Prayer for Communication & Management

Prayer for Communications and Management

The Prophet Moses (a.s)



Please God, open up for me my mind                                    020:026

And make easy for me my job                                                  020:027

And loosen up the knot from my tongue                               020:028

So that the people understand my message                          020:029

And set up for me an assistant from my family                     020:030

Aaron, my brother                                                                        020:031

Strengthen with him my responsibility                                   020:032

And make him a partner in my job                                           020:033

So that we extol You a lot                                                            020:034

And we remember You a lot                                                       020:035

You certainly have always watched for us                              020:036

He (God) said, “Surely granted is your request, O Moses” 020:037




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