A/t/a, ‘when,’ ‘(remember) when,’ ‘Behold’ and ‘Keep in mind when’)
  • قَا لَ — Qaa-la … (ul) –He said (= v., past, s, m, 3rd person. Announced, called, conveyed, declared, informed, specified or told. A/t/a, ‘said.’ But sating ‘will say,’  ‘will say (on the Day of Resurrection)’ and ‘will ask’ in the future tense is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated in the past tense 
  • ٱللَّهَ — Laa-ha — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • يٰۤ — Yaa — Listen (= Be attentive; hearken; pay attention; O!)
  • عِيۡسٰى — Ee-sa … (ub) — Jesus (= Isa; The name of a Messenger / Prophet of Allah; Jesus.  A/t/a, ‘Isa (Jesus)’
  • ابۡنَ — Ub-na — Son (= n., s., Boy; male child)
  • مَرۡيَمَ — Mur-ya-ma …(uz) — Mary (= The mother of Jesus Christ. ‘Maryam (Mary)’
  • ءَ — Aa — Is it (= Question mark like Are, Can, Have, Shell or Will?)
  • اَنۡتَ — Un-ta — You (= Combination of two words. The first word  اِنۡ  means absolutely, doubtlessly, indeed, positively, really, surely, truly or verily. The second word  تَ  means you.  A/t/a, ‘Did you ever’)
  • قُلۡتَ — Qool-ta — You said (= v., past, s, m, 2nd person. Announced; called; conveyed; declared; directed; informed; instructed; ordered; told. Also, commanded; directed; instructed; laid down; mandated; ordered. A/t/a, ‘didst thou say,’ ‘did you say’ and ‘say’)
  •  لِ — Lay…(in) — For / To (= For the object, person, purpose or reason of; intended for; meant for; on account of; concerning; regarding; relative to. A/t/a, ‘unto’ and ‘to’)
  •  لنَّاسِ — Naa-say … (it) — The people (= Factions; folks, mankind [mmp, njd], groups of men, nations or tribes. Human beings. A/t/a, ‘men’)
  •  تَتَّخِذُوۡ — Tut-ta-khay-zoo — You take      (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. Adopt; bring in; catch; consider construe; make part and parcel; put in; take; treat. A/t/a, ‘worship’ and Take’)
  •  نِىۡ — Nee — Me (= pro., s., m & f., 1st person. Me)
  •  وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above)
  • اُمّ — Oom — Mother (= End; final place to come for comfort and rest; mom)
  • ىۡ — Ee — My (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • اِلٰهَيۡنِ — Elaa-hi-nay — Two gods (= n., Beings, deities or gods worthy of being worshipped. A/t/a, ‘As gods,’ ‘as two gods’ and ‘for two gods’)
  • مِنۡ دُوۡنِ — Min-do-n(il) — From other than (= Combination of two words. The first word مِنۡ (min) means among, from or out of the class or category of several articles, counts, kinds, things or person. The second word دُوۡنِ (do-nay) means besides, beyond, except, excluding or save. Jointly the two words mean apart from, exclusive of, other than, instead of, in place of, in preference to, over and beyond, rather than, to the exclusion of. A/t/a, ‘besides,’ ‘beside’ and ‘in derogation of’)
  • اللّٰهِ — Laa-hay — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • قَا لَ — Qaa-la — He said (= v., past, s, m, 3rd person. Would announce, answer,          convey, declare, inform, explain, reply, state, submit or tell. A/t/a, ‘He (- Jesus) replied. But stating that ‘will say’ and ‘he will answer’ in the future tense is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has described in the past tense)
  • سُبۡحٰنَ — Soob-haa-na — Holy (= adj., Being holy. Beyond earthly sentimentality. Exalted  above. Glorious. Holy. Praiseworthy. With no blemish. A/t/a, ‘Glory is to,’ ‘Glory be to,’ ‘Holy art,’ ‘Be glorified’ and ‘Glorified are you’)
  • كَ — Ka — You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. A/t/a, ‘thee’ and ‘Thou’)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — No / Not (= Never. A/t/a, ‘never … to which’ and ‘to which’)
  • يَكُوۡنُ — Ya-koo-no — Right (= v., pres., m., s., 3rd person. Becoming good and proper. A/t/a, ‘It  behoves’ and ‘it is … fitting.’ But saying ‘it was … possible and proper,’ ‘it was’ and ‘how could’ in the past tense is no translation of the text of the Holy Qor-aan which is in the present tense)
  • لِىۡۤ — Lee — For me (= Combination of two words. The first word is  لِ  which means for the object, person, purpose or reason of. The second word is ىۡ which is a pronoun for a single person  of the first person)
  • اَنۡ — Un — That (= So that)
  • اَقُوۡلَ — Aa-qoo-la — I say (= v., pres., s., 1st person. Instruct; order; lay; state; tell. A/t/a, ‘to have said,’ ‘mine to utter’ and ‘to say.’ Some authors combined several words to   translate into ‘Never could I say,’ ‘I could never say’ and ‘not for me to say)
  • مَاۤ  — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever; at such time; when. A/t/a, ‘What’ and ‘which’)
  • لَيۡسَ — Lai-sa — No (= Absolute denial; never; not at all; total negation)
  • لِىۡۤ — Lee — For me (= See لِىۡۤ above. A/t/a, ‘to which I had,’ ‘I have’ and ‘I had’)
  • بِ  — Bay — With (= Literally the word  بِ  means with)
  • حَقٍّ — Huq-qin — True (= n., Appropriateness; equitability; exactness; fairness;   just cause; justification; right; truth; justified conduct. Precise, solid, total or absolute reasonableness. — Adv as the word has a بِ prior to it. Appropriately, equitably; fairly; justifiably, rightly, with precision or good reason.. A/t/a, ‘right to (say)’ and ‘right’)
  • اِنۡ — In — If (= In case; under the circumstances; when; when situation arises; whenever) A/t/a, ‘Had I’)
  • كُنۡتُ — Koon-to — I had been (= v., past., s., 1st  person. I had been; used to)
  • قُلۡتُ — Qool-to — I said (= v., past, s, m, 1st person. Announced; broadcast; called;   commanded; conveyed; declared; declared; instructed; laid down; mandated; ordered. A/t/a, ‘said Such a thing,’ ‘had said it,’ ‘say,’ ‘indeed, I had said’ and ‘had ever said so’)
  • هٗ — Hoo — It / so (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid saying. A/t/a, ‘such a thing’)
  • فَ  — Fa — Then (= After all this; at the end; consequently; finally; hence; in conclusion; so; thereafter; therefore; thus)
  • قَدۡ — Qud — Surely (= This word lays emphasis such as very definitely, indeed and surely. See Note 004:049 and Commentary titled the 2 Words of Emphasis used together multiply effect. A/t/a, ‘most surely’)
  • عَلِمۡتَ — Aa-lim-ta — You knew (= v., past., s., 2nd person. You would be aware, knew and informed. A/t/a, ‘Thou wouldst Indeed have known,’ ‘Thou wouldst have surely known,’ ‘Thou wouldst surely have known,’ ‘thou knowest,’ ‘you would have known’ and ‘you would have … known’)
  • هٗ — Hoo — It (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid saying)
  • تَعۡلَمُ — Tau-la-mo  — You know (= v., pres., s., 2nd  person. You are aware, informed, know.  A/t/a,  ‘Thou knowest’)
  •  مَاۤ — Maa — All that (= What; whatever; whatsoever. See  مَاۤ  above)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= Amidst. Among. Contained inside a thing or mind)
  • نَفۡسِ — Nuf-say — Mind (= n., s., An individual’s inner-most, heart, mind, self, soul.  A/t/a, ‘inner self’)
  • ىۡ — Ee — My (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • وَ — Wa — And (= Conj., links words, phrases or clauses. See وَ  above. A/t/a, ‘though’)
  • لَا — Laa — Do not (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; absolute  denial and total negation without exception. A/t/a, ‘do not’)
  • اَعۡلَمُ — Au-la-mo — I know (= v., pres., s., 1st person. I am aware. A/t/a, ‘I cannot tell’)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= Al that; whatever; whatsoever; at such time; when)
  • فِىۡ — Fee — In (= Amidst. Among. Contained inside a thing or mind. A/t/a, ‘within’)
  • نَفۡسِ — Nuf-say  — Self (= n., s., An individual’s inner-most, heart, mind, or soul)
  •  كَ — Ka –You (= pro., s., m., 2nd person. You single male. A/t/a, ‘Thine,’ ‘Thy,’ ‘Yours’ and ‘You’)
  • اِنَّكَ اَنۡتَ — In-na-ka-un-ta — You Only You (= Accurate meanings as shown in Note 002:128. Briefly,  اِنَّ (in-na) means exclusively, clearly, surely, etc.  كَ (ka) and اَنۡتَ (un-ta) are pronouns for a 3rd person in masculine gender. This phrase emphasizes that only God Almighty has the attributes that follow it)
  • عَلَّامُ — Ul-laa-mo … (ol) — Real knower (= adj; Highly informed; very much in the know. A/t/a, ‘Knowest in full,’  ‘the great Knower,’ ‘Who possessest full knowledge of,’ ‘art the Knower of, ’ ‘Who truly now,’ ‘All-Knowing,’ ‘alone know’ and ‘the All-Knower’)
  •  الۡغُيُوۡبِ — Gho-yoo-b — The Unseen (= n., pl., Hidden invisible or secret realities hitherto The unknown. The unseen. Things beyond being seen. A/t/a, ‘All that hidden,’ ‘all that is hidden (and unseen),’ ‘of the unseen,’ ‘of hidden things,’ ‘all hidden things,’ ‘Things Hidden,’ ‘all things unseen’ and ‘what is hidden’)
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The Holy Qor-aan                                                                                                     005:116


قَالَ اللّٰهُ اِنِّىۡ مُنَزِّلُهَا عَلَيۡكُمۡ‌ۚ فَمَنۡ يَّكۡفُرۡ بَعۡدُ مِنۡكُمۡ فَاِنِّىۡۤ اُعَذِّبُهٗ عَذَابًا لَّاۤ اُعَذِّبُهٗۤ اَحَدًا مِّنَ الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَ


Qaa-lul-laa-ho-in-nee-mo-nuz-zay-lo-haa-alai-koom                                                                Fa-mun-yuk-foor-bau-do-min-koom                                                                                                Fa-in-nee-o-uz-zay-bo-hoo-aa-zaa-bun-laa                                                                                    O-uz-zay-bo-hoo-aa-ha-dum-may-nul-aa-la-mee-n


Allah said, “I certainly will be its sender to you.                                                        But anyone who among you disbelieves thereafter                                                  Then I surely will punish him a punishment                                                              Which I have not inflicted on anyone in the worlds.


  • قَا لَ — Qaa-la … (ul) — He said (= v., past, s, m, 3rd person. Announced; broadcast; called; conveyed; declared; informed; specified; told. Also, commanded; directed; laid down. A/t/a, ‘replied’)
  • اللّٰهُ — Laa-ho — Allah (= The One and the Only One Almighty God)
  • اِنِّ — In-n … (ne) — Certainly (= Absolutely; clearly, decidedly; definitely; doubtlessly; indeed; positively; really; surely; truly; verily. A/t/a, ’Lo!’)
  • ىۡ — Ee — I (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • مُنَزِّلُ — Mo-nuz-zay-lo — Sender (= n., Dispatcher; sender. One who forwards. A/t/a, ‘will send it down,’ ‘I send it down,’ ‘be (always) sending it (- the food) down,’ ‘am going to send … down’ and ‘am sending one’ but such verbs do not translate what the Holy Qor-aan has described in noun)
  • هَا — Haa — It (= pro., s., f., 3rd person., Refers to aforesaid group)
  • عَلَيۡ — Alai — On (= Above; against; before; during; for; on; on top of; over. A/t/a, ‘unto’ and ‘to’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan has often addressed men and women jointly this way)
  • فَ — Fa — Then / But (= After all this; at the end; consequently; finally; hence; so; thereafter; therefore; thus. A/t/a, ‘but’ and ‘And’)
  • مَنۡ — Mun — Who (= Anyone; whoever; whom; whomever; whoso. A/t/a, ‘whosoever’ and ‘any’)
  • يَّكۡفُرۡ — Yuk-foor — Disbelieves (= v., pres., s., m., 3rd person. Acts thankless or ungrateful. Disbelieves. Denies. Disclaims. Fails to acknowledge or appreciate. Prohibits. Rejects. See our Commentary Believe and Disbelieve. A/t/a, ‘resiseth faith,’ ‘disbelieveth,’ ‘disbelieves,’ ‘is ungrateful’ and ‘shows ingratitude’)
  • بَعۡدُ — Bau-do — Thereafter (= Subsequently; succeeding. A/t/a, ‘afterwards,’ ‘afterward’ and ‘hereafter’)
  • مِنۡ — Min — From among (= Among, from or out of the class or category of several articles, counts, kind, things, persons or phenomenon. A/t/a, ‘of’)
  • كُمۡ — Koom — You (= pro., pl., 2nd person. You all men. The Holy Qor-aan generally addresses men and women jointly this way)
  • فَ — Fa — Then (= After this; hence; so; thus; therefore. See فَ above. A/t/a, ‘then’)
  •  اِنِّ — In-n … (ee) — Certainly (= Absolutely; clearly, decidedly; definitely. See اِنَّ above. A/t/a, ‘surely’)
  • ىۡ — Ee — I (= pro., s., 1st person., I; me; my)
  • اُعَذِّبُ — O-uz-zay-bo — Punish (= v., pres., s., 1st  person. I give, impose or inflict a  chastisement or punishment. A/t/a, ‘I will punish,’ ‘I will chastise,’ ‘I will … punish,’ and ‘will I punish.’ But ‘shall be punished’ in the passive voice is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated in the active voice)
  • هٗ — Hoo — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to the aforesaid person who has deserved the punishment. A/t/a, ‘him’ and ‘Such as him.’ But stating ‘them’ in the plural is no translation of what the Holy Qor-aan has stated in the singular and clearly indicates that only the ungrateful individual will get punished)
  • عَذَابًا — Aa-zaa-bun — Punishment (= n., agony, chastisement, doom, hard task, penalty,  recompense; torment, torture or scourge. A/t/a, ‘with a penalty,’ ‘with torment wherewith,’ ‘with a punishment wherewith,’ ‘with a torment such as,’ ‘with a chastisement with which’ and ‘with a punishment which’)
  • لَّاۤ — Laa — Not (= Naught; neither; never; none; nor; not at all; absolute denial and total negation without exception. From this One author translated this and the next five words as ‘I have chastised no other being’)
  • اُعَذِّبُ — O-uz-zay-bo — Punish (= v., pres., s., 1st  person. I give, impose or inflict a   chastisement or punishment. See  اُعَذِّبُ  above. A/t/a, ‘I will … chastise,’ ‘I will … punish,’ ’I will give to.’ But ‘I have … punished,’ ‘I have chastised,’ ‘I have … inflicted’ ‘and ‘inflicted’ in the past tense have not translated what the Holy Qor-aan has stated for the future in future tense)
  • هٗ — Hoo — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid punishment)
  • اَحَدًا — Aa-ha-dun … (m) — Anyone (= n., Individual; single. A/t/a, ‘anyone,’ ‘any other,’  ‘no one else’ and ‘other’)
  • مِّنَ — May-na …(ul) — From (= Among, from or out of the …  See  مِنۡ above. A/t/a, ‘of’)
  • الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَ — Aa-la-mee-n — The Worlds (= n., pl., In relation to man the word implies being limited to time and place. It means The Worlds, the whole wide world of the Age, nations of the time, contemporaries in towns or territory of a known period and people in given cities or countries. See Note 001:002. A/t/a, ‘of (My) creatures,’ ‘All the people,’ ‘the peoples,’ ‘the nations,’ ‘(all) the Alamin (mankind and jinn),’ ‘in the whole world’ and ‘being.’  Author N J Dawood stated his view based upon the last six words of this verse ‘as no man has ever been punished’ instead of translating the text of the Holy Qor-aan)
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