Phrase Mo-sud-day-gun-lay-maa …

Phrase Mo-sud-qun-lay-maa-bai-na-ya-dai-hay 


مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيۡنَ يَدَيۡهِ


An attester for what was before it


The Holy Qor-aan has often used the Phrase Mo-sud-dun-lay-maa-bai-na-ya-dai-hay.

Following examples are of nouns in the Baub Mo-fau-il in one voice.                                      مُحَمّدۡ (mo-hum-mud) means one who has been praised a lot.                                                          مُحَرَّمۡ (mo-hur-rum) means one who has be sanctified a lot.                                                          مُكَرَّمۡ (mo-kur-rum) means one who has been honored a lot.

Other examples of nouns in Baub Mo-fau-il but in a different voice are as follows.          مُفَصِّلۡ (mo-fus-sil) means one who provides lots of details.                                                              مُفَسِّرۡ  (mo-fus-sir) means one who provides lots of interpretation.                                            مُحَدِّ ث (mo-hud-dis) means one who provides lot of Hadees (sayings of the Holy Prophet s.a.w)


The word مُصَدِّ قً۬ا as a noun means one who brings or provides a lot of support to the truth of a person, prophet, book, or scriptures that had come earlier in time, place or event. Supporter can be an approver, attestor, back-bencher, bottle-holder, testator, verifier, or witness. Support can be by acclamation, approval, affirmation, or confirmation.

The noun مُصَدِّ قً۬ا can also be used as an adjective and translated as accepting, admitting, affirming, approving, attesting, authenticating, confirming, corroborating, endorsing, establishing, fulfilling, satisfying, proving, substantiating, supporting, testifying, upholding, validating, verifying, or witnessing. And the letters ‘ing’ at the end of the above meanings make it resemble a verb in the preset participle.

  • مُصَدِّ قً۬ا — Mo-sud-day-qun — An attester (= n., A person or thing that approves, affirms, confirms or supports as an approver, back-bencher, bottle-holder, testator, verifier or witness)
  • لِّ — Lay — For (= For the benefit; with the purpose, reason or object of. Also, concerning, regarding, relative to)
  • مَاۤ — Maa — What (= All that; whatever; whatsoever; which; whichever)
  • بَيۡنَ — Bai-na — Between (= Ahead of. Among. Between. In front of)
  • يَدَيۡ — Ya-dai — Both hands (= Literally‘between both your hands’. In Arabic the phrase means ahead of, before, preceding or prior to. The Holy Qor-aan often refers to earlier or preceding divine instructions, revelations and scriptures)
  • هِ — Hay — Him (= pro., s., m., 3rd person. Refers to aforesaid person, book or Scripture whether named or not)

          An attester for what was before it                                                                            002:098 ” Refers to angel Gabriel proving true all revealed before the Holy Prophet s.a.w. 003:004 ” Refers to all earlier revelations to all earlier prophets                                      003:051 ” Refers to the earlier Scriptures named Taoraat, i.e.,Torah                                    005:047 ” Refers to the earlier Scriptures named Taoraat, i.e., Torah                                  005:049 ” Refers to all earlier Scriptures including Taoraat and Injeel i.e. Gospel or Bible


In some verses the following 2 words replace the last 3 words in this Phrase.

  • مَعَ —  Ma-aa — With (= In the company, ownership, possession or presence of)
  • كُمۡ —  Koom — You (= pro., pl., m., 2nd person. You all men. Generally, this way the Holy Qor-aan addresses both men and women)

          An attester for what was already with you.

002:042 ” Addresses the Children of Israel and tells them not to be disbelievers.          003:082 ” Addresses the followers of the Messenger, Holy Prophet s.a.w.                              004:048 ” Addresses all people of the Book generally known as Jews, Christians, and Moslems



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