People of the Pits


People Of the Pits

The 085:001 starts with God’s names and conveys the eternal message that those who hurt the Believers will be punished even though they can’t see it today with naked eye. They can repent truly to make amends because the Almighty is All-Forgiving, All-Loving – 085:015. Otherwise all worldly control, power or kingship (002:259) won’t save them from God’s wrath. He cites (085:002) natural elements (الۡبُرُوۡجِ Bo-rooj) of starry patterns, constellations, galaxies, mansions and spindles He made visible to us to lead us to believe in what He chose to keep invisible.

Allah swore by His creation of the Space and Stars. He chose the scene of cruelty by a few men who controlled the pits (085:006) where the fire was fed with a lot of fuel (085:006). The controllers put other human beings on stakes, burnt them alive and sat (085:006) watching (085:007) them. The victims were believers (085:009). The abomination was staged publicly to warn the others. This practice is as long as man’s history. Abraham was set up for that but God saved him. Pharaohs did that. Jews did it to the Christians. Christian crusades did that to the others. Moslems were fore-warned but they still practiced it. They burn their opponents even today. One of the significance of this Soorah is that it has prepared all future believers in advance. Those violated are consoled that His Seizure Is Strong And Very Severe (085:013). Those committing the atrocity have been put on a very clear notice of their total ruin (085:005). Forever all have been told of the divine scheme of things though some men do not understand. He knows the reasons why He planned that way and told man to wait (086:016 to 018). After all He Is The Doer Of What He Intends (085:016).

085:004 states the ‘witness’ شَاهِدٍ and the ‘witnessed’ مَشۡهُوۡدٍ although some translations have extrapolated them to mean differently. For example, Allamah Nooruddin referred شَاهِدٍ to the Holy Prophet s.a.w and مَشۡهُوۡدٍ to his community. And Dr Al-Hilali and Dr Khan referred شَاهِدٍ to the “Witnessing day, the Friday’ and مَشۡهُوۡدٍ to the “Witnessed Day, i.e. the day of Arafah (Hujj) the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah.”

085:005 shows that those who victimized ( اَصۡحٰبُ الۡاُخۡدُوۡدِ , us-haa-bool-ookh-dood) were ruined. A translation referred this phrass to a long story of a ‘Boy and a King’ and unfortunately tried to belittle the divinity of the message to the triviality of a fable.

085:009 provides the reason why the controllers, persecutors, patrons and spectators sat watching the brutalization. They disliked, hated and ill-treated by burning the victims alive for no fault except that they had believed in the Almighty.

The Almighty God concludes the lesson relative to the People of Pits as follows.
1. He tells all that everything belongs to Him and He witnesses everything (085:010).
2. He warns the persecutors of the believers with dire consequences (085:010).
3. He promises the Believers the Paradise as the best reward (085:010).
4. He reiterates that His Catching is indeed very severe (085:013).
5. He is the Doer Of What He Intends (085:016). He will surround the People of Pits all around (085:021) so they can’t escape the punishment for having wronged the Believers.

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