Prayers All are in the Qor-aan

PRAYERS, All Are in the Qor-aan


Allah Almighty has exhorted man in the Holy Qor-aan to pray to Him in many ways such as those stated among others in verses 002:187, 013:015, 027: 063, 028:088 and 040:061. Each verse has prayers covering an enormous range of situations that man faces night and day.

Allah Almighty is referred to in the Holy Qor-aan with a pronoun for single third person. The text shows who prays and Who grants. Some pray with the exact words preserved and perpetuated in the Holy Qor-aan. Some pray by taking the ideas from there and using their own words.

The Holy Qor-aan has 114 Soorah of which 113 start with Bismillahirrahmaanirreheem [Starting with the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful] as their verse #1. The 9th Chapter [Soora Numl] does not have it. The 27th Chapter [Soora Numl] has it as its #1 & #31. Some authors did not count and number this verse as #1 as is on this site.

With the verse Bismillahirrahmaanirreheem one starts reading the Holy Qor-aan. Many scholars and interpreters have written volumes about the meanings of this most comprehensive prayer. Fully describing its significance is beyond human capability.

Prayers in the Holy Qor-aan for Acceptance, Blessings, Children and Wives, Difficulties of life, Education, Fairness, Forgiveness, Guidance, Protection, Starting Anything, Travel, Worship and other situations are listed in our several Commentaries.

Everyone can easily find a prayer for his needs to beseech Allah for help, health, wealth, strength, forgiveness, salvation, guidance, blessings, happiness, judgment or whatever one wants.  Our Commentaries show the prayers under Headings arranged alphabetically.

Moslems believe that using the words of the Holy Qor-aan gets best results, but Allah grants all prayers in any form, format or lingo. Some prayers start with the word Qool (= Say), but that format is also used for many Commands (as in 006:020) or Replies to others (as in 017:086).

Most verses with prayers are listed below. Each prayer has one goal or more. Each prayer is preceded by a number. Some verses with multiple goals are repeated successively by bifurcating its contents so that every segment with a goal shows up as a prayer under the same number.

The first three digits are the Soorah #. The next three digits are the verse #. The next is the name of prophet who initially used the prayer or others who did so at any time. The next is the gist of the prayer.  Hyper-linked numbers provide immediate access to an accurate translation of the prayer.


  • 001:001 — All — Starting with the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
  • 001:002 — All — All thanks are due to Allah + 017:112, 039:075, 039:076 and 040:066.
  • 001:005 — All — You Alone we worship and from You alone we seek help
  • 001:006 — All — Guide us to the road of the blessed, not of those who went astray.
  • 002:026 –Believer — Thoroughly cleansed associates, mates or spouses + 003:016.
  • 002:068 — Moses — God, please save me from being one of the ignorant.
  • 002:071 — Israelites — God-willing we will be rightly guided.
  • 002:127 — Abraham — God, please make this town a place of peace + 014:036
  • 002:127 — Abraham — God, please provide all kinds of fruits to those who believe.
  • 002:128 — Abraham — God, please accept from us whatever we offer.
  • 002:129 — Abraham — God, please make my progeny a nation who submit to You.
  • 002:129 — Abraham — God, please turn to us with forgiveness and compassion.
  • 002:130 — Abraham — God, please raise messengers in our future generations.
  • 002:130 — Abraham — God, please let messengers teach the Book, Wisdom and Piety.
  • 002:157 — Believers — For recovery from losses of all kinds.
  • 002:187 — God’s Rule — I answer the call of a caller when he calls Me.
  • 002:246 — God’s Rule — Allah limits or extends the provisions and sustenance for all.
  • 002:202 — Pilgrims — God, please give is the best of this life and the life-after.
  • 002:202 — Pilgrims — God please save us from the punishment of Fire.
  • 002:251 — Taloot — God, please grant us persistence and strengthen our footholds.
  • 002:256 — Aayatoolkoorsi — Master of the Sovereignty takes care of heaven and earth.
  • 002:260 — Abraham — God, I admit that You are the Controller of all things.
  • 002:261 — Abraham — God, please show me how you give Life to the Dead.
  • 002:286 — All — God, please forgive us for we heard and obeyed + 024:052.
  • 002:286 — All — God, please forgive us; to You is the Eventual Return.
  • 002:287 — All — God, please forgive us; show us mercy; You are Best Friend.
  • 002:287 — All — God, please do not punish us when we sin forgetfully or mistakenly.
  • 002:287 — All — God, please burden us not as You did to those before us.
  • 002:287 — All — God, please burden us not with what we cannot bear.
  • 002:287 — All — God, please excuse us and forgive us and show us mercy.
  • 002:287 — All — Our Protecting Friend, help us against Unbelievers, the ingrate.
    God, please excuse us and forgive us and show us mercy. You are our Protecting Friend; so help us against the ungrateful disbelievers.
  • 003:009 — All — God save our hearts from going astray after You have guided us.
  • 003:009 — All — God, please bestow upon us for You are the Best of Bestowers.
  • 003:016 — God’s Rule — God, the Seer grants heavens and spouses cleansed. 002:026.
  • 003:017 — All — God, we believe You. Please forgive us and save us from the Fire.
  • 003:027 — Say — Empower us with Independence, Sovereignty and Honor.
  • 003:028 — Say — God, You bring the living out of the dead, and dead out of the living.
  • 003:028 — Say — God, You provide for anyone You will, and beyond all measures.
  • 003:036 — Mary’s Mom — God, I dedicate to You what is in my belly; please accept.
  • 003:037 — Mary’s Mom — I seek refuge from Satan for her and her progeny.
  • 003:038 — Mary — Surely Allah provides for whom He wills beyond all measures.
  • 003:039 — Zachariah — God, please bestow upon me a pious progeny.
  • 003:041 — Zachariah — I’m old. I’ have a barren wife. But Allah does what He wills.
  • 003:048 — Mary — Allah creates what He wills. He says Be and it Has Been.
  • 003:054 — Jesus disciples — We have believed. Please list us as the witnesses to Truth.
  • 003:074 — Gods’ Rule — His hands hold abundant bounty; He gives it to one He wills .
  • 003:075 — God’s rule — He the Lord of Abundance chooses for mercy whom He wills.
  • 003:080 — God’s Rule — God gave knowledge of the Book, decision-making, judgement, power and Prophethood to Jesus who could not ask people to become his servants rather than be those of Allah
  • 003:148 — Believers — God, please forgive our sins and excesses, and grant us victory.
  • 003:191 — Believers — Signs are in the creation of heavens and earth, night and day.
  • 003:192 — Believers — Know and pray while sitting, standing or laying down on sides.
  • 003:192 — Believers —  God, You created all with purpose; save us from the fate of Fire
  • 003:193 — Believers — Whoever entered the Fire is disgraced; the Unjust get no helper.
  • 003:194 —  Believers — Prayer for forgiveness and death as a righteous person.
  • 004:076 — Believers — God, please get us out of this town of oppressors.
  • 004:076 — Believers — God, please give us a friend. God, give us a Helper
  • 005:026 — Moses — God, part me and my brother from miscreants and grant us victory
  • 005:029 — Adam’ son — Allah, Lord of the worlds, I fear only You.
  • 005:084 — Believers — We have believed; please list us as the witnesses to Truth.
  • 005:085 — Believers — God, please enter us in Heavens to be with the Righteous.
  • 005:112 — Jesus disciples — God, be a witness that we have submitted to You.
  • 005:115 — Jesus — God, give us food heavens to be joyous for our first and the last.
  • 005:115 — Jesus — God, provide for us; You are the Best of all providers.
  • 006:015 — Say — I am commanded to be the first to have submitted to Him + 006:164
  • 006:016 — Say — I fear the punishment of the Awful Day if I disobey God + 010:016.
  • 006:018 — Say — If Allah gives harm, then no one can remove. it 010:108, 027:063
  • 006:020 — Say — I am way away from those who set up partners to God.
  • 006:054 — Isn’t Allah aware of the grateful? And three other equally important questions asked from human beings are in 039:037, 039:038 and 095:009.
  • 006:080 — Abraham — god, I turn totally to Him Who created heavens and earth.
  • 006:080 — Abraham — God, I do not ascribe any partner to Him.
  • 006:162 — Say — God guided me to the faith of Abraham — always focused on Him.
  • 006:163 — Say — My prayers, my worships, my life, my death for the Lord of worlds.
  • 006:164 — Say — God has no partner; I am of the first to surrender to Him + 006:015.
  • 007:024 — Adam — God, we wronged ourselves and will lose unless You forgive us.
  • 007:044 — Believers — God, thank You for guiding us to Paradise with running rivers.
  • 007:048 — Believer — God, please save me from being one of the Unjust.
  • 007:056 — Say — Pray to your God, the Provident, in humility and secrecy.
  • 007:090 — Shoaib — God of us all, Your knowledge covers all things. We put our faith in You. Open things for us and our people. You are the best of all Deciders.
  • 007:126 — Pharaoh’s court — God, we have turned to You.
  • 007:127 — Pharaoh’s court — God, we have surrendered; grant us persistence till death.
  • 007:144 — Moses — I turn to you in repentance and am the first of the believers.
  • 007:156 — Moses — God, please do not ruin us just because of a few fools among us.
  • 007:156 — Moses —  God, please forgive us and show us mercy.
  • 007:157 — Moses — God, ordain for us the best in this life and the hereafter.
  • 009:040 — Mohammed — Don’t worry; Allah is with us
  • 009:129 — Say — I put my faith and trust in Allah
  • 010:057 — Everyone — He gives life. He gives death. And you all will return to Him.
  • 010:058/059 — Everyone — From your God has come to you an exhortation and a cure for what is inside your hearts, and a guidance and mercy for the believers.  Say, all that has come by God’s grace and blessings.  So let them enjoy all this; it is much better than what they otherwise hoard.
  • 010:086 — Moses — In Allah we trust.  God do not test us through wrongdoers.
  • 010:087 — Moses — By Your mercy save us from the disbelievers.
  • 010:089 — Moses — God, please destroy our enemy’s wealth and strike at their hearts.
  • 010:105  — Say — I do not worship what you worship besides Allah. I worship only Allah Who controls and causes death.  I am among the Believers.
  • 010:107 — Everyone — Never pray to anyone besides Allah; they can’t benefit or harm.
  • 010:108 — God’s Rule — If Allah  brings a harm, none else can remove it. If He brings a blessing none else can repel it. See also 010:108 and 027:063.
  • 010:110 — You — Follow what is revealed to you and be persistent until Allah decides. And He is the Best of the judges.
  • 011:042 — Noah — With Allah’s name may this sail and stop.
  • 011:044 — Noah — None can protect from Allah’s order except unless He shows mercy.
  • 011:046 — Noah — God, help my son and You are the best of the decision-makers.
  • 011:048 — Noah — God, I seek your protection from becoming one of the losers.
  • 011:052           Hoo-d              My reward comes from Him who created me.
  • 011:057           Hoo-d              I put my faith and trust in Allah Who is my Provider and your Provider.
  • 011:062           Sualeh              Seek His forgiveness; then turn to Him remorsefully. Surely my God accepts prayers very fast.
  • 011:073           Abraham’s wife – Am I going bear a child and I am an old woman and this man my husband is an old man?
  • 011:074           Angels                         Are you  surprised at Allah’s decree? Allah’s mercy and His blessings are on you, the people of the House. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious.
  • 011:089           Sho-aib            I only intend to make  improvements I can and I have no ability except by Allah’s help; in Him I trust and to Him I turn.
  • 011:091           You                 Seek forgiveness from your God and turn to him.  Certainly my God is Magnificently Merciful and Extremely Loving.
  • 011:113           In re Moses      You and those who have repented along with you take a firm stand as directed, and do not cross the line.
  • 011:116           Moses              Be steadfast. Allah does not waste to the reward of those who do good.
  • 011:122           Believers          Say to those who do not believe that you do things from your perspective and we do from ours.
  • 011:124           Believers          Worship Him. Have faith and trust in Him. God is aware of what you do.
  • 012:019           Jacob               I seek Allah’s help against all that you state.
  • 012:068           Jacob               The decision-making rests with Allah. I put my faith and trust in Him.
  • 012:087           Jacob               I submit complaint of my sadness and my grief to only Allah.
  • 012:099           Joseph             I seek for you the forgiveness of my God, the most Forgiving and                                                     Merciful.
  • 012:102           Joseph             God, You gave me power and taught me how to interpret the events  The Creator of heaven and earth! You are  my best Friend in this life and the Hereafter; give me death in total obedience to You and join me with the righteous.
  • 012:109           You say           My way is this: seeing things full well I and my followers call towards Allah, Glory to God. And I am not of those who ascribe partner to Him.
  • 013:015           God’s Rule       Directed to Him are all sincere prayers.
  • 013:027           God’s Rule       Allah spreads out or limits the provisions for whomever He wills.
  • 013:028           You say           Allah lets him go astray whomever He wills, and guides to Himself whoever turns to Him.
  • 013:029           Believers          Isn’t  it a fact that the remembrance of Allah comforts ailing hearts?
  • 013:030           Believers          Happiness and an excellent home are for those who have believed and are engaged in doing the right things.
  • 013:031           You say           He is my God. There is no God except Him. In Him I put my trust. And to Him I turn.
  • 013:037           You say           I am directed to worship Allah.  And I ascribe no partner to Him. To Him I call and towards Him is my return.
  • 014:012           Messengers      Those who believe should repose their trust in Allah..
  • 014:013           Messengers      Those who trust anyone should repose their trust in Allah.
  • 014:036           Abraham          God, please make this town a place of peace. Also 002:127
  • 014:036           Abraham     God, please save me and my progeny from worshiping  idols.
  • 014:037           Abraham          And whoever disobeys me may see that You indeed are the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
  • 014:038           Abraham          God of us all, I surely have stationed some of my children in a barren valley close to Your Sacred House so that they may establish the practice of worshiping You.  So please turn the hearts the people to them lovingly and longingly of and provide them the fruits that makes them grateful.
  • 014:039           Abraham          God, You know what we conceal and what we reveal; so please guide us.
  • 014:040           Abraham          God, thank you for gifting me notwithstanding my old age  two sons Ishmael and Isaac.  Indeed my God is the Hearer of the prayers.
  • 014:041           Abraham          God, make me and my progeny establish the practice of worshiping You; God of us all, please accept my prayers.
  • 014:042           Abraham          God of us all, please forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day when the Accounting takes place.
  • 017:025           You say           God, please show mercy to both my parents; they raised me when I was little.
  • 017:080           You say           Work hard with it (the Holy Qor-aan) at night; soon God would elevate you to a coveted position.
  • 017:081           You say           God, please enter me in my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful entries and exit me out of my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful exits; and You Yourself assign me a mighty helping power.
  • 017:082 — Say         Truth has come.  Lies have gone.  Lies always vanish.
  • 017:086 — Say — Coming of revelations depends upon an order from my God
  • 017:097 — Say          Allah is quite sufficient as a witness between you and me.
  • 017:109           Believers        Glory to God; the promise of our God is always filled.
  • 017:111 — Say          Call upon Allah or the Most Beneficent, the beautiful names are His.
  • 017:112 — Say           All thanks are due to he Almighty Allah. (Also see 001:002)
  • 018:011 — Cave men — God grant us mercy and show us the right way in our tasks.
  • 018:015 — Cave men — God of heaven and E, our prayers to any besides You are waste.
  • 018:024/025    You say           Never say ‘I will do this tomorrow’ unless you add  ‘if Allah wills.’
  • 018:025           You say           And remember your God if you forgot to do so upfront and say: My God will soon lead me to a way that  is closer to the right road than even this.
  • 018:039           Believer           Allah is my God and I do not ascribe any partner to Him.
  • 018:040           An idea            On entering one’s valuable asset or harvest and thanking God for the blessings say, “As Allah wills. There is no power except with the grace of Allah; especially if you saw me less than you in property and progeny (chattels and children which are the two biggest blessings of this life).”
  • 018:070           An Idea                        Make me steadfast by God’s grace and never disobey God in anything.
  • 019:005           Zachariah         God, my bones have weakened and old-age has lit up on my head and I have never been disappointed in my prayers to You.
  • 019:006           Zachariah         God, I fear my relatives after me and my wife can’t produce; so please give me an heir.
  • 019:048           Abraham          Soon I will seek my God’s forgiveness for you; He has always been very Gracious to me.
  • 019:049           Abraham          I pray to my God so that I may not be disappointed in my prayers.
  • 020:026-036    Moses             God, please broaden my mind, make my job easy, grant me eloquence so people can understand me, assign me a helper from within my family, my brother Aaron, and strengthen me with him and join him in my mission so we both may extol You a lot and remember You a lot.
  • 020:106           You say           My God will soon crush this hurdle into pieces and blow away its dust.
  • 020:115           You say           My God, please add to my knowledge.
  • 020:131           Believers          Glorify God by praising Him before the sunrise and before the sunset and n early hours of the night and at both ends of the day so that you really may become happy.
  • 021:005           A prophet        My God knows everything stated in heavens and earth.
  • 021:084           Job                   A harm has come to me and You are the most Merciful.
  • 021:088           Zoon-noon      There is no God except You, the Holiest! I have been in the wrong.
  • 021:090           Zachariah         God, please never leave me alone, and You are the Best company.
  • 021:113           You say              God, please enforce what’s just. Only He can help in what you allege.
  • 022:007           God’s Rule       Allah gives life to the dead. He indeed controls everything.
  • 022:069           Believers          Allah knows best all that you do.
  • 023:027           Noah                God, please help me because they treat me as a liar.
  • 023:029           Noah                God, thank You for rescuing us from the nation of wrongdoers.
  • 023:030           Noah                God, please land  me a blessed landing and You are the Best to bring to a safe and successful landing.
  • 023:073           God’s Rule       He is the Best of the providers.
  • 023:095           You say             God, please save me from being among the nation of wrongdoers.
  • 023:098/099    You say           God, I seek Your protection from Satanic urges and from them even appearing to us.
  • 023:107           Reprobate        God, our misfortune overcome us and we are among a nation of losers
  • 023:108           Reprobate        God, please get us out of this misfortune;  then if we still repeat it, we really will be the wrongdoers.
  • 023:110           Men of God     God, please forgive us and show us mercy; You are the Most Merciful.
  • 023:117           God’s Rule       The Real Sovereign is Allah; there is no god except Him, the Most Exalted, the Lord of the Glorious Throne.
  • 023:119           You say           God, please forgive and show mercy; and You are the most Merciful.
  • 024:017           Any victim       God, You are holy; this allegation is a big fat lie.
  • 024:052           Believers          We have heard and we have obeyed (Also see 002:286) and they are the successful.
  • 025:028           Reprobate        I wish I had taken the right road with the Messenger.
  • 025:029/030    Reprobate        I wish I did not take so and so as a friend because he misled me away from the Reminder after it had reached me and the Satan has always deserted man.
  • 025:031           Messenger        My God, my people have abandoned the Qor-aan.
  • 025:032           God’s Rule       Your God is sufficient as the Guide and the Helper.
  • 025:059           You say           Put your faith and trust in the One Living Who never dies.  Glorify Him with His praise and He is sufficient in knowing  His servants’ sins.
  • 025:066/067    Men of God     God, please save us from the long-lasting torment of Hell which is a bad place to stop at for a while or to live there for a long term.
  • 025:075           Men of God     God, please make our spouses and children an apple of the eye and make us a model-leader for the righteous.
  • 025:078           You say           What does my God care for you if you did not pray.  You rejected the Truth.  So the punishment has got stuck to you.
  • 026:022           Moses              My God gifted me a sound decision-making and made me one of the messengers.
  • 026:051           Pharaoh’s court            Now we turn to our God.
  • 026:052           Pharaoh’s court            We look forward to our  God forgiving our mistakes since we have been the earliest of the believers.
  • 026:078/083    Abraham          They all (idols and man-made values people worship) are my enemies except the Lord Provident of the universe Who created me and guides me, Who feeds me and gives me water to drink, Who cures me when I fall sick, Who will bring me death then give me life again, and to Whom I look forward to forgive me all my mistakes on the Day of Judgment.
  • 026:110           Noah               My reward comes from God, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 026:118/119    Noah                God, my people have treated me as a liar; so please grant us victory over them and rescue me and the believers who are with me.
  • 026:128           Hoo-d              My reward comes from God, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 026:146           Sualeh             My reward comes from God, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 026:165           Lot                   My reward comes from God, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 026:170           Lot                   God, please rescue me and my family from what they around us do.
  • 026:181           Sho-aib           My reward comes from God, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 026:214           You                Never pray to any deity besides Allah because then you will be of those who deserve to get punished.
  • 026:217           You                If they disobey you, say I am disconnected with what you do.
  • 026:218/220    You                 Put your faith and trust in the Mightiest, the Most Merciful Who watches over you when you stand and when your heart turns over among those who are prostrating.
  • 027:012           God’s Rule       He who did a wrong and then after the wrong changed for good will find that then I am the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
  • 027:016           {David and      All thanks are due to Allah Who gave us preference over many others of {Solomon His believing servants.
  • 027:041           Solomon          This blessing is out of the abundant grace of my God to test me whether I thankfully use it or ungratefully abuse it. Whoever acts gratefully does it for his own self.  Whoever acts ungratefully will find that my God then is the One Far-Above-Any-Needs, Extremely Generous.
  • 027:045           Sa-baa              God, I wronged myself. I surrender along with Solomon to the Almighty Allah, the Lord Provident of the universe.
  • 027:063           God’s Rule       Who answers the call of the distressed when he calls Him and He gets rid of the bad and makes you the successors to the earth?  Is there anyone worthy of worship besides Allah?  How little is that you remember Him. See also 006:018 and 010:108
  • 027:080           You                 Put your faith in Allah.
  • 028:015           Moses              We gave him judgment (decision-making and wisdom) and knowledge. This is how We reward those who do good.
  • 028:017           Moses              God, I wronged myself; please forgive me.  So We forgave him.  Indeed  He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Prayer to turn a new leaf.)
  • 028:018           Moses              God, since You have blessed me I won’t ever protect the criminals.
  • 028:022           Moses              God, please rescue me from the nation of wrongdoers.
  • 028:023           Moses             I hope my God will soon guide me to the right road.
  • 028:025           Moses              God, I am a beggar for whatever good You give me.
  • 028:034           Moses              God I killed one of them; so I fear of them killing me. (Prayer confessing the wrongs done and seeking forgiveness)
  • 028:054           Believers          We believe in this. This truly is from our God. We have already been in a state of total surrender.
  • 028:088           God’s Rule       Pray and call to your God and do not ascribe partners to Him.
  • 028:089           You                Do not pray to anyone besides Allah; there is no God besides Him
  • 029:031           Lot                 God, please help me against the mischief-mongers (the corrupt and the wicked).
  • 031:013           Looq-man        Whoever acts gratefully does that for himself. Whoever acts ungratefully then Allah certainly is the One Far-Above-Any-Need, Praise-worthy.
  • 031:014           Loo-qman        Never ascribe partners to Allah; surely the ascribing of the partners to Him is a big sin.
  • 037:101           Abraham          God, please grant me the gift of a righteous son.
  • 038:036           Solomon          God, please forgive me and grant me a domain that will never suit anyone else after me.
  • 038:042           Job                  God, Satan has touched me with trouble and torment.
  • 039:012           You say           I am ordered to worship Allah for Whom is my religion exclusively.
  • 039:013           You say           I am ordered to be the first of those who submit to Him.
  • 039:014           You say           I fear the punishment of the big day if I disobey my God.
  • 039:015           You say           I worship Allah for Who exclusively is my religion..
  • 039:037           Big Question    Isn’t Allah sufficient for His servant?
  • 039:038           Big Question    Isn’t Allah the Mightiest Avenger?
  • 039:039           You say           Allah is sufficient for me. Those who trust anyone else should really trust Him.
  • 039:062           God’s Rule       Allah rescues the righteous by granting them success;  no  harm touches them and no  grief comes to them.
  • 040:008           Angels             God, please forgive those who repented and followed Your way and save them from the punishment of hell.
  • 040:009           Angels             God of us all, please enter them  in the Gardens of Eternity that You had promised them and also those of their fathers, spouses and children who mended their ways. You certainly are the Mightiest, the Wisest.
  • 040:014           God’s Rule       He shows you His signs and sends down for you provisions from the sky (food and other needs from the resources you cannot see). None pays the heed except those who turn to Him.
  • 040:015           God’s Rule       Pray exclusively to Allah even if the disbelievers dislike that.
  • 040:045           Believers          I entrust my task to God; He surely sees to His servants.
  • 040:056           God’s Rule       You persevere. Allah’s promise is true. Seek forgiveness for your wrongs and glorify your God by thanking Him night and day.
  • 040:057           God’s Rule       You seek protection of Allah; He is All-Seeing, All-Hearing.
  • 040:061           God’s Rule       You pray to Me. I accept your calls quickly. Those who are too arrogant to worship Me will certainly enter  Hell as individuals despised.
  • 040:066           God’s Rule       He is Living. There is no God except Him. Pray to Him exclusively. All thanks are due to Allah, the Lord Provident to the Universe. (Also see  001:002 & 017:112)
  • 040:067           You say           I have been commanded to submit to the Lord Provident to the Universe.
  • 041:030           Disbelievers     God, please show us those who misled us from among the Jinn and men. We will put them both under feet so that they both become the lowest.
  • 041:031/033    God’s Rule       Those who said ‘Allah is our God’ and stayed on that road will see angels descend on them saying, “Don’t fear. And don’t grieve. And enjoy the paradise you were promised. We are your protecting friends in this life and in the Hereafter. And therein will be for you whatever you wish from the cores of your hearts. And therein will be for you whatever you ask. A very special gift descending from the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
  • 041:034           God’s Rule       Who is better in words than him who called towards Allah, acted the right way and said, “I am of those who definitely surrendered to Him.”
  • 041:037           God’s Rule       And when a Satanic evil urge incites you, seek protection of Allah. He is the Most Hearing, the Most Knowing.
  • 042:020           God’s Rule       Allah is Enormously-Informed about His servants. He provides for anyone He pleases. And He is the Strongest, the Mightiest.
  • 046:016           Everyone         God, please enable me to thank for Your blessings that You conferred on me and my parents and to act righteously so it pleases You. And improve for me my progeny. I have turned to You in repentance. And I am among those who have surrendered to You.
  • 051:051           God’s Rule       You run to reach and please Allah.
  • 051:052           God’s Rule       You do not set up anyone as worthy of worship besides Allah.
  • 051:056           God’s Rule       You exhort the remembrance of Allah; such remembrance surely benefits the believers.
  • 051:059           God’s Rule       Allah definitely is the best Provider, the Master of the Mightiest Strength
  • 054:011/012    Noah                God, I am overpowered; please help me; so We opened the gates of the Heavens with water pouring down.
  • 059:011           Believers          God of us all, please forgive us and our brethren in Faith gone ahead of us. And let there be no rancor in our hearts for those who have believed.You indeed are the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
  • 060:005           Abraham          God of us all, we put our faith and trust in You.  We have turned to You. And to You is the ultimate return of everything.
  • 060:006           Abraham          God of us all, please do not let us become the object of experimentation and testing by the disbelievers. And please forgive us, God of us all. You indeed are the Mightiest, the Wisest.
  • 062:011        You    Seek Allah’s blessings and remember Allah a lot so you may prosper.
  • 062:012           You Say           What Allah has is better than the amusement and trading, and Allah is the best of the providers.
  • 066:012           Pharaoh’s wife God, please build me a home close to You in the Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his acts and rescue me from the nation of wrongdoers.
  • 068:030           Believers          You are holy, God of us all; surely it’s us who have been doing wrong.
  • 068:033 — Believers — Hopefully our God will soon change this situation into a better one; to our God we turn.
  • 071:011 — Noah — Seek forgiveness from God Who has always been highly forgiving.
  • 071:027 — Noah — God, please do not leave on earth any home for the disbelievers.
  • 071:029 — Noah — God, please forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my household as a believer, and all believing men and women, and do not increase the  wrongdoers except in perdition.
  • 075:041 — Big Question — Does He not have the power to raise the dead to life again?
  • 095:009 — Big Question — Isn’t Allah the best of the Judges?
  • 112:All — Say — Proclaim that Allah Almighty is One and the Only One God.
  • 113:All — Say — Seek protection of Allah Almighty from all kinds of evils.
  • 114:All — Say — Seek protection from evil Satanic thoughts, urges and whisperings.
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