Prayers for Acceptance

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)



PRAYERS for the ACCEPTANCE of prayers


  • God of us all, please accept from us what we offer. 002:128 – Abraham and Ishmael.
  • He is very close and says, “I answer the call of a caller when he calls Me.” 002-187 – God’s Rule
  • God, I dedicate to You what is in my belly with total dedication.  So please accept it from me. You indeed are the All-Hearing, All-knowing. 003:036 – An Imran tribeswoman (Holy Mary’s Mom)
  • God please give me from You Alone a pious progeny; You surely hear the prayers. 003:039 – Zachariah
  • My prayers and my worships and my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord Provident of the whole universe. 006:163 – You say
  • Pray to your God the Provident abjectly and secretly.  He surely does love not those who commit excesses. 007-056  – You say
  • God of all, we have turned to You. 007:126 – Magicians in Pharaoh’s court
  • Seek His forgiveness; then turn to Him remorsefully. Surely my God accepts prayers very fast. 011:062 – Sualeh
  • I submit complaint of my sadness and my grief to only Allah. 012:087 – Jacob
  • Directed to Him are all sincere prayers. 013:015 – Everyone
  • God of us all, You know what we conceal and what we reveal and nothing is hidden from Allah anywhere in heavens or earth; so please accept our prayers. 014:039 – Abraham
  • God, thank you for gifting me notwithstanding my old age  two sons Ishmael and Isaac.  Indeed my God is the Hearer of the prayers. 014:040 – Abraham
  • God, make me and my progeny establish the practice of worshiping You; God of us all, please accept my prayers. 014:041 – Abraham
  • Glory to God; the promise of our God is always filled. 017:109 – Believers
  • And remember your God if you forgot to do so upfront and say: My God will soon lead me to a way that  is closer to the right road than even this. 018:025 – You say
  • God, my bones have weakened and old-age has lit up on my head and I have never been disappointed in my prayers to You. 019:005 – Zachariah
  • Soon I will seek my God’s forgiveness for you; He has always been very Gracious to me. 019:048 – Abraham
  • I pray to my God; it may soon be that I won’t fail in prayers to my God. 019:049 – Abraham
  • My God knows every word in heavens or earth (spoken loudly or expressed secretly) and He is the Most Hearing, Most Knowing. 021:005 – Everyone
  • Most exalted is Allah, the Lord of the Glorious Throne. 023:117 – Everyone
  • Say, what does my God care for if your prayers were not there. 025:078 – Men of God
  • Put your faith and trust in the Mightiest, the Most Merciful, Who sees you stand and your heart turning over among all those who prostrate; He indeed is the Most Hearing, the Most Knowing. 026:218/221 – You
  • God, please make grateful for Your blessings you bestowed on me and my parents so that I may do good things that please You, and by Your Grace please enter me among the righteous.027:020 – Solomon
  • Who answers the call of the distressed when he calls Him and He gets rid of the bad and makes you the successors to the earth?  Is there anyone worthy of worship besides Allah?  How little is that you remember Him. 027:063 – God’s Rule (See also 006:018 and 010:108)
  • We gave him judgment (decision-making and wisdom) and knowledge. This is how We reward those who do good. 028:015 – Moses
  • I hope my God will soon guide me to the right road. 028:023 – Moses
  • God, I am a beggar for whatever good You give me. 028:025 – Moses
  • Pray and call to your God and do not ascribe partners to Him. 028:088 – God’s Rule
  • You pray to Me. I accept your calls quickly. Those who are too arrogant to worship Me will certainly enter  Hell as individuals despised. 040:061 – God’s Rule
  • Allah is very Kind and Well-informed to His servants. He provides for him as He pleases.  And He is the Strongest, the Mightiest. 042:020 – God’s Rule


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