Prayers for Blessings

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)




  • God of us all, please give us the best in this life and the best in the hereafter. 002:202 – Pilgrims
  • God of us all, please bestow on us Your mercy. You are the One who bestows the most.003:009 – Wise people
  • Allah, Our God, You are the Master of  Sovereignty. You grant the sovereignty (wisdom, power, domain, fiefdom, kingdom) whomever You will. You take away the sovereignty from anyone You will.  And You honor whomever You will and You dishonor whomever You will – all with Your Good Hands.  You certainly are The Controller on all things. 003:027 – You say
  • Abundant bounty is in Allah’s Hands. He gives it to anyone He wills. 003:074 – You say
  • Allah, the Lord of Abundance chooses for His mercy whomever He wills. 003:075 – God’s rule
  • We beseech our God to enters us in Heavens along with the Righteous. 005:085 – Believers
  • God of us all, please send us food from the heavens so that it becomes a joyous occasion  for our predecessors and successors and a Big Sign from You.  And provide for us directly from You. And You are the Best of the providers – 005:115 – Jesus
  • Prayer to avoid the bad and get the good: If Allah touches you with a harm, then none can remove it. And if Allah touches you with a good thing, then He does have the power to do all everything. 006:018  – God’s Rule
  • We thank Allah for removing the deep-seated will in hearts and guiding us to this paradise below which rivers run.. 007:044 – Believers
  • God, please enter me in my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful entries and exit me out of my affairs with appropriate, equitable, fair, genuine, honest, justified and truthful exits; and You Yourself assign me a mighty helping power. 017:081 – You say.
  • God of us all, Your knowledge covers everything. We put our faith and trust in Allah. God us all, please open up by deciding really (in equity, fairness, justice and truth) the things between us and our people. And You are the Best of the Openers and Deciders . 007:090 – Shoaib
  • Please God ordain for us the best in this life and the hereafter. 007:157 -Moses and his selection of seventy followers
  • From your God has come to you an exhortation and a cure for what is inside your hearts, and a guidance and mercy for the believers. Say, all that has come by God’s grace and blessings.  So let them enjoy all this; it is much better than what they hoard. 010:058/059 – Mankind
  • If Allah touches you with a harm, then no one can remove it.  And  if He decides to bring you a good, then none can repel His blessings.  010:108 – God’s Rule – See also 006:018 and 027:063
  • God, my son is in my family. And Your promise is true. And You are the Best decision-maker. 011:046 – Noah
  • My reward comes from Him who created me. 011:052 – Hoo-d
  • I only intend to make  improvements I can and I have no ability except by Allah’s help; in Him I trust and to Him I turn. 011:089 – Sho-aib
  • God, You gave me power and taught me how to interpret the events  The Creator of heaven and earth! You are  my best Friend in this life and the Hereafter; give me death in total obedience to You and join me with the righteous. 012:102 – Joseph
  • Happiness and an excellent home are for those who have believed and are engaged in doing the right things. 013:030 – Believers
  • God, please make this town a place of peace. 014:036- Abraham     (Also 002:127)
  • God of us all, I surely have stationed some of my children in a barren valley close to Your Sacred House so that they may establish the practice of worshiping You.  So please turn the hearts the people to them lovingly and longingly of and provide them the fruits that makes them grateful. 014:038 – Abraham
  • God, thank you for gifting me notwithstanding my old age  two sons Ishmael and Isaac.  Indeed my God is the Hearer of the prayers. 014:040 – Abraham
  • Work hard with it (the Holy Qor-aan) at night; soon God would elevate you to a coveted position. 017:080 – You say
  • The Divine Spirit always comes with an order from my God. 017:086 – You say
  • On entering one’s valuable asset or harvest and thanking God for the blessings say, “As Allah wills. There is no power except with the grace of Allah; especially if you saw me less than you in property and progeny (chattels and children which are the two biggest blessings of this life).” 018:040  – An idea
  • God, please broaden my mind, make my job easy, grant me eloquence so people can understand me, assign me a helper from within my family,  my brother Aaron, and strengthen me with him and join him in my mission so we both may extol You a lot and remember You a lot. 020:026-036 – Moses
  • God, please make our spouses and children an apple of the eye and make us a model-leader for the righteous. 025:075 – Men of God
  • My God gifted me a sound decision-making and made me one of the messengers. 026:022 – Moses
  • We look forward to our  God forgiving our mistakes since we have been the earliest of the believers. 026:052 – Pharaoh’s court
  • They all (idols and man-made values people worship) are my enemies except the Lord Provident of the universe Who created me and guides me, Who feeds me and gives me water to drink, Who cures me when I fall sick, Who will bring me death then give me life again, and to Whom I look forward to forgive me all my mistakes on the Day of Judgment. 026:078/083 – Abraham
  • God, please grant me decision-making,  judgment and wisdom, and join me with righteous.  And please give me a good reputation in the posterity. And please make me an heir to the Blissful Garden Paradise.  026:084/086 – Abraham
  • Put your faith and trust in the Mightiest, the Most Merciful Who watches over you when you stand and when your heart turns over among those who are prostrating. 026:218/220 – You
  • All thanks are due to Allah Who gave us preference over many others of His believing servants. 027:016 – David and Solomon
  • God, please make grateful for Your blessings you bestowed on me and my parents so that I may do good things that please You, and by Your Grace please enter me among the righteous.027:020 – Solomon
  • This blessing is out of the abundant grace of my God to test me whether I thankfully use it or ungratefully abuse it. Whoever acts gratefully does it for his own self.  Whoever acts ungratefully will find that my God then is the One Far-Above-Any-Needs, Extremely Generous. 027:041 – Solomon
  • God, since You have blessed me I won’t ever protect the criminals. 028:018 – Moses
  • I hope my God will soon guide me to the right road. 028:023 – Moses
  • God, I am a beggar for whatever good You give me. 028:025 – Moses
  • God, please grant me the gift of a righteous son. 037:101- Abraham
  • God, please forgive me and grant me a domain that will never suit anyone else after me. 038:036 – Solomon
  • Allah rescues the righteous by granting them success;  no  harm touches them and no  grief comes to them. 039:062 – God’s Rule
  • He shows you His signs and sends down for you provisions from the sky (food and other needs from the sources you cannot see). None pays heed  except those who turn to Him. 040:014 – God’s Rule
  • You persevere. Allah’s promise is true. Seek forgiveness for your wrongs and glorify your God by thanking Him night and day. 040:056 – God’s Rule
  • Those who said ‘Allah is our God’ and stayed on that road will see angels descend on them saying, “Don’t fear. And don’t grieve. And enjoy the paradise you were promised. We are your protecting friends in this life and in the Hereafter. And therein will be for you whatever you wish from the cores of your hearts. And therein will be for you whatever you ask. A very special gift descending from the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 041:031/033 – God’s Rule
  • God, please enable me to thank for Your blessings that You conferred on me and my parents and to act righteously so it pleases You. And improve for me my progeny. I have turned to You in repentance. And I am among those who have surrendered to You. 046:016 – Everyone
  • You exhort the remembrance of Allah; such remembrance surely benefits the believers. 051:056 – God’s Rule
  • Seek Allah’s blessings and remember Allah a lot so you may prosper. 062:011 – You
  • What Allah has is better than the amusement and trading, and Allah is the best of the providers. 062:012 – You Say
  • God, please build me a home close to You in the Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his acts and rescue me from the nation of wrongdoers. 066:012 – Pharaoh’s wife
  • God, please forgive me, my parents and whoever enters my household as a believer, and all believing men and women, and do not increase the wrongdoers except in perdition. 071:029 – Noah
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