Prayers for Faith and Trust

(Please read our Commentary titled the PRAYERS, All Are In the Qor-aan

as a prelude to the following prayers)




  • God of us all, we have believed in what You sent down  and followed the messenger; so please record us as the witnesses to the Truth . 003:054 – Disciples of Jesus
  • You see their eyes overflow with tears because they recognized the truth and say, ‘God of us all, we have believed; please record us as the witnesses to the Truth. 005:084 – Believers
  • We have believed and please bear witness that we have surrendered to you in total submission, 005:112 – Disciples of Jesus
  • I have been directed to be the first of those who submit and be not of those who ascribe partners to God. 006:015 – You say
  • He surely is the One and the Only One worthy of worship, and I am far removed from those who ascribe partners to Him. 006:020 – You say
  • I have focused all my attention to Him Who created the heavens and earth. Being totally inclined to Him I am not one of those who ascribe partners to Him. 006:080 – Abraham
  • God of us all, Your knowledge covers everything. We put our faith and trust in Allah. God us all, please open up by deciding really (in equity, fairness, justice and truth) the things between us and our people. And You are the Best of the Openers and Deciders . 007:090 – Shoaib
  • God, we have turned to You. 007:126 – Pharaoh’s court
  • Do not worry; Allah is with us. 009:040 – Mohammed s.a.w
  • I put my faith and trust in Allah’ – 009:129 – You say
  • In Allah we repose our faith and trust.  God of us all, please let us not be the object of tests by the Unjust. 010:086 – Family, friends and followers of Moses
  • I put my faith and trust in Allah Who is my Provider and your Provider. 011:057 – Hoo-d
  • I only intend to make  improvements I can and I have no ability except by Allah’s help; in Him I trust and to Him I turn. 011:089 – Shoaib
  • Worship Him. Have faith and trust in Him. God is aware of what you do. 011:124 – Believers
  • The decision-making rests with Allah. I put my faith and trust in Him. And all those who trust anyone should put their faith and trust in Him. 012:068 – Jacob
  • He is my God. There is no God except Him. In Him I put my trust. And to Him I turn. 013:031 – You say
  • I have been directed to worship Allah and ascribe no partner to Him. To Him I call and to Him I turn. 013:037 – You say
  • Those who believe should repose their trust in Allah. 014:012 – Messengers
  • Those who put faith in anyone should repose their trust in Allah. 014:013 – Messengers
  • Put your faith and trust in the One Living Who never dies.  Glorify Him with His praise and He is sufficient in knowing  His servants’ sins.  025:059 – You say
  • Put your faith and trust in the Mightiest, the Most Merciful Who watches over you when you stand and when your heart turns over among those who are prostrating. 026:218/220 – You
  • Put your faith in Allah. 027:08 – You say
  • God of us all, we put our faith and trust in You and to You we turn and to You is the ultimate return. 060:005 – Abraham
  • Allah is sufficient for me. Those who trust anyone else should really trust Him. 039:039 – You
  • I entrust my task to God; He surely sees to His servants. 040:045 – Believers
  • God of us all, we put our faith and trust in You.  We have turned to You. And to You is the ultimate return of everything. 060:005 – Abraham


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