Phrase Aa-lum-ta-ra-ail-lul …

Phrase Aa-lum-ta-ra … meaning Why not you look at ….

 اَلَمۡ تَرَ اِلَى

                                                             Aa-lum-ta-ra-aiy-la…(ul)                                                              Why don’t you look at 

  • أَ — Aa — Why (= Question mark like are, can, have, shall, why or will?)
  • لَمۡ — Lum — Don’t (= Absolutely never; no, not at all)
  • تَرَ — Ta-ra — You look         (= v., pres., pl., 2nd person. This word is a combination of         two words and means look, observe, ponder, see, view, watch or witness. See Note 002:244a)
  • اِلٰٓى –Aiy-la … (ul)  At (= In the direction of; to; towards. In some situations, this word can also mean for, till or until)

Note 002:244a. Various authors have translated the phrase اَلَمۡ تَرَ اِلَى differently from each other. Some authors stated it differently from their own translations in other verses. Examples of such difference are in several verses.

The segment  اَلَمۡ (= aa-lum = don’t)   is a combination of two words. The first word أ (= aa) is a question mark. The second word لَمۡ  (= lum) means no, not, not at all, never. Jointly the combination means can’t, don’t, hasn’t, haven’t, shan’t or won’t as in verses

The segment تَرَ  (= ta-ra = you see) is a combination of two words. The first word  تَ  (= ta) means ‘you’ which some authors just mimicking the Western renditions of other scriptures have translated as thou or thy. The second word رَ  (= ra = v., pres., pl., 2nd person) means find, look, observe, ponder, see, view, watch or witness. Some situations can justify translating this word as consider, evaluate, know, notice or realize. The simple straightforward translation of this verb includes all the readers and addressees of this verse.

Why don’t you look at …                                                                                                      002:244  “ those who came from their homes in thousands but feared death.                          002:247  “ those Israelites who asked for appointment of a king to lead them.            002:259  “ him who argued with Abraham about his God since Allah gave him a kingdom.  003:024  ” those given part of the Book called to the Book of Allah to decide among them. 004:045  “ those given a part of the Book but erred and wished you too lose the right road.  004:050  “ those who pretend to be pious but it is Allah who cleanses whom He wills.  004:052  “ those given a part of the Book but believe in evil things and evil persons.  004:061  “ those who pretend to believe in what’s entrusted to you and those before you.  004:078  “ those told to observe prayer, pay Zakaat and fight in the cause of Allah.



Partial of this Phrase appears as follows.

005:063  “ To

105:002  “ How

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