Paradise Blessings – Really or just Spiritually

Paradise Blessings — Really or just Spiritually


The word   ا   ز و ا ج   is the plural of  ز و ج  that means a spouse (see the Commentary titled as the Prayers for Spouses), associate , associate, companion, friend, relation, comrade, colleague, any real and dear mate. The relation between such persons can be on the individual, social, professional, national, international, political or any other level.


The word  جَنّٰتُ  as described in the Holy Qor-aan is the Paradise which is wider than the heavens and the earth. [003:134]


The concepts covered in the Holy Qor-aan are enormously bigger, wider and larger than the limits that the human beings have set around them.


The Almighty God has explained in great details the promises which He has made to the beneficiaries who will be honored with the admission to the Paradise.

  • The Paradise will stay evergreen with the under-currents of water and the Believers who will go there will live there forever. [002:026, 003:016, 088:013, 098:009]
  • These Believers will enjoy plenteous fruits of all old and new kinds. [002:026, 043:074]
  • These Righteous will find their mates who have been thoroughly cleansed and have no (age, character, disease or) blemish of any kind. [002:026, 003:016]
  • These Righteous upon reaching will have pleasure of Allah and get things much better than heaps of gold and silver and horses and harvests. [003:015, 003:016]
  • Those destined for the Paradise will be prepared well in advance in this life and purged from all kinds of health, healing, forgiveness, legacy and other issues connected with the human shortcomings in forefathers. [026:078 to 026:094]
  • These Obedient folks will not have anything to fear or grieve [041:031, 043:069] while others could be facing the consequences of their actions in this life [026:092 to 026:103, 089:018 to 089:021].
  • These Steadfast folks will have angels ensuring to get them all they wish and all they ask. [041::032, 043:072]
  • The Almighty God will tell such Obedient fortunate to enter the Paradise to be served in trays and cups of gold and get what they like and what their eyes delight [043:072].
  • Such lucky people will have happy faces, will be well-pleased with the efforts they had made earlier, and will be in lofty levels of the Paradise with running springs, high thrones, arranged goblets, beautiful cushion and spread out carpets [088:009 to 088:017]
  • Such a Contented Soul will be welcome by God Almighty for being pleased with it as it would be pleased with Him [089:028, 089:029, 098:009]. The reward is to join other good folks [089:030], to enter the Paradise [089:031, 098:009] since the believers are the Best of the Creation [098:008] for they feared and Avoided Angering Allah. [098:009]


The Almighty God elaborately counted all above of His blessings. But the Clergy has brushed all that reality with just a word that all these blessings are only in a spiritual sense.


We at this site disagree with the Clergy. We maintain that the Almighty Allah Who has so carefully counted each blessing is capable of giving them in reality and not just spiritually.

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